
Donald Trump Jr.: Hillary’s Spying Was Worse Than Watergate

BUCK: We’re about to dive deep into the latest Clinton campaign-backed Russia collusion conspiracy madness. Headline up on the Daily Mail: “Ex-director of National Intelligence Claims Biden and Obama Knew About Hillary Campaign Plot to Hack from Servers: ‘Enough evidence in Durham’s Russia probe to indict MULTIPLE people.'”

What did they know; when did they know it? We’re now joined by somebody who knows a lot about this situation. He lived it. He fought through it. Former president Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. is with us now. Good to have you, sir. Thanks for being on the program.

TRUMP JR.: It’s great to be with you guys. How are you?

BUCK: We’re good, Don. But you’ve gotta tell us, man, what’s it feel like to see this stuff coming out now? It would have been helpful to know this a while ago, obviously. But it feels like we’re just beginning to get somewhere near the full truth.

TRUMP JR.: Well, listen. You’re right. I lived it. I did 30 hours of testimony about something that they literally manufactured themselves. Where’s the inspector general? Is every government contractor allowed to weaponize data? Are they allowed to spy on the president of the United States of America? This is serious stuff. I’m curious, Clay. Where is the “It’s Worse Than Watergate Crowd”?

I figured they’d wheel Bob Woodward out from under the rock because every tweet my father sent was “worse than Watergate.” This actually is. They legitimately spied on the president of the United States, and now Jake Sullivan, someone who’s in the Biden administration presumably negotiating with Russia — seems to at least be involved or at least have intimate knowledge/created the whole bogeyman Russia thing — is now negotiating with Russia to try to prevent us from getting into war in the Ukraine?

You can’t make this stuff up. This is insanity, and it’s truly scary. I wish it had come out earlier. We all knew it was nonsense, at least those with a brain. But, you know, that didn’t go well for the swamp, It didn’t go well for the Democrats and their lackeys in the media, and so they kept pushing Russia collusion as though it was real. But, you know, I guess it was real. It just was with the Democrats and with Hillary Clinton and within the Biden and the Obama administrations, and because of that no one’s gonna cover anything.

CLAY: It’s wild, too, to look at… When I saw this come out, Fox News obviously did a great job of covering it and tweeted about it, shared it, it ricocheted around obviously in the universe of people who follow me. But, Don, when you look at what’s going on here with the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, they’re totally pretending this doesn’t exist at all, despite the fact that these are pretty serious allegations being brought by the government investigator Durham himself.

Are you even yourself a little bit surprised that this story is still not getting attention, even when it’s not coming from you or your dad or people who are in the political realm necessarily? This is theoretically an independent political investigation, an independent counsel that is putting forth amazingly detailed allegations of — and I don’t think you’re exaggerating at all — things that are as bad or worse than what Richard Nixon was accused of during Watergate?

TRUMP JR.: I’m not surprised at all because I’ve been watching. I mean, I’ve seen ’em do it. Yesterday the big story on CNN was Joe Rogan and his use — even though he was quoting someone else — of the N-word. It’s literally like it’s 9/11. It’s January 6th. It’s another January 6th. And January 6th was worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor as we’ve been told. And the list goes on and on.

It’s all garbage, but it doesn’t matter because there’s been no consequence to these guys pushing it other than CNN’s ratings are down 80%. That shouldn’t surprise you because they’ve been propagandists, but the New York Times is no better. They’re no different. They’re not gonna talk about it. Hell, it seems like they may have known. They were certainly involved in pushing the disinformation.

The people that were creating the fictitious Russia narrative went specifically to the New York Times because they knew they would be friendly to their cause. Their cause was to hurt Donald Trump. It was to hurt anyone Republican, probably beyond that. But especially Trump because he was a real threat to the swamp on both sides. And so to me they’re complicit in all of this. You see that day in and day out.

CLAY: What does it feel like to see Hunter Biden actually do all the things that people said you did?

TRUMP JR.: Oh, and it’s totally fine. Now he’s a very accomplished artist. Of course, we don’t need to know the names of the buyers!

CLAY: Yeah, $500,000 people are paying for his paintings. Can you imagine if you had tried to go out and sell paintings for half a million dollars?

TRUMP JR.: I should do it!

CLAY: (laughing)

TRUMP JR.: If I made $2, they’d lose their minds. You know, Hunter Biden, who had no experience any of these things, seems to be linked in all of these countries. By the way, the story that no one seems to be talking about is, given all of the shady connections to Ukraine with Hunter and the no-show jobs and the millions of jobs and this, that, do you think that maybe the decision-makers…?

Whether it’s Joe Biden if he’s capable of even making a decision at this point or anyone else in that administration, do you think that they could be perhaps biased or making bad decisions for America because someone else has more information about the shady stuff that was going on? I know that if it was me, they’d be at least asking the question. No one even seems to be talking about it.

There’s moments where we’re at the verge of World War III, and the president of Ukraine is telling America to calm down; it’s not as bad as you’re making it. You have guys that created the Russia bogeyman negotiating on behalf of the United States against Putin. I’m sure he’ll take that well. It’s lunacy. Again, it should be a big story, and they’re not even talking about it. It’s not even like it’s buried somewhere. They’re just like closing their eyes because understanding it didn’t happen. It’s both despicable and not surprising.

BUCK: Speaking to Donald Trump Jr., son of former president Trump. Don, do you have any confidence that we’re gonna get these answers about the full extent of this? I mean, again, to the Fox News and Daily Mail reporting today, they said that John Ratcliffe “told special counsel Durham there’s enough evidence to indict multiple people connected to the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

“The former DNI met with Durham more than once. He pointed Durham to a declassified CIA memo of Clinton approving looking into Trump’s Russia ties as a way of distracting from her email scandals.” And of course the report “was sent directly to then FBI Director Comey and deputy assistant director of counterintelligence Strzok.”

We know how they feel about your dad (laughing) and about Republicans and, you know, the rule of law. But do you think that we actually get these answers? Do you think that Durham is gonna be enough or do you have a plan in mind let’s say, oh, I don’t know if someone you know is president again, to get to the answers?

TRUMP JR.: Well, listen I hope it starts sooner than that. I hope if the Republicans are learned anything about the way the game is played and the way we need to be playing it which they have not historically done, I hope if and when we take back over the House, subpoenas are flying on day one. I hope they call in these people, Jake Sullivan, on moment number one, instant number one.

We gotta play the game the way the Democrats would be playing it. I’m not confident that anything happens unless we start doing that because I’ve seen — again, I’ve just been too close to it, I’ve seen — the nonsense go on for too long, the swamp is gonna protect the swamp, even people on the other side. The Republicans have generally been too weak to actually do anything.

‘Cause they don’t want to ruffle a feather and they want to be able to leak something to the New York Times so that they get a story that’s a four instead of a three out of ’em the next time they do their hit piece on ’em. We’ve just played the game so poorly. They’re so bad at it. They’re so weak for the most part, the establishment.

I don’t have much faith that it doesn’t happen, and I think maybe the American voter has to make it an issue certainly going into midterms if they want the answers and hopefully, finally people will start listening to their constituents ’cause I see it when I’m out there. They want it but very few people have any hope that anything actually happens and actually gets done.

BUCK: Don, two more for you. One I know you’re gonna answer and the other one, well, I have to ask. How do you think we’re doing going into this midterm election? And where is your dad’s head on whether he’s gonna run again?

TRUMP JR.: I think we’re doing great if you just look at the record, right? It doesn’t take a genius. Hey, if I’m pissed off when I’m filling up my truck at the pump, I imagine the average American who it hurts them probably a lot more than me is feeling it. We know we’ve been lied to about everything. And Joe Biden was gonna fix it. He was gonna solve covid. There’s no hypocrisy with the mask mandates.

We’re smothering our children. But you saw it. Every celebrity… I think you put it out on Twitter yesterday. Every celebrity at the Super Bowl is running around maskless and they’re going a good old time but, no, we gotta listen to the teachers unions and make sure… You saw the disastrous withdrawal out of Afghanistan. Just the sheer incompetence!

Even the Republicans would have to try hard to screw this up. But again, I don’t ever take the win sort of before there’s a win because again, I do think historically speaking, our superpower has been snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as a party. And so hopefully we change that.

God knows they’ve given us enough ammunition and again, I think it’s sort of why you need a Donald Trump type in there. I don’t know that we have the bench yet, Clay, to say, “There’s a lot of guys that aren’t gonna cave under pressure.” It’s one thing when they pit people up against Donald Trump and they can make him into kind of hero and protect him. It’s another when all the arms, all the slings and arrows are trained on the one guy that’s in charge.

That’s when I don’t know that we have enough of a bench but I do see a lot of people coming up, starting to understand how to play the game, starting to use the Democrats’ playbook and do that — and once we do that as a party, we win. It’s always amazing to me that the elections are as close as they are given that we’re up against literally a trillion-dollar Big Tech enterprise that’s functioning as a marketing arm of the other side.

You have a trillion-dollar mainstream media arm. You have what they do to conservatives on social media. It’s actually hard to believe it’s even close given the propaganda that’s pushed on the other side and smothering of our message. And yet it is because our ideas are good, and people are seeing it. It takes a disaster like Joe Biden. But it’s not just Joe Biden.

This is actually Democrat policies. These are the things that Democrats want to do, ’cause I don’t think anyone believes Joe Biden’s actually doing this. He’s signing the stuff put in there by the Democrat Party. We have to hold them accountable — and again, you sort of have to hit rock bottom and I think we’ve hit rock bottom as a country in terms of policy, in terms of decisions, in terms of what’s going on that maybe that wakes people up that we have start being in this game and playing the way the other side does.

CLAY: I’m so fired up as you mentioned about the fact that all these celebrities aren’t wearing masks. They’re defying the L.A. mask mandate. I was out in L.A. all week. Nobody’s asking for any sort of masks or any sort of vaccine passports or anything else to go to any of these big parties. If you’re a parent — and I know you are a parent.

I bet your kids aren’t having to wear masks, Don, just like mine aren’t because of where we live. But if you’re a parent who has to send your kids in wearing a mask after you watched the Super Bowl last night in L.A. and saw all the flouting of the masking rules that was going on, how furious are you, and how furious should you be? To me, this is what Republicans should be running on in 2022 is they weren’t the party of science. Democrats were the party of control, and I think people — the moms, the dads, you see the school board meetings, people — are just fed up with it.

TRUMP JR.: Yeah, and that’s what’s so important. Regular people are stepping up. Now, they’ve been labeled as domestic terrorists —

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

TRUMP JR.: — for speaking up at a school board meeting ’cause they didn’t want their children getting indoctrinated into communism and other nonsense. But, you know, that’s how the other side has been. The rules are not for the elite. The rules are for the peasants, right? “We don’t have to follow the rules. That’s ridiculous!” You see all the pictures of servers at the elite parties.

They’re all masked with the diaper on their face and all the other people they’re laughing and hugging and it’s wonderful and no one cares. They really think that we’re stupid. They think that you’re schmucks. It’s very clear. So if you’re not outraged, you should be. If you’ve seen what it’s doing to children developmentally, if you see what it does in terms of depression, all of those…

None of that matters. It’s they can do whatever they want. It means nothing to them. And it’s all been one big power grab. And sadly, I’ve watched for the last two years how many Americans were just so quick to give you up that freedom that’s such a fundamental tenant of being an American, of our country.

BUCK: It does feel like the Canadian truckers might be giving us something of an awakening here. Don Jr., everybody. Donald Trump Jr. Don, thanks so much for being with us. We appreciate it. Come again and hang soon.

TRUMP JR.: I’ll do that. Thanks a lot.


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