Don’t Miss the C&B Mother’s Day Program This Friday
4 May 2022
CLAY: Mother’s Day, Sunday for all the sons, all the husbands, all the grandkids. Everybody out there, just know: We got Mother’s Day coming up — and I think our moms are gonna be on Friday, right?
BUCK: About to say, it was a perfect transition to the fact that your mom and my mom will be here on the show. And if you go to, I believe you can leave a voicemail (as of right now on the dedicated phone line: 212-445-3969), right? (interruption) Voicemail… Yeah. It’s all right there.
You can leave a voicemail and we’ll play the questions for the moms. We’re gonna pick the ones we think are the funniest, the best, whatever and Mama Travis, Mama Sexton are gonna be joining the show. We’re gonna have a whole chat.
CLAY: This is gonna be a heck of a show.
BUCK: We’re gonna find out how many years Clay had a puka shell necklace when he was on his way to Rusted Root concerts back any day.
CLAY: (laughs) Our moms starring on the program on Friday in advance of Mother’s Day. But I just want to remind everybody that Mother’s Day is on Sunday, especially if you are not only responsible for your own mom, but also there are a lot of dads out there with young kids who can’t buy presents yet, and suddenly you’re fighting a two-fronted war ’cause you gotta buy Mother’s Day presents for your wives — ’cause the kids can’t do it — and your own mom. That can be a delicate dance indeed.
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