BUCK: As you know, the Senate is critical. We’re looking really good in the House, but we got to pick up some Senate seats, my friends, to really box in these leftist loons, shut down the progressive agenda, and get ready for a big presidential win in 2024, right? Step by step. That’s how we gotta do it. Pennsylvania, the Keystone State you could say — the keystone in that process, Clay. It’s that, maybe…?
CLAY: What a wordsmith you are.
BUCK: Kind of works? Yeah. We’ve got Dr. Oz with us now. He is running for Republican Senate — Republican Senate seat in the great state of Pennsylvania. He’s in the primary right now. Dr. Oz, thanks for coming to hang out. We appreciate it.
DR. OZ: You’re welcome, Clay and Buck. It’s a joy to run for the Senate here because there’s so much opportunity. I tell you, you want to be optimistic in life? Go talk to Pennsylvanians about what we can do if we get the government out of their hair.
BUCK: So, Doc, I gotta ask you ’cause last time you were on, we had you on, and, I mean, Clay and I were both struck by… You know, you’re hitting the right notes, we know conservative folks all across the country; we know it’s top of their mind. You’re saying a lot of good things. You are getting some heat from the right, though, from people who are saying, “Is he the real deal?”
And they play clips from your show from years ago or they say, “Well, this is what he said then; this is what he says now.” What do you…? We want to give you an opportunity. What do you say to that, to anyone who says do you really believe…? You know, they may be hearing all the right things from you now, do you believe all these things? How did that transformation come about?
DR. OZ: I 100% believe it, and listen: I host a show like you host a show. You have people who come on the program that you don’t always see eye-to-eye with but if you’re on network television, my job is to preserve the First Amendment, to have people on that I don’t disagree with — agree with or disagree with — that I may not even like. But my task is to make sure people are exposed to ideas.
That’s gotta be self-evident, but you gotta be tough to fight for what matters. And I’m not gonna let you down. He said it on purpose because my whole life has been about going to war on things that matter. I have risked — and you know what this means — everything to go to battle with Big Tech, Big Pharma, big chemical companies. I took on the U.S. government.
I have the scars to prove it. I cannot be bought. So you don’t have to guess what my history is. See where those battles took place, see how much they trying to cancel me. When I came out at the beginning of covid — ’cause my show is in a hundred countries and people are calling me from other countries and say, “Hey, you should try this or that.”
And I would share those ideas when the woke media didn’t like it and would hammer me. I remember I went on Sean Hannity’s show and talked about the fact that no one was closing their schools in other countries; we shouldn’t close our schools. It doesn’t make sense that use your kids as a shield, medically speaking. And I just got torn apart for that.
From primarily the left but I got attacks from everywhere. It didn’t matter to me. It was the right thing to do. And the last word of the Star-Spangled Banner, remember that word, “home of the brave”? I played football in college, and I would wait for word to run out on the field and, you know, you get relaxed when you’re running around. But that word always struck me, so important, because you cannot be free if you’re not brave. I’ve taken brave positions throughout my career; I’ll continue to take them as senator from Pennsylvania.
CLAY: What does it mean to have Donald Trump’s endorsement in Pennsylvania?
DR. OZ: Gargantuan. Massive impact. And it’s not just that it makes campaigning easier because even more people come to watch you and, you know, folks who are, you know, not sure about or open their minds and come listening to you and become converts. But also President Trump has a very clear vision of what America First means and when he says, “Oz shares that vision…”
When he says, I’m pro-life, and I’m strong on crime, the border, election fraud, the military, and when he says, I will always fight for our under siege Second Amendment — by the way, he said all those things — that elevates me in the eyes of a lot of folks. Because there’s a massive advertising campaign against me. That’s, by the way, why so many conservatives aren’t sure because they’ve been $30 million primarily Wall Street money spent to tell them that I’m not what I say I am.
So it takes a little effort. I’ve been in front of me for many, many years, they know exactly what I am if they’ve watched the show, everybody else is figuring it out as I weather these storms. But I’ve had President Trump say I’ve looked carefully at all the other candidates, other people that Oz is competing with, I checked them all out, and he is the one I chose.
And he came out to do a teletown hall on Friday and really went at this issue. He said the other candidates were claiming I support them; I don’t. It’s Oz. There’s other candidates who are pro-China who will sell us short on China. Oz won’t. Oz — and that, by the way, China is a big issue for everybody. We take our eye off the ball as conservatives sometimes while we’re talking about all these other topics.
Taking patented technology, their disinformation is massive. All this, by the way, happened because they know that if they can sink us, they’re the only option for the world. So we’re not just fighting over the soul of Pennsylvania or even the nation, as you hinted at the beginning. I’d be the tie-breaking vote in the Senate. But also, the entire planet needs us to thrive as a nation.
BUCK: Speaking to Dr. Oz. He is running for Senate in the state of Pennsylvania and so, Doc, on the economy because that’s what this midterm election more than anything else, all the polls — we don’t even need polls, we just know, right? What is the top concern of voters in a moment like this, it’s gonna be inflation, it’s gonna be the cost of living.
It’s gonna be a sense of economic malaise, stagnation, perhaps even stagflation going forward. We’re $30 trillion in debt. We have Democrats who openly say — and I mean Biden himself — that by spending more money we’ll bring inflation down. What do you think? What would you support if you were fortunate enough to be the Senator from Pennsylvania as an economic strategic to get us back to where we are in 2019 when we were asking ourselves, “How can this greatness just continue?”
DR. OZ: Energy, energy, energy. When I travel around the commonwealth, if you get coffee at a diner, the woman as he can be you will sit next to you and lecture you better than Joe Biden could about why energy policy has to change. It’s a dramatic driver of inflation because gas prices have rocketed up. It also provides incredible value because of the standard of living within the communities where we allow, for example, natural gas to be pulled out from the ground.
And it makes us energy independent and dominate so that we can negotiate with allies and enemies with a position of strength. We can also help our allies by shipping our natural gas over there. Let me give you a stat that’s gonna blow your mind. If I took the natural gas under my feet here in Pennsylvania — which, could power the entire country for 200 years, by the way — and I started to ship it overseas to replace their sources of energy?
It will be the equivalent of electrifying every vehicle in America, plus putting a solar panel every roof in America, plus they bring wind energy production. So if you really like environmental if you’re a sportsman, if you treasure this planet you should be rooting for natural gas. The question is why didn’t Joe Biden do anything to encourage energy production!
Because we are blocked from shipping it there! These make no sense. To dramatically drop inflation if we do this, but you also help the country. Why the Democrats don’t get this is simple because they believe in the false narrative of the Green New Deal, which — I’ll speak as a scientist — is impossible. It will not work on in the timeline outlined. We’ve gotta open our eyes and do what’s right from a scientific perspective but also the humanitarian thing for our people and for the rest of the planet.
CLAY: Dr. Oz, you obviously… We just talked with Rand Paul in previous hour of the program, and he has been an absolute fighter on taking on Dr. Fauci, on a lot of the misguided issues surrounding covid. The more doctors that you can speak out — as you said, you spoke to out on Sean Hannity’s show about lockdowns and kids not being in school and everything else.
One of the things that Buck and I care about the most — and certainly a lot of our listeners do in Pennsylvania as well — is needing people to be steadfast, not the Mitt Romneys of the world when it comes to not requiring masks on airplanes, not putting masks on kids, all of those things. Can you a hundred percent tell us, “Hey, I will have your back in the back of the people in Pennsylvania and also the nation when it comes to never allowing any lockdowns to ever occur again?”
DR. OZ: Clay, I’ve been on the record for this over and over — and you should ask Rand Paul, who I’ve had on my show and I’ve visited him, hundred percent agree with his approach to Fauci who… I’ve called for Fauci’s firing because he’s incompetent, and I’m not the only one who thinks it. Other public health officials think it. Scientists were censored by him.
We all have questions about this process, some of us like me and Rand Paul more aggressively believing mandates should never happen because they don’t work — and there’s more and more data now from Hopkins, for example, proving they didn’t work. But the Democrats create a false story here. They say, “How many kids you gonna let die by not putting masks on them?”
Well, that’s a impossible question to answer, but it’s a false question. That’s not gonna happen. Masks do not keep kids alive. And because they don’t affect kids period. Thankfully, kids do really, really well. (chuckles) Kids don’t have a major problem with this. If they do get infected, they tend to be superbly well if they’re healthy and it doesn’t change whether they get sick or not based on whether they wear a mask.
So the Democrats manufacture a story that tied Republicans in knots — and this is something I pledge to you. Not only as per President Trump said I will not let you down but I’m gonna gonna walk into the culture war knife fight with three-by-five, neatly arranged index cards. This requires us to roll our sleeves up, take our jackets off, and fight in the trenches where the culture wars are won and lost.
And this is what the Democrats have been doing, Buck. They’ve taking over media. They’ve taken over our universities. Now they’re going after our kids. And they’re starting to get industry to be censored. When you see things like Disney taking a position against I think a very rational law in Florida — which is their decision to make — about whether they want to teach, you know, gender issues to 7-year-olds.
CLAY: You’ve got 3.8 million followers on Twitter. Right now, we’ve been talking a lot about today, Elon Musk — the potential of him buying Twitter. If it happens, what would you like to see Twitter look like going forward?
DR. OZ: Twitter should not be able to arbitrarily and secretly censor people. They should not be allowed — and this is has happened to me in different settings and probably many folks have experienced this. All of a sudden, your post is missing and you don’t know why, and they can’t explain it. It has to be an open formula. I liken it to the telephone lines. It’s a common usage issue.
In order to talk to each other we are using Twitter. That’s, hey, good thing for the company if they treat it correctly but it’s a sacred obligation if you’re the phone lines that the phone lines go everywhere. You don’t not deliver phone service to Democratic hopes or Republican homes. Everyone gets to have a phone line. That’s what, to me, keeping the America’s First Amendment intact translates to.
So I will fight with every ounce of energy I have to deal with the censorship that’s happening in social media and encourage all these companies to not specifically come after bold, loud Republican voices, because that’s exactly where I’m gonna be in Washington and I don’t want to get censored any more than you do.
BUCK: Dr. Oz, he’s running for Senate in Pennsylvania. Doc, thanks for being with us. Appreciate you, sir.
DR. OZ: God bless you both. Take care.
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