
Fauci Admits Everybody Will Get Omicron

FAUCI: I think in many respects, Omicron — with its extraordinary (sputtering) unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility — will ultimately find just about everybody. Unfortunately, those who are still unvaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this.

BUCK: Okay. So Fauci there saying basically everybody’s gonna get Omicron. Everyone’s gonna be exposed to it to be sure and pretty much everybody is gonna get some version of it, and so then we’d sit around and say, “Okay. So since now we see the vaccine doesn’t stop spread,” and there’s increasingly an acceptance of what should have been known from the very beginning.

Because we’ve never been able to stop the spread of the common cold through measures and trying to was destined to fail. But that’s effectively, in terms of transmission ending, what we’ve ended up trying to do. Highly unsuccessfully, I might add. He’s saying, “Well, now you gotta get vaccinated to avoid the severe situation.” First of all, what about people who have already had Omicron?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Where is the question…?

CLAY: Millions, tens of millions of people.

BUCK: Right. Where is the question to Fauci about, “Okay. If someone just had Omicron and they got vaccinated for what came before Omicron, why are they gonna get vaccinated again with a booster?” Who thinks that that is a sane thing to do? They don’t have these answers — and the fact that he’s not asked that, Clay, is stunning! It’s so obvious, right? “What about natural immunity from Omicron which is already widespread across the country in a lot of people?”

Why should they be told to get a booster? That makes no sense, does it? I mean, maybe you could see it will make them even more protected, but how protected do you need to be? At some point, this is all just being told to triple mask. At some point, it’s unacceptable how much they want to put people through for a minimal, if any, increase in protecting them from a virus.

I am not scared of Omicron; you are not scared of Omicron. There are older people listening to us who have different health issues who should get the shot, and then they should also not be scared of Omicron because what are you gonna do, live your life in fear? It’s probably gonna be fine. The odds are in your favor. Same way you get into a car and don’t cry about how there’s so many people who die in car accidents every year.

CLAY: Not only that, the same people who are afraid of Omicron should be terrified of the flu because they are the same ones who should be getting the flu shot. What I hope our Supreme Court is aware of, Buck, is, I hope they have looked at all this data. We know they’re not very well informed, but I hope after the embarrassment of many of the questions that were asked in the oral argument they’re coming around to realizing that we have a vaccine mandate — shot one and shot two — which the Pfizer CEO himself acknowledges offers limited protection, if any, against Omicron.

So how are we mandating a vaccine that the CEO of Pfizer himself is acknowledging will not provide hardly any protection while simultaneously the czar of our covid response, Dr. Fauci, is saying, “Hey, basically everybody’s gonna get this”? Because at that point if you get it, the risk is on you. Initially we were told, “Well, if you don’t get this vaccine, you’re gonna prolong the pandemic ’cause you’re gonna be spreading it.”

We know that it doesn’t end now. So, Buck, I just… I’m with you. It’s frustrating that questions like those in follow up do not get asked to Fauci. That’s why we’d like to have him on the show, because these are important questions that everybody deserves to know the answer to.

BUCK: We would be respectful. I would not interview Fauci as Fauci, as amusing as that would be for me.

CLAY: That would be.

BUCK: It would be fun, but we would be respectful; we would ask real questions. We’d let him speak. But he’s not coming on so that’s just the reality of it.


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