
Freedom in the Balance in Battle Over Mandates

CLAY: The amount of pressure that is continuing to be ratcheted up on anyone who is fighting back against the idea of masks in schools… Buck, I know you agree with me here. This is right now the battleground because it’s not just about masks on schools. It’s about trying to compel masks everywhere basically for as long into the future as you can imagine.

And some of the arguments, many of the arguments that are being made are just flat-out lies. And this is what’s so frustrating about this. I want to play cut 18 year. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy was asked by Chris Wallace on Fox News about parents being able to make their own choice as to whether or not their kids should wear masks, and Murthy flat-out lied. I want you to listen to this. This is significant.

MURTHY: Well, Chris, we know that the greatest protection to children is when all people are masked in school, and their decisions that we make all the time, uh, where we require people to do things for the better good. We have a list of childhood vaccines, for example, that parents have to make sure their kids have before they start school. This is just one or more example of that. It is a step we take to protect all kids and it is a step I think that’s relatively low cost, uhh, that is especially important to take during this pandemic.

BUCK: This doesn’t work, Clay.

CLAY: It’s a lie, Buck.

BUCK: At some point we’re just going to have to look at people and say, “I’m sorry that you’re having some long-standing and chronic emotional breakdown over the existence of a virus that is out there,” that everybody now who’s paying attention and honest saying it’s endemic; it’s here forever. It’s never going away.

At some point, we have to look at them and say, “I’m sorry you have an emotional anxiety disorder as a result of covid — that is a covid disorder, really — but we can’t do this. We can’t continue to all live with this anxiety imposed upon all of us because some people can’t handle it.” Clay, the question that I want to ask at this point is, “So we’ve just now accepted now that we never go back to normal?” Remember we used to have debates about how soon to go back to normal?

CLAY: Fifteen days to stop the spread, yeah.

BUCK: Now there is the “there’s no such thing as life before covid” if these lunatics get their way. You’re gonna be masking and getting shots and looking at social distancing signs forever. By the way, I talked about the article in the Fluid Dynamics

CLAY: Yeah. (laughing)

BUCK: We had some fun with the dynamics of fluids. I don’t know. And different people have different expertise. What can I tell you? But the point here is they also that said aerosol particles travel. The six feet thing is a joke. The six feet thing is absurd.

CLAY: Totally made up.

BUCK: They just said, “Uhhhhh, I got an idea here! Let’s say that six feet is safer.” Why not 10 feet? Why not a hundred feet, right? You start to break this down. Because the aerosol particles go at least 20 feet.

CLAY: Are you suggesting that Fauci just made something up?

BUCK: I think so. I love that, our buddy Alex Berenson shared out an older photo of Fauci kind of standing next to Sheryl Crow at some event. You gotta see this. He has always been into the fame, and it’s true, and the people… Did you see the Chuck Schumer, what is it, the DCC —

CLAY: Dancing with Stephen Colbert?

BUCK: — or the DCCC or whatever the heck, the Democrat National Congressional Committee. He’s at some party and you got Colbert, you got these people all doing their little dance, dancing around and everything. They’re not worried covid!

CLAY: And Nancy Pelosi. Did you see her reported fundraiser where nobody had masks on except for the minorities who were serving the rich white people? Did you see that video?

BUCK: Oh, I saw the video, yeah. By the way, this is what I’ve seen now in a lot of buildings in New York City where you have people who are the delivery people —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — the guys who were there fix somebody’s air-conditioning, whatever, they’re very strict on those people.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: You know, if you’re riding a bicycle delivering food, put that mask on.

CLAY: You better have a mask on. Yeah.

BUCK: But residents? Residents are sophisticated in their anti-spreading efforts.

CLAY: It’s a “sophisticated” crowd like Obama’s party, a sophisticated, intelligent crowd.

BUCK: I don’t know what it’s gonna take, but I hope that these polls, Clay, aren’t true that say that 40% of Republicans support masking in schools. That should be zero —

CLAY: It should be 0%.

BUCK: — because they should know that Democrats and people on the other side have made this entirely political and it’s no longer about protecting kids. They should know that. I have no patience with those folks.

CLAY: Yeah, I agree. And if they don’t know that, by the way, you out there in our audience should be saying, “Hey, go listen to Buck and Clay. They’re gonna share the data with you,” which is rational and real. And, by the way, even in New York Magazine, which is a left-wing publication, there was an article pointing out that there had been a study of 90,000 school kids in Georgia, right?

This is the thing about masks in schools. Nobody can point to anything, Buck, that proves that masks in schools make kids safer at all, because there hasn’t been a study. In fact, that study of 90,000 school kids in Georgia arguably pretty clearly laid forward that there is no reason for kids to be wearing masks. And I wanted to hit you with this.

Did you see this tweet over the weekend? This guy named Jason Wilson… I don’t know who he is. He’s a typical blue check. But he tweeted. I want you to listen to this. It’s a perfect like Mad Libs coronabro styling here. Here’s what he tweeted: “Friends, have their kids in Scouts.

“We go to the meet-and-greet, and I [crap] you not, the pack mother didn’t wear a mask the whole time. I got so anxious that I had to leave.” These are the kinds of people who are driving American policy, people who go to the other people’s kids scout meetings and are terrified there when a mom there isn’t wearing a mask!

BUCK: So, when I came back from Nashville to New York, I flew one of my favorite airlines, Spirit Airlines, of course.

CLAY: I’m glad they were finally back up and running again.

BUCK: Hey, they’re back up and running. And I saw what they do is they do the — and this is apparently policy, ’cause I’ve seen it on multiple flights, Clay — they will tell everybody… This is in an enclosed space, okay? We all know what an airplane is like.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: They’ll say, “You better mask up or else we will actually have security come and physically remove you from this flight and ban you from the flight forever,” they’ll say that with their masks pulled down.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: And this is what you see now.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: There’s a whole class of lib, there are leftists in this country the Democrat apparatus all buys into. If the scoutmaster, Clay, speaks to everybody without a mask on —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — she’s a reckless mass murderer who probably voted for Donald Trump. If the airline attendant, though, because it’s policy pulls down his or her mask, and the flight attendant and speaks for five minutes to everybody in an enclosed space and a mask on, oh, that’s not dangerous because they say so. This is how stupid the libs have become in the age of covid.

I’ve never seen… It’s like people who actually believe that Trump was working with Putin and there was like hacking and the machines and the whole thing and Trump stole the 2016 election. Didn’t matter what you showed them, didn’t matter the fact they had in evidence, they were dug in on it. They’re dug in on this.

CLAY: I love flying at the airport; so I was out in Vegas this weekend. In the Nashville airport they have several different restaurants which have a bar that looks out into the main concourse. In other words, you sit on a stool and you look out and you’re facing out and you can reach out if you wanted to and touch people as they are walking by.

Those people all take their masks off, right? Literally sitting facing and speaking directly in towards the terminal, that’s totally acceptable ’cause they gotta a beer in front of them or because they’re eating something, they can literally touch somebody. But if you have your mask off in the concourse, unacceptable. Your brain has to be broken to believe that this is in any way a legitimate way to fight covid.

BUCK: We have an experiment, and we’ll come back. I want tell folks about some of the fun stuff from the wedding but also the some of the wedding covid situations.

CLAY: Yes. (laughing)

BUCK: My little brother is married. Yay.

CLAY: Congratulations. Where’d they go on the honeymoon?

BUCK: They’re headed to the South Pacific.

CLAY: Oh, that doesn’t suck.

BUCK: Bunch of little islands. But the realities of covid in New York City and how it’s gonna spread across the country. You know, they’ve just mandated, Clay, 130,000 teachers, and everyone who works the school system here, vaccinate or fired. You’re gonna see this in more and more places: Vaccinate or you’re fired. That’s what this is gonna turn into.


BILL DE BLASIO: Today, the New York City Department of Health will be issuing an order requiring all staff in the New York City public schools to be vaccinated. This will require that all staff of every kind — principals, teachers, custodians, food service, you name it — needs to have at least one dose by September 27th.

BUCK: Welcome back to the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show. You heard there the worst mayor in America.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: Clay, you know people fight me on that one. That is a hill I will die on. De Blasio’s the worst mayor in America. You can bring me the mayor of Portland, and I respect that Ted Wheeler is horrible at his job in a way that’s laughable, absurd — and, honestly, kind of tragic for the people that live there.

That Lori Lightfoot is an awful mayor. There are a bunch of mayors that are close. Bill de Blasio is the worst mayor in America. He is single-handedly responsible for the near destruction of my beloved hometown and city here in New York. But, you know, he’s doing it through the school system now.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And for anybody listening right now, say, in Houston, right? Let’s take a place that’s in one of our safe states, so to speak. Florida. These are the safety-tree states.

CLAY: Although many of those cities are actually fighting against mask freedom, right?

BUCK: That’s what I want to get to. Even if you’re in Florida and you’re in Texas, the cities are now challenging state authority, whereas before, you know, when it was New York and New Jersey saying, “Lock down. Shut up.” There was no challenging anything. It was, “Oh, the state has quarantine powers!”

But, Clay, even beyond that, the federal government — which has tremendous sway over the hospital system because of the way Medicare and Medicaid payments are done. The federal government is pushing private businesses. Hospitals across Houston are… Some of them already have it. They’re looking at the vaccine mandates.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: That’s the private sector doing it.

CLAY: Yeah, and I think again the big picture here is, the Biden administration is failing on everything. But one of the areas that they are failing on the most is what they are selling versus what they are delivering as it pertains to covid, right? Because, Buck, as recently as May what was the pitch?

“Get the covid vaccine and you’ll never have to wear a mask again, and you won’t have to worry about getting covid, and covid is gonna go away and we’re gonna get down to Covid Zero.” There are a lot of businesses and there are a lot of different entities out there that bought into that goal. And what we’re seeing — especially out of Israel, which is way ahead of us when it comes to vaccinations — is the covid vaccine is not going to be this magic pill, this panacea that suddenly eradicates covid forever.

In fact, Israel is about to set an all-time high for infections, and I’m afraid that the United States is gonna do the same thing in the next month or so. And it’s gonna move, Buck, it’s gonna move from Florida and Texas to all these other states that have been wagging their fingers.

All these other places, the Michigans of the world that have been saying, “Oh, everything’s perfect here. You’re Neanderthals in those states!” That’s not what the data’s gonna reflect. They’re gonna have massive outbreaks there too. I think that’s what the data shows.

BUCK: There’s also the Democrats who are just telling you what the plan is now. So today we had the FDA authorizing officially or approving officially the Pfizer vaccine. I think there’s some new name for it. I should look up what it is. There’s some new name they want you to call the Pfizer vaccine.

CLAY: Is that the one you got? Did you get the Pfizer?

BUCK: No, I got Johnson & Johnson, which was referred to by a friend at the wedding this weekend, who also had to get the shot just to be able to go to the wedding and also everything else… You can’t go anywhere in New York without this. You can’t go in a restaurant.

CLAY: Are they checking, really, at the bars —

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: — if you go out, you have to show proof?

BUCK: It’s probably 50-50 but how often do you want to play game when you have a business meeting or whatever?

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: It’s 50-50 if they’re gonna actually check anyplace. But a friend of mine referred to Johnson & Johnson as the Spirit Airlines of vaccines —

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: — which was kind of accurate. A little bit less hassle, a little cheaper but does it actually work for you, doesn’t actually get it done? That’s a whole other question.

CLAY: But you only have to do one.

BUCK: Yeah, you only have to do one. It’s just like Spirit Airlines, you only want to do it once.

CLAY: By the way, spirit was all set up, Buck, before today’s show to be the presenting sponsor of the Clay and Buck show for a long time and I think you lost them.

BUCK: I know. I’ll bring them back into the fold. What can I say?

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I’m a Delta Airlines, not variant, guy. Here we go. Here’s Bill de Blasio telling you they’re gonna have more mandates coming. Play 24.

DE BLASIO: We’re thrilled the FDA has announced today the full approval of the Pfizer vaccine. This is a game-changing moment. we’ve been waiting for this for a long time, to have the full approval of the vaccine. We now have it. This helps us move forward and we’re moving forward with our schools with this new vaccine mandate.

BUCK: More mandates coming, Clay. They’re saying it out loud. “Oh, now the FDA approved it? Shut up, peasants. Show us your arm. Get the shot.” That’s what’s happening.

CLAY: And here is the big problem, Buck. The data reflects that even if 100% of us — if every single adult in America were vaccinated — we’re still going to have a massive amount of covid cases out there. It’s not going to go away, and I feel like Democrats are selling to their sheep that covid vaccines are the key to covid going away forever, and it’s just not true. In fact, natural immunity is probably the key and it’s as if nobody will even hardly talk about it in this country. It’s wild the way this disinformation is being spread and how artificial much of it is.


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