CLAY: You thought that my prediction on Hunter Biden getting indicted was maybe aggressive, Buck. How about Julie Kelly right there: 99.9% chance, she said, that Donald Trump will be indicted for this seditious conspiracy charge, in her mind, that the Washington Post wrote about last night, if you haven’t read it? That’s pretty aggressive. She’s been right — let’s be honest — on a lot of these January 6th-related stories.
BUCK: Well, let’s just think about what they’ve already done. They managed — and are unrepentant about it — to push a Russia collusion narrative. That was the dominant news story from 2016 really basically up until the pandemic. The biggest news story in America and really in the world was the complete and utter fabrication — the lie — that Donald Trump worked with Putin and the Kremlin to steal the 2016 election from Hillary.
And what we’ve seen since then is that they are just upset. Not that they destroyed their credibility in places like CNN, engaged in journalistic self-immolation. But that it didn’t work quite as well as they had hoped. They did manage to use it as a weapon against the Trump administration, that big lie against Trump. So, Clay, we have to stop and look at this and say to ourselves, “They’ve shown us who they are.” If you’re really willing to believe that Donald Trump was part of some Russian conspiracy to change…
People believe that they changed votes in the voting machines! Remember, questioning elections when Democrats win is “literally treason,” but when they were saying that Trump didn’t win the election — and Hillary was even still months and months after she had lost saying that she didn’t really buy it — that’s just fine, man. That’s just safeguards our democratic processes. The thing with Democrats you always have to remember is they have no integrity to protect on these things. Gives them a lot of movement, a lot of latitude.
CLAY: I was surprised that Merrick Garland sat for this interview. Lester Holt questioned the attorney general, Merrick Garland, about the idea of prosecuting Trump and what it would do to the country. Listen to Merrick Garland’s answer right here.
CLAY: I think he’s setting the table, Buck. I’m just gonna say it. Hunter Biden’s gonna be the fall guy for Democrats. It forces Joe Biden, potentially, out of running; creates a mess, and then they are able to argue, “No favor.” You just heard him say this there: “We’re gonna go after the truth no matter who the defendant is.”
BUCK: So, to be clear, you think that the Biden — or, rather, the Democrat — apparatus wants to take both these players off the chessboard? Biden — because if his son gets indicted, he’s gonna have to pardon him or commute him and he’s gonna be too wounded as a political candidate to go forward — and Trump?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: You think they don’t want to just clear out the chessboard a little bit; they want to flip it over and knock all the pieces off?
CLAY: Well, I think Democrats know that Biden an awful candidate; so, I don’t think they have any issue now with throwing him to the wolves and Hunter Biden is testimony to that, testament to that. And then you look at Trump, they definitely still want Trump. I think the only way you can charge Trump is if Hunter Biden gets charged first.
BUCK: I think your odds of a Hunter Biden prosecution are one in 10. I think the odds that they actually try this thing against Trump, I’m feeling like it’s a 50-50 at this point, man. They might just be crazy enough.
CLAY: That’s interesting. I think Hunter Biden’s more likely to get charged than Trump. I really do.
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