
Gavin Newsom’s Wave of Woke Laws in California

BUCK: I’m gonna be talking about what’s going on in California here because this is just indicative of what happens when you let social justice override common sense. Social justice is an ideology. In fact, really it is a religion for a lot of Democrats. It’s a religion replacement. It appeals to them in so many ways, in part because it allows them to think that they’re really good people.

It costs them nothing. The biggest advocates of social justice policies and programs across the board — or “equity,” another term that really encompasses the same thing. And this touches on so much, right? It touches on CRT, critical race theory. It informs the socialist obsession that the Democrats have. It’s a better way to create “equity” in their minds.

But in the case of California, people are starting to see how the normal concerns of everyday people that should be addressed by government… How are the roads? How’s safety? Can you open up a store without it being looted in broad daylight? What’s it like to try to open up a business in general in the state of California right now? Oh, we know that people are leaving — and more and more will be leaving, I believe.

And it’s the same thing, unfortunately, here in New York. I think New York is in — and I’m doing the show from New York City. As many of you know, I am a native New Yorker. I grew up here. I’m from here. My family’s here. My roots go back here several generations, and the city is not what it was and not coming back anytime soon because the people who make the decisions in the Democrat Party, the left, don’t learn the lessons that they should.

They see things differently. They don’t want the same outcome. They’re willing to abide a city that is much less safe, much more dangerous for everybody — disproportionately, when you talk about violent crime, more dangerous for minorities, which is the case in major cities across America with the rise in shootings and murders that have happened last year.

They’re willing to tolerate all of that as long as the multimillionaire CNN anchors can go on TV and feel good about themselves and hold their chins high at cocktail parties. They’re willing to defend this stuff as long as the left-wing activists who… Remember the BLM founder who bought her million dollar-plus home in I believe it was Topanga Canyon, which is right next to Malibu in California?

If you were really trying to give back to the community and help urban centers, it wouldn’t be the first place — as an activist who founded Black Lives Matter — that you would think one would go. But as long as people get to feel good who make these decisions and aren’t actually themselves negatively impacted, they’ll keep doing it. And this is what drives so much of what’s going on in California specifically right now.

Now, the laws, some of this stuff won’t go into effect until 2024, 2026. But they are laws. They’ve signed them. This is what they’re spending time on right now, government time, man-hours, manpower. Oh, my gosh! Is that a microaggression? “Human hours and human power!” Yeah. Right? I wonder if really in the history of this country if there’s ever been an email that has gone around with one’s pronouns announced that was actually useful to anybody.

“Oh, I’m so glad that the person put their pronouns on the email!” Turns out I don’t care what their pronouns are. I just want whatever’s in the email if I need to see it, but this is now the left-wing culture that we’re in. These are all signifiers. These are all parts of how one shows allegiance to the ideology of the state, of the left, of the Democrat Party.

This is how you show that you are a social justice warrior in good standing with the progressives. That’s why so much of this stuff in California, it’s very obvious what they’re doing it, why they’re doing it as well. What’s the point of having a gender-neutral area for toys? It turns out — and any child psychologist/behaviorist will tell you this — boys act differently than girls.

I know! Oh, it’s a shock! Oh, you might have to pull the car or the truck on the side of the road for a second while I tell you this stuff. Boys are different than girls. Not just looking. Not just physically — which is also true — although the left tries very hard to erase that difference, which is absurd, but they act differently too. They behave differently.

They want to do different things. And this goes against the ideology of absolute equity. Remember, the people who want total control over your life want absolute power to do it, and their justification, their need for absolute power comes from the promise that they will make us all the same. It starts to have a bit of a communist vibe to it, doesn’t it?

They’re gonna make everyone the same. We’re all gonna be the same, no difference between us, just give them all the power. They will never be the same. They will always be elevated. They’ll be the elite, but they’ll make everyone else the same. This is the promise they make, including on issues like gender. They’ll keep repeating lies about things like, “Oh, the gender pay gap.”

How many major corporations do you think would overpay by $30, give or take, 30 cents on a dollar if they can get the exact same labor, the exact same work product for different employees? I like money; you like money. If you’re running a business trust me, if you could save 30% on your personnel costs, you’d do it. “Oh, no! They’re too sexist so they won’t do it.”

That’s absurd, right? But the pay gap is a myth. Doesn’t matter… I’m sorry. The reasons for the pay gap are a myth. They lie about it. There are choices made by women, choices made by men that lead to the disparities in profession. Otherwise, they’d have to explain why is it that the veterinarian profession, for example — vets, veterinarians, not military vets — are well paid, highly paid in a lot of places, and it’s dominated by women.

It’s a highly skilled, highly trained profession, completely dominated by women. Why is that? ‘Cause women choose to do it more. That’s all. It’s about choice. It’s about freedom, individual liberty. But they want to negate these things. They want to get rid of them. They’ll even try to negate it. This is why Gavin Newsom has put forward this law about gender-neutral toys. Here’s a fundamental fallacy of the left.

They think that the reason your Little Bobby or Timmy wants to play with trucks and wants to run around and play with water guns or whatever and is a little more rambunctious, a little more aggressive is because of the way you treat Little Timmy or Bobby, and Little Susie or Mary would be exactly the same. It’s you as the parent — or it’s society and the parents — that create these differences.

This is not true. This is not true. Society and cultural norms have some effect, but it is quite small, and all the actual scientific literature would show this. But even if you were to look and see where the study of biochemistry is… I’ve been doing reading on this in recent months ’cause I find this fascinating.

They try to act like those markers that separate men and women — things like testosterone, things like the XX versus XY chromosome — have no real impact. Testosterone specifically, right? Men are generally and overwhelmingly larger, stronger, and have different bodies than women. To you and I, it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

They try to reject this. They will actually claim that male behavior and differences in everything from male risk-taking to — and this is all in the aggregate. But when you’re talking social policy, you have to think in the aggregate. You can’t make a policy for every individual case. That doesn’t make any sense. But they’ll say that… Men have 10 to 20 times the testosterone of women, unless you’re Brian Stelter over at CNN.

Men have 10 to 20 times the testosterone of women. That changes not only their physical appearance, but it also changes the way they act. It affects our psychology. It affects our behavior. This is scientific reality, and I’m bringing it up because in the last 20 years, last 10 years in particular, scientists are constantly bullied to hide the results of tests that show this, to hide the social science data that shows this because it’s not what the left wants to hear.

They don’t want to hear that there are innate, intrinsic, biological differences that result in outcomes that are quite real and quantifiable. Ninety percent plus of violent assaults and murders are committed by men in this country. This is not a cultural thing. This is men have 10 to 20 times the testosterone that women do, have different behaviors, and therefore different outcomes.

They want to reject this. They think if you have your child playing with nongender specific dolls instead of GI Joe or instead of… I remember Thundercats, man. I was all about the Thundercats way back in the day. You guys know. Thundercats are great. But if only they kept you away from the Thundercats aisle, then you wouldn’t necessarily as a child, if you’re a boy, act a certain way.

Gavin Newsom… I know I’m taking you for a trip through Crazy Town right now, but you need to understand what they really believe. Gavin Newsom believes that stuff. He thinks that that’s something… By the way, when I say, “Believes it,” believes in the ideology behind it. Does he actually know enough about the science to even understand the things that I’m talking about? Is this a guy who reads for intellectual curiosity?

No. Of course not.

This is a guy who spends a lot of time making sure that he has just the right camera angle and just the right amount of hair spray before he can (impression) “deliver one of his speeches where he sounds like he’s really in command,” you know? He’s basically an actor. And he’s pushing forward these policies. The Democrat legislature, of course, wrote it up and he signed these things into law because it goes to the ideology of the left, which is that they can…

With enough state power, they can overcome even the basic biological difference between men and women. That’s what they believe. At the very core, that’s what they believe, and it’s just not true. But remember, a truly totalitarian society is one in which you have to celebrate the things that you know are untrue and they know you know are untrue.

It’s not even when they truly believe it. That’s the step before. They want you to go along with things that both you and they know to be false, because that is the absolute power. Everyone knows it’s a lie; you still have to do it. Oh, gee, kind of sounds like Fauciism, doesn’t it?


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