GOP Opens 10-Point Lead in Generic Ballot
16 Nov 2021
CLAY: The Washington Post and ABC came out with a poll on Sunday. The results, I thought, were pretty staggering. Biden’s approval rating is in the tank. We know that. Around 40%. But some of the numbers behind the numbers were what really stood out to me. First of all, Republicans right now, in the Washington Post and ABC poll, have a 10-point lead in Congress in terms of generic congressional races, 51 to 41.
Putting that into perspective, that is the largest lead the Republicans have ever had in a generic poll. They’ve been doing this poll for 41 years. So one part of this analysis, Buck, are we going to be able to hold those kind of positions for a solid year, or are you afraid that we’re at rock bottom right now and that Biden will come back just a little bit because it’s hard to believe things could get worse for him than they are right now.
BUCK: Clay, I’m like at the point where, yeah, our team, it’s not… You know, maybe it’s halftime, we’re up four or five touchdowns, and I want us to keep throwing long in the end zone and go for two-point conversions.
CLAY: You want to keep running up the score.
BUCK: I want us going all out here. I don’t want anyone getting complacent. Democrats have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Look,m all we have to do is think back to, let’s say, the fall of in 2019 right? You think back to what? What was America like in September of 2019?
Donald Trump, everything’s going great, right? An economy’s roaring. Things are amazing. Boom! Hit with a once-in-a-century pandemic. Old man Biden stays in the basement in his PJs, mutters a bunch of nonsense, libs riot in the streets — act like Trump is murdering everybody with covid himself like he created it in a lab and spread it to everybody — and they managed to win.
CLAY: Which, by the way, is what China did.
BUCK: After they said that was exactly what didn’t happen, and they put old man Biden out there for us promising unity and healing which, of course, was a joke. But people were scared and they’re anxious and they only have to get a few percentage points of the voters to go in a different direction right? That’s the thing. What doesn’t work on this audience — of course is not gonna work on our audience — the stupid stuff the Democrats will trot out there.
But if it works on 1% of the actual the electorate or 2% of the electorate, I mean, how tens of thousands of votes separated these two? I just bring all this up, Clay, because you look at the difference and what we ended up having — which, by the way, the Republicans didn’t do that badly overall in the 2020 election other than Trump not being president again for four years.
And those two Senate seats in Georgia, that was really egregious. We shoulda won those. But, you know, going into this year, we couldn’t be in a better position. But just bringing it full circle, we need to be running up the score. I don’t even want extra points. I want two-point conversions, Republicans.
CLAY: All right. So Biden’s underwater. What’s amazing to me even more than that 10-point Republican lead right now in a generic congressional race, is listen to the eight-state battleground, Buck. This is Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Those are toss-up states in theory.
Republicans are up there, Buck, 58 to 35. In the most competitive states, Republicans right now have a 23-point margin over Democrats. The reason why I bring that up is, when you start talking about transformational elections, there are some places where it’s really hard to be transformational. California, New York, for instance, right?
You can be transformational, things can swing 10 points, but Democrats have such an advantage there that you can’t make a transformational difference. But 58-35 in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin would be a wave unlike we have ever seen a wave happening before, Buck. That is amazing.
BUCK: I do just… I caution everybody. Remember, this is a long way out, and I don’t want to us to get too complacent.
CLAY: A little bit less than a year away.
BUCK: Yeah. But in politics, that’s an eternity.
CLAY: That’s an eternity.
BUCK: And that’s why I brought up the fall of 2019, right? I mean, everything looked amazing in October-November 2019 for Trump. He’s gonna sail to reelection. Look at the group of clowns they had on the Democrat side.
CLAY: Even in January and February things looked amazing.
BUCK: Yeah, it still looked really good. Here’s what I see for us. Take the lessons of the last couple of months — particularly of election that just happened recently in Virginia and what we’re seeing in these polls — and for everybody who not just is gonna run for office listening to this. We have a lot of congressional staffers and Senate staffers and governors-office folks and people listening to this show which we appreciate. But obviously it’s important for them to see what the data’s telling everybody. But also for those of you out there, mom brigades and the dad battalions —
CLAY: Jedediah. She’s Special Forces Mom Brigade leader. Phenomenal.
BUCK: She is ready to go. But the lesson is that you can — at a local and then at a state and even at a national level of the political conversation — have an impact. So we need the people on the right to understand why did we just have the refusion of the Democrat agenda that occurred in Virginia? Why are the numbers that you’re talking about, Clay, so staggeringly bad for Democrats?
CLAY: Washington Post/ABC, it’s worth mentioning too, that’s not exactly a poll that typically is favoring Republicans.
BUCK: And it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for the Republican Party. It’s an point for conservatism to show a better way. But I also never underestimate the GOP’s ability to miss an opportunity, either. So that’s why we’re gonna be very focused — eye on the prize — as we go forward here. But look, the bottom line also let’s be real for a second, Clay, right? The Biden administration’s unbelievably inept —
CLAY: They have no clue.
BUCK: — at so many levels, and they had somebody who was in exact… Joe Biden, this was the only way… He’s been running for president longer than I’ve been alive, basically. The only time in, you know, the last 40 years that Joe Biden could have won an election was during covid when everyone’s scared and freaked out and the media he’s gonna unify us — which he isn’t, by the way.
CLAY: Totally. He won by 21,000 votes. If 21,000 votes are changed in Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, and Trump wins a tie election.
BUCK: It’s amazing.
CLAY: That’s it. Even with all of the people working in his favor, this would have been — if covid doesn’t hit in 2020, this would have been — a Trump-landslide election, not even remotely close.
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