
Great Moment on Stelter’s Crappy Show

BUCK: Despite their best efforts over at CNN, occasionally insight filters onto their airwaves. Occasionally, something is said that isn’t just left-wing propaganda that makes you want to roll your eyes and throw something at the wall. Of course then at CNN, I’m surprised they didn’t go to commercial right away when this happened. So the mainstream media, corporate-Democrat media… That’s a better term than mainstream.

The corporate-Democrat media’s view of the election in Virginia is that it was racism. Racism. This is what lazy journalists say all the time. Everything is about racism and race all the time. An author, I assume a left-wing author, one who focuses more on class, had an interesting perspective on this one and was kind of slapping around the Democrat-corporate media about this a little on Brian Stelter’s show.

Which is not a hard thing to do. Brian Stelter is not the most adept of hosts. (impression) “Buck, why are you so mean?” Author Batya Ungar-Sargon has a book out Bad News: How Woke Media Is Undermining Democracy. Maybe she’s not left-wing. I never heard of this lady before. She had a great moment on Stelter’s otherwise crappy show. Play the clip, please.

STELTER: What you’re describing as bad news, uh, how does it shape election results on Tuesday?

UNGAR-SARGON: I thought that Tuesday was a really good advertisement for my book because my book is arguing that a lot of this conversation around wokeness is actually about class. We are hiding a class-dividing America. We are hiding the just disgusting levels of income inequality in America. We are hiding the total dispossession of the working class of all races by focusing on a very highly specialized academic language around race, and I think what happened, you know, with Glenn Youngkin’s victory was a perfect example of this. The media’s response to Youngkin’s victory is literally the reason that he won, right? How did they respond —

STELTER: Hold on! There’s a hundred medias, a hundred reactions. You’re being pretty overall (sputters) generalizing, I think.

UNGAR-SARGON: Let me get more specific for you, okay? ‘Cause I have to say, I have to admit, having watched CNN all week, there’s been a lot of very, very, very good genuflection on this front. (chuckles)

BUCK: Clay, speaking the truth here, which is that the woke media is really a lot of the time about elites pretending to care about those who are oppressed or dispossessed, when they’re actually avoiding the issue of the elites running the show and calling all the shots. It’s amazing.

CLAY: I think this speaks, you know, in a larger context to how broken our media culture is when it comes to who actually is being active on Twitter. Did you see these numbers that came out from NBC, Buck? I think it’s important — and I know you and I are active on social media. Only 28% of people in America are on Twitter.

And when you look at the data, Twitter overwhelmingly approves of Joe Biden’s job performance, for instance, way in different excess that the vast majority of the population. So we’re create in addition to the fact that Big Tech is obviously rigging the game in many ways in terms of what people can see. The fact that we’re treating Twitter as an arbiter of the American world when only 28% of people are on it is, I think, why Twitter is so constantly shocked by the results when the real world actually weighs in and shares their opinions.

BUCK: Twitter has become, as others have said, the assignment editor for the Washington Post and the New York Times, and also for a lot of people that make their living in information dissemination. Propagandists, polemicists, but nonetheless they call themselves journalists. That’s how they actually feel like how they have their finger on the pulse of thing. But this woman, this author going on CNN and just saying that all this stuff about how you can’t criticize Connecticut because you don’t understand CRT? Think about how condescending that is to the American people.

CLAY: No doubt.

BUCK: And all these journos who think their smart, “You don’t know what CRT is. I give you my assurance: Brian Stelter doesn’t know what the heck CRT is either!

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: (impression) “Oh, Buck, it’s really important.” Crazy stuff.


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