Clay’s Great-Aunt Pris — Priscilla — is 100 years old today. Of course, she’s a Clay & Buck listener! C&B took time for a celebratory shoutout to Aunt Pris at her longtime home.
One good thing about a 100th birthday, time to look back at the great family memories…
While we’re at it, a salute to all the centenarians out there who give us something to aspire to, with the oldest person alive now 113.
And you ever notice that people who live to 100 are always like, “Yeah, I drank and smoked and never excercised while eating six eggs with a side of bacon every day”?
Tweet your birthday wishes for Aunt Pris @ClayAndBuck — or, if you’re a 24/7 VIP, send us an email. Plus, remember to subscribe to the iHeartRadio podcast so you don’t miss a minute of entertaining commentary.
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