
He’s Not a Nice Guy: Biden Falsely Smears Border Agents

BUCK: I was just telling you all before that Joe Biden and the Biden family, there’s a lot of lying that goes on. There’s a lot of dishonesty. And I think two things that the media have just created fictions of the media’s effort around the Biden family are that they’re good folks you can trust. You know, truthful, honest, integrity, and really nice. Joe Biden’s not a nice guy. He’s not an honest guy. And here is yet another example. This is what he said about the Border Patrol agents who were trying to deal with that surge who were on horseback. Listen.

BUCK: Well, the investigation just concluded and found that they did absolutely 100% nothing wrong, never whipped anyone, and Joe Biden is a lying jerk. That’s basically what the investigation concluded.

CLAY: It also took six months, and can I just get back to the idea that presidents shouldn’t be weighing in with what they think happened in investigations that their apparatus are going to have to conduct? Because credit to whoever cleared these Border Patrol agents who had done absolutely nothing wrong.

But when the president of the United States comes out like Joe Biden did in that press conference and says that they did something wrong and that there will be consequences? Buck, I guarantee you that added months to this investigation. Because they were under orders: “Hey, the president thinks something happened here.

“Figure out a way to make something happen here in terms of wrongdoing,” and they kept investigating and they kept investigating. They turned over every leaf, and guess what they found out? Nothing wrong has happened, making, as you said, Joe Biden a liar yet again in response to that question. But the big takeaway here is we don’t need the president to weigh in on this story in advance. It’s stupid.


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