
NY: Hochul Takes Swipe at DeSantis, Adams Lifts Mask Mandate

BUCK: In New York City, the fight is still underway, and as we’ve been saying to you, the mission is not to allow them — the Democrats, the Biden regime — to give us back basic freedom and dignity slowly, to push the crumbs off the table of freedom toward us so we say, “Oh, thank you so much. You mean I can breathe normally?

“You mean my kid doesn’t have to be masked up for eight hours a day in school?” I’m not saying “thank you” to any of them. I got something else I want to say to them, but I can’t say it on radio. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about. You have Governor Kathy Hochul, who is talking about the bullying of children who continue to wear masks and how we need to be on guard against this. Play 18.

HOCHUL: We will not have any tolerance for people who are questioning someone’s own personal decision to do what they want. If you want to continue wearing masks, you’ll be allowed to be continuing wearing masks and I don’t want any issues related to that and I want to be very clear on that. We will not stand for any bullying or ostracization or harassment of an individual or a business or anyone who chooses to wear a mask.

BUCK: Clay, this to me is the classic tactic of the left. Remember we talked about yesterday with the transgender agenda and I said, “Courtesy and politeness and manners was a way that they got a lot of us to comply. ‘Okay, just be nice, just use the preferred pronoun.'” Here it’s, “Don’t tell people… The mask is so important to them, don’t bully them!” No one’s talking about bullying.

But they’re acting like explaining — and this, of course, a reference to what Ron DeSantis did with those high school kids. Explaining that masking in public is not only no longer necessary from a legal perspective, but was never sign from a medical perspective is not bullying. I think you’re doing a kindness to people now when you say this. Of course, the way you say it matters. When you say, “Hey, you really don’t have to do that. It really doesn’t help you, and it makes everyone else feel a little bit weird.”

CLAY: Well, it’s ironic that she’s worried about bullying now —

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: — because I felt like I was bullied to have to wear a mask for two years at so many different places where there was no justification whatsoever to wear it. So bullying to me, you can’t suddenly change the policy and then accuse people who you’ve been forcing to wear masks of bullying you when — the DeSantis clip is a great example — they actually point out that you’re doing something that is nonsensical and without scientific basis in fact.

And this goes to where we’re going to be as a country. I don’t know how this is gonna resolve itself or how long it’s going to take, but eventually everyone is going to be arguing, by and large — I really do believe this — that they always knew that masking did you not make sense, in the same way that nowadays if you ask somebody who was around during Vietnam, almost everyone who was involved in Vietnam…

You may have gotten drafted. Discussing it, almost everyone now says, “Yeah, I knew Vietnam made no sense.” This is the way that the lockdowns and the masking and all of the covid craziness that we’ve had to deal with, including airplanes, everybody’s eventually gonna say, Buck, “Oh, I knew no kid should ever wear masks. I knew no… I knew it made no sense to ever wear mask on an airplane,” when many of those people who later say it are the ones who are the zealots and have been bullying people like you and me if we pull down our mask for a fraction of a second.

BUCK: New York City mayor Eric Adams, bring it to the city level from the state level with Hochul, is still… So everyone understands this, the data for vaccines showed that, what was it, 5 to 12-year-olds effectively got no benefit from the boosters, or no benefit from the vaccine —

CLAY: At all.

BUCK: — at all.

CLAY: In terms of getting the virus.

BUCK: Right. So whether you get the vaccine or not as a 5- to 12-year-old, the vaccine did not stop the spread, which we’ve known for a long time, and your odds of dying as a child in that age range from covid… Remember, the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting it. Your odds of dying if you get it is something like one in a million. It’s something that is so remote that you would not worry about those odds in any other aspect of your child’s life. Meanwhile — and it’s even hard to keep all this stuff straight — for those who are in K-through-12 schools, the mask mandate is gone. But if you are, I think, 3, 4, and 5 in pre-K, that stays somehow. Here’s the mayor, Eric Adams, play clip 16.

ADAMS: Beginning Monday, March 7th, we will be suspending the requirements and so folks it come in and enjoy the restaurants, enjoy the businesses, and be a part of this great city without having to show proof of vaccination. So that means our restaurants, our businesses, and our concert venues will no longer need to require patrons to provide this proof. As of this week, the schools positivity rate is 0.18%! So I’m announcing today that we are lifting the indoors mask requirements for DOE schools K through 12 starting Monday, March 7th!

BUCK: Just one thing, Clay. Notice that in New York and California and with the CDC and with the Biden regime, the words they use are “lifting,” “suspending.” You don’t hear them really say “ending.”

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And I think everyone needs to pay close attention to that. You don’t hear them saying… We’re here in Texas. Texas had a mask mandate for a while. Our friend Michael Berry said he didn’t think that the governor here did a great job during covid, and you gotta remember, there were states — there were red states — that fell for the madness for a while too.

CLAY: There’s no doubt, and that’s why I think this election, this midterm, we have to send a message that there are consequences for the mask insanity, that there are consequences for the vaccine mandate. Buck, think about this now. New York City is ending the requirement that you have to show that you had a vaccine in order to go into a McDonald’s, right? I think when people look back on this, it’s gonna be wild.

Remember, you’ve never had to show proof of vaccination to do anything in this country before, including for viruses that are far more serious, right? You never had to show, if you’re gonna go get a Big Mac, that you’ve had a vaccine for measles. Never required. So don’t underestimate how radical the proposition that you had to show a vaccine card in order to enter into a basic business was.

And don’t underrate, once they have set the precedent that they can do it, as soon as the midterms are over, what do we know? First weekend, first week in November, still early in the fall, early in the winter season, virus season has not peaked. We know the virus — typically in the United States — in the past couple of years has peaked around January 15th or 20th. So I believe what’s gonna happen is many of these blue state governors, many of these blue city mayors are going to reimplement mask mandates, potentially vaccine mandates as soon as the midterms are over.

BUCK: I wonder what they’re gonna do this summer when it comes to the media coverage of what’s clearly going to be… There will be covid cases again in the South —

CLAY: No doubt.

BUCK: — in the Southeastern United States, Florida.

CLAY: Florida in particular.

BUCK: They’re gonna start, and I think that they’re so brainwashed and shameless and dishonest in the national media that going into the election, they will say, “See, unlike in the blue states, after Omicron, everything else, Florida is not obeying the new, updated guidance!” They’re gonna stick to this narrative in some ways, I think. As crazy as that sounds, think about how crazy they’ve been up to this point.


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