
How Democrat Lockdowns Caused Baby Formula, Tampon Shortages

BUCK: I promised that we would quickly dive into as well the… Remember, Karine Jean-Pierre fumbling through the folders, no idea about the baby formula shortage? Still ongoing! There’s still a baby formula shortage and it’s also been pointed out today there is apparently a women’s —

CLAY: Tampon. I’ll just say it. There’s a tampon shortage.

BUCK: Sanitary napkin is a different thing, right? There’s a tampon shortage.

CLAY: By the way, if you’re a suburban woman, they have run out of baby formula and they’ve run out of tampons. I don’t know how you could vote for the Biden administration. The two things probably, if you’re a woman you’re like, “I’ve gotta go to grocery or I gotta go to the convenience store right now,” probably the two things… I’m not an expert —

BUCK: Tough to replace those things I would think, again.

CLAY: The two things that you must have —

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: — baby formula and tampons, they’ve run out of in the Biden administration.

BUCK: The Democrats want you to understand, though. For all the people who menstruate out there, the Democrats want you to know —

CLAY: Yes, that’s what they’re saying, yes.

BUCK: — that brilliant Joe Biden is gonna make all of your costs go down somehow while they’re all just going up. But on the baby formula issue specifically — CBS has a report on this — there’s been some information that’s come out recently that the neurotic freak-out, lockdown mentality led the FDA during the 2020 pandemic lockdown — which, remember, was pushed by “experts” that Biden elevated.

The only experts we had at the time were in the CDC. I mean, it was effectively the health deep state that was calling for all this stuff and it was a terrible idea what they did and they’re awful and people should understand that. The FDA only inspected three of America’s 23 infant formula plants in 2020. The Associated Press did the actual investigative work on this. Those inspections, Clay, usually happen once a year. So there were 20 baby formula factories that were never expected by the FDA the entire year, and guess what?

When they finally got around to it, they found issues, like issues at the Abbott plant: bacteria contamination, standing water, whatever the FDA inspectors are finding that’s a problem in these facilities. And so the FDA, ’cause it was so terrifying, they couldn’t do it… This was not considered during the pandemic, not considered a critical, a critical task.

Baby formula safety and health and then when they finally got around to doing their job, there was a shutdown of a facility, and the Biden administration figured, “No big deal! We’re not in charge of baby formula.” It was just a series of incompetence and errors all the way you through with the FDA, CDC pushing lockdowns, Biden then finding out that this factory gets shut down, and nobody does anything for months.

CLAY: And they still can’t even answer basic questions about it. This is — and again, I just would say, for anyone out there — suburban women are gonna decide a lot in 2022 and 2024. You’re talking to your girlfriends. You’re talking to your mom friends. You guys are sitting around. Would anyone have believed that the Biden administration would not be able to get baby formula and tampons on the shelves? I just… Again, not an expert —

BUCK: I mean, it’s time for another toilet paper shortage apparently ’cause that’s what’s next here.

CLAY: Not an expert, but I can’t think of anything that women would go to a convenience store or grocery store or whatever more in need of than tampons and baby formula, Buck, and this is where we are. And, by the way, the fact that they won’t take ownership of it! Again, are we gonna have to fly in tampons like we had to fly in baby formula? Is this a real world?

BUCK: We should be like the guys and gals in Shark Tank who sit there, and they hear the pitch from the people and often they’re just like, “Wait. Hold a second. So you want me to believe…?” They say, “Do you have any sales?” “No, I have no sales.” “You want me to believe that if I give you a million dollars, you’ll have 10 million in sales next year?”

CLAY: Yeah, right.

BUCK: Interesting, right? Based on what? They want us to believe, Clay… Biden was saying today if only he could spend more $5 trillion, he would know his government and his policies would know how to bring down prices all across the board at a time when not only do we have super high prices, we have Soviet Union-style shortages of baby formula and tampons and God knows what else is coming down the line.

CLAY: And, Buck, by the way, let’s also point out that the amount of time that the Biden administration has spent on things like, “If you’re 5 and you want to pick your gender, you’re heroic,” right? That’s the kind of stuff that they’re having press conferences on, press releases on, and they can’t handle the most basic things that would be involved in women’s health care needs, right? (laughs) Just in terms of being able to feed your baby and being able to buy tampons. I just… You can’t even satirize the stupidity, incompetence, and pure ignorance of the Biden administration right now.


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