How Low Can Joe’s Approval Go?
18 Nov 2021
BUCK: The Biden administration’s got problems — we know that — and they don’t have a way of turning it around very easily. Now, that’s in part because Biden is — as we all thought he would be — a facade, a Trojan horse for a far more left-wing the Democrat Party than what he pretended to be representing as a candidate in 2020.
And we see. Whether it’s the failure at the border, the rise of inflation, any number of areas of incompetence — the withdrawal from Afghanistan, all these different things that have shown that Biden team can’t get it done — they have to come up with the media who are in Biden’s pocket. Just imagine for a second that Biden had to deal with what Trump did.
A corporate journo establishment that is 95% devoted to nothing but the eradication, the destruction of a presidency, willing to lie ruthlessly and relentlessly about Russia collusion to try to undermine him. Imagine what befuddled Joe Biden would sound like with that going on.
BIDEN: (slurring) More fires in the West, burned-to-the-ground homes, businesses and forests than the entire state of New Jersey from Cape May to New York City. This is the United States of America, for God’s sake! And why is it happenin’? Well, the severe storms that are knocking down all the wires. Anyway, there’s a lot going on! We have to… This law builds back our bridges, our water systems, our power lines, our grids, and for better and (pause) stronger resilience.
BUCK: You know, Clay, in the Washington Post… Just to give a sense of what I said a second ago about the corporate media, here is a piece in the Washington Post about the current president, given all the problems that are going on. “Joe Biden’s entire life has been crafted, in many ways, around cars — the affection for automobiles as much a part of him as his Irishness and his love of ice cream.
“As Biden again gets behind the wheel, reupping a ‘I’m a car guy’ take on Biden.” That was in the Washington Post today. Do you remember anything like that when Donald Trump was president about his Irishness and his charm?
Joe Biden’s entire life has been crafted, in many ways, around cars — the affection for automobiles as much a part of him as his Irishness and his love of ice cream. As Biden again gets behind the wheel, reupping a “I’m a car guy” take on Biden:
— Matt Viser (@mviser) November 17, 2021
CLAY: We talked about this, Buck. If the media weren’t biased — this is just fun for everybody out there to think about — there would have been inaccurate stories about Donald Trump that were beneficial for him, right? We know all of the lies that were spread about Donald Trump. But if it were just media incompetence and not agenda-driven anti-Trump narratives, then there would be some great stories out there that might not be true.
I’ll just make one up. Donald Trump gave $20 million to the kids at the Make-A-Wish Foundation, right? I’m just making that up. That story could be out there and you’d be like, “oh, that was really nice of Donald Trump to give $20 million to Make-A-Wish,” and then it comes out that he didn’t actually give $20 million to Make-A-Wish. But it’s a story that was wrong that would have been very beneficial to Trump.
Every single person listening to us right now all across the country, all the podcasts — none of them — think about how crazy this is, Buck. There is no positive story about Donald Trump that spread widely, that went viral, and was later determined to be untrue. Now, compare that with all the awful stories about Trump that spread virally that later was proven to be untrue. That’s what agenda journalism is. If it was just incompetence, sometimes it would be incompetence in his favor. Never happened.
BUCK: We also know that they’re trying to explain to the American people this administration in the most favorable way they can, and they’re struggling in part because how do you explain this?
BIDEN: (slurring) Conversations around those kitchen tables that are both profound as they are ordinary. “How do I cross a bridge in a snowstorm?” What happen…? (sputtering) No, think about it. You know, you’re situa… What happens the bridge collapses and there’s a fire on the other side? It’s gonna take 10 miles longer to get to the fire! People could die. I mean, this is real! This is real stuff.
CLAY: All random sentences that are just mixed together that have no connection whatsoever. This is what, sadly, a mind that is grappling with dementia sounds like, Buck. Every time I listen to that, I just think, “My God. This is so uncomfortable, and our country is in such an unfortunate position that this is the guy.”
Biden: “I stand on the blue marker, huh?”
GM Guide: “Yeah, the blue”
Biden: “Gotta take orders”
GM Guide: “You’re here…” *points*
Biden: *blows right past it*
GM Guide: “you’re…ok…ok” *everyone else moves up*
— Tommy Pigott (@TommyPigott) November 17, 2021
BUCK: They’ve also created for a long time now this notion of good old Uncle — or now Grandpa — Joe that everybody can count on. He’s such a good guy. Sure, he says things a little off the cuff sometimes but you know, he’s a charming Irishman with a big grin who likes cars and ice cream. They created this whole story around the guy. Joe Biden’s actually a jerk, folks.
What people don’t realize is he’s actually not a super-nice guy at all, and if you want an Exhibit A on this one, Joe Biden used for a long time to tell a story and the story was about the very tragic death of his wife and his young daughter in a car accident. Now, that’s horrible. Joe would tell the story, obviously a tragic event, a lot of political sympathy came to him as well.
He told the story for many, many years. Which fine, right? This a real life event, and obviously Bo and Hunter Biden were in the car too. They survived. The issue is that multiple times in public giving speeches, Joe Biden claimed because it was an even more tragic story that the driver of the truck that hit his wife’s car was drunk. That is a lie. That is a lie.
It is not true. That actually affected the life of that truck driver because he then became known as the guy who killed Joe Biden’s wife ’cause he was driving drunk, even though that is a lie. Joe Biden said this numerous times. They’ve actually had to do fact checks on this. He didn’t care, Clay, because it was too valuable a story to tell in that way.
Who does that? By the way, what happened was his wife tragically blew through a stop sign and was hit by a semi. It was a car accident. It was not truck driver’s fault, but he said multiple times in public driver was drunk. That’s a reckless thing to say. It’s a wrong thing to do. Joe Biden’s not some cuddly grandfather, folks. That’s just the act.
CLAY: And, unfortunately, he’s not even a good actor anymore, Buck, because acting requires cognitive ability that he doesn’t have. And again, going back to the larger bias at play here — and I think we need to keep hammering it on this show because I don’t hear very many people talking about it. We spent years talking about the 25th Amendment and Donald Trump. Have you heard a single legitimate debate on CNN or MSNBC…?
Every time Donald Trump misspoke, it was “evidence” that his brain had deteriorated. He had to take a cognitive test. “He cheated on the cognitive test! There’s no way he could pass it!” They had doctors on to analyze his mental capacity. Buck, over half of people in a recent poll — over half, and this is a very divided country, but over half — said Joe Biden has dementia, that his brain is not working well.
BUCK: And the problem, Clay, is that they used identity politics as a primary decision-making point on who the vice president would be, and now we’re seeing what do the American people actually think of the vice president and the role she’s in? No one thinks she’s particularly adept or capable or even likable, and so this is how she pushes back on it.
HARRIS: Month after month after month I’ve traveled around the country as has the president. We have convened members of Congress. We’ve convened people around our nation asking, “What do you want?” And this is a response to what they want. And it’s actually gonna hit the ground in a way that is gonna have direct impact on the American people. We’re getting things done, and we’re do get it together.
REPORTER: So you don’t feel misused or underused?
HARRIS: No, I don’t. I am very, very excited about the work that we have accomplished, but I am also absolutely, absolutely clear-eyed that there’s a lot more to do and we’re gonna get it done.
ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on reports VP Kamala Harris’ allies say she is underutilized in her role: “So you don’t feel misused or underused?”
Harris: “No, I don’t.”
— The Recount (@therecount) November 18, 2021
BUCK: Clay, every time I hear Kamala speak it really reminds me of being in a brutally useless H.R. meeting like one of those H.R. trainings that you don’t want to sit through where they’re telling you things you already know and no one needs to hear, but the person telling you knows you have no choice; you have to listen.
CLAY: I think this is also a function, Buck, of what one-party rule creates. She came out of California. Nobody was really a viable opponent to her. The media was cheering for her and as a result she didn’t develop political skills that analyzed the best attributes of her side and the other side. And she seems wildly uncomfortable in her own skin. Does that it makes sense? Everything she does feels like it’s an actress who isn’t particularly talented at being an actress trying to pretend to be something. She doesn’t ever seem like a real person.
BUCK: Oh, she lacks authenticity when she is speaking to the American people.
CLAY: But she feels like she’s a bad actress along the way.
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