CLAY: I was having some fun yesterday on social media sharing the latest covid data, and some of the Biden White House advisers over the time decided to hop in. They were really fired up that I would be sharing the data, and I basically just said, “Hey, if this is a covid vaccine success story, what would a covid vaccine failure story look like?” and I shared the overall number of cases hitting an all-time high as we’ve been doing every single day.
And then I went in and looked at the New York Times database here of United States vaccinations. And I think it’s important ’cause Joe Biden and his cronies keep referring to covid as “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” which is 100% not true, and I just wanted to share these numbers ’cause I think they will stun a lot of our listening audience. This is directly from the New York Times.
“Percentage of people 65 and up who have gotten at least one dose of the covid vaccine: 95%.” I want to make sure you understand that: 95% of people who are age 65 or older have gotten at least one covid shot. But it’s even more impressive than that: 18 and up, 86% of Americans — 18 and up, adults — have gotten at least one covid shot.
When they talk about the fully vaccinated number — and right now it’s at 62% — they’re talking about babies all the way up to the oldest people in America fully vaccinated but getting at least one shot, like my boy Buck here with the Johnson & Johnson version. So 95% 65 and up, 86% 18 and up. Those are monster numbers that none talks about.
BUCK: I don’t even know. Is there a J&J booster that’s available these days? I don’t even know.
CLAY: (laughing) I don’t think you’re allowed to get the J&J anymore.
CLAY: He does fabulous work.
BUCK: We both know him — @ianmSC is his Twitter handle — and all he does is share data. He’s just sharing the numbers all the time with some sometimes pretty amusing snarky commentary, but it is all just data that is official. It’s not him coming up with numbers from or net or something. And this was fascinating ’cause Ontario is in a full on lockdown right now insofar as we do them here, right?
Now people are starting to say — you’ve noticed this? — real lockdowns have never been tried, which I was saying in the beginning because it is true in a sense, we don’t do real lockdowns here. We do the Zoom work from home class gets to hang out and have other people keep the roads clean, bring ’em their food, cook them their stuff, you know, make sure the groceries and the drugstores are open. But so we’ve never done a real lockdown. But the point here is Ontario has gone into a partial lockdown, you could call it. Did you see this data, Clay, that he shared?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: This is from the official Canadian equivalent of CDC. In the hospitals but not in the ICU right now, fully vaccinated cases, 536; partially vaccinated cases, 42; unvaccinated cases, 236. Now, obviously a huge number of Candians are vaccinated so you don’t have that large of an unvaccinated pool to begin with. But that’s a lot of fully vaccinated people in the hospital in Ontario relative to the overall numbers we’re talking about here.
CLAY: Yeah, and it hardly gets talked about at all, which is why this argument we have “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” it is not an exaggeration to say that is a lie. The data does not in any way support that and even those numbers — I bet a lot of people who heard those — 95% of people 65 and older have had at least one shot, 86% of all people 18 and up have had at least one shot? Those are massive numbers. So in order for there to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated, the 14% that have never gotten a shot at all would have to be overwhelming to get to a million cases a day. The people who are mostly getting covid causes are vaccinated by far.
BUCK: In the next 30 days, I believe, you’re going to see in the rhetoric from the White House and the CDC and the Fauciite apparatus — you know, Fauci’s staying until the end. He’s gonna be there for as long as Biden’s president. This guy thinks he’s the only person who can go out there and represent this point of view effectively even though he’s deeply compromised, horrible at his job, awful judgment. Put that aside for a second, Clay.
I think they’re gonna move on to the unboosted as the unvaccinated soon. The logic of their position is that they have to keep this going because otherwise what will happen is, “Well, I got the shot. Hold on. Now my protection is where, exactly?” particularly for those who are at risk, they’re gonna have to keep getting the shot but then they’re gonna say everything else has to keep getting the shot to lower the overall risk pool as well so if you are unboosted.
Just listen for the way they’re gonna change. The same way there’s no more breakthrough case talk about anymore really. We’ve talked about this. They’re never saying, “Oh, my gosh, breakthrough case are so rare!” They were telling you that a few months ago. They’re going to start saying, “It’s your patriotic duty to get boosted, not just to get the shot, to get boosted,” which is also another way of letting everyone know this is a forever cycle now, because there’s no basis.
If you look at the numbers, there’s no basis for ever stopping the shot if you’re going to make people get a second, a third, a fourth. Eeven with the dropping fatality rate of the overall virus and even with the enormous increase in natural immunity in this country, now you have to wonder, “Look, do the variants evade at some level natural immunity?” We’re big natural immunity proponents. Is it really preventing you from getting Omicron the same way that it prevented you from getting Delta? I don’t know. These are questions that we might have answers to if the CDC actually cared. But as we know, they don’t care about natural immunity at all, it seems.
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