Is Instagram Influencer AOC the Future of the Democrat Party?
20 Jul 2022
CLAY: Buck, we talked about this yesterday, because right as we were finishing the program, AOC and members of The Squad had videos going viral of them walking with their hands behind their backs. They were arrested. And I’m putting “arrested” in quote marks. My understanding on the arrests, is they were not arrested for protesting. They were arrested for refusing to leave the road, thereby guaranteeing that they were arrested.
And then they pretended that they had been handcuffed, in what was just a stupid moment, even for Democrats. AOC walking alongside of Ilhan Omar, and other members of The Squad, pretending that they had been handcuffed, walking with their hands behind their backs. I’m surprised that they didn’t throw themselves on the ground and claim that the police were also beating them.
AOC is destruction for the Democrats. The more powerful she and The Squad become, the more they lose support nationwide. Do Democrats understand this, and, moreover, it seems certain that everybody is afraid of AOC, because they’re popular on social media. Chuck Schumer is afraid that she’s going to challenge him and knock him out of office.
The left craves AOC’s all-sizzle, no-substance influence, but when Jim Harbaugh voices his opinion, the leftists flip out.@ClayTravis tackles these topics.
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— The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show (@clayandbuck) July 20, 2022
Whatever you may think of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, I don’t really question their intelligence. I question the overall direction that they would take the country. I don’t think AOC is very smart. And I don’t think she is capable of really understanding any of the implications of the decisions, that she’s making. Partly, I think it facts in, that she’s young. And this is the bigger issue that we’ve talked about with Democrats in general. Most of them don’t understand basic business. Even inside the economic team in the Biden White House —
BUCK: Basically none of them.
CLAY: 2.4 years is the average amount of time that the Biden economic advisers have actually spent in business. How do the Democrats, if at all — and I watched that video. And I’m curious what you would say about this, Buck. When I watched that video of her walking fake handcuffed, I think to myself, how in the world do Democrats divorce themselves from the AOC’s of the world, or even can they. Is she the future of the Democrat party, or are they going to kick them to the curb, at some point, recognizing, that they are destroying the party from within. What is your plan here?
BUCK: I think she’s the ideological vanguard of the Democrat Party. I think that Nancy Pelosi actually has AOC envy a lot of the time. Because AOC can drive. Now, Pelosi has more power. Obviously. And has more connections, and more political cunning. But from building in office for decades.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: While, again, her husband was so good playing the stock market. I should have invested in the Paul Pelosi fund this whole time. I had no idea —
CLAY: I’m glad you bring this up. Can we just all agree that it’s pretty crazy that all of these congressmen and women can insider trade, and it’s just totally accepted? I don’t know, when you —
BUCK: Pelosi fought the bill, Clay, that made it illegal.
CLAY: I know. I know. I don’t even see this as remotely partisan. She’s super wealthy. She could easily buy index funds, and sit back and not need to buy and sell individual stocks. Yet, her timing. And this has been the case for lots of people. Republicans and Democrats. I don’t even think this is partisan. It seems like everybody should have to put their money into index funds, when they are sitting in positions of prominence like this. Is that not like something everybody would agree with?
BUCK: Oh, anybody who is being fair, would agree with it. But the people who have been beating the S&P 500 year in and year out, the people that are suddenly brilliant investors. I mean, look at some of the Nancy Pelosi land deals in the state of California.
Paul Pelosi $1M chip company stock purchase latest in long history of ‘timely’ buys | Just The News
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) July 20, 2022
Look into the history. You’ll say, wait a second. So it’s almost like, they know there’s going to be more funding for either a rail project or there’s going to be a highway extension. And all of a sudden, right? You see this happening all the time. But remember, this was true of the Clinton family. It is true of the Biden family. It’s true of the Pelosi family. If you are a Democrat, who is of value to the party, they will protect you no matter how corrupt you are.
You can literally lie under oath, and not face perjury charges. Like Bill Clinton. You can make videos of yourself, distributing, using cocaine, crack, and having prostitutes and making porno videos, and legally purchasing a firearm. Where’s the federal firearms investigation into Hunter Biden? You’re not allowed to do that. They always talk about gun laws. Hunter Biden is a habitual drug user, and a person in possession of controlled illegal substances. Not allowed to buy a firearm. But they protect them.
You see, they protect these Democrats, no matter what they do. Pelosi, you could have video of Pelosi’s husband meeting with, you know, the head of company X, Y, Z, saying, hey, we’re about to have a merger in, you know, two months. Get in now. Market moving information. And you would have people going on CNN, saying, well, it’s very complicated to know what’s really considered insider information. The January 6th insurrection, up next. They don’t care. They frankly don’t care. And that’s why nothing ever changes with this.
CLAY: I think a big part of the insider trading thing, your average American doesn’t really know that much about insider trading and how valuable it could be. And how much information impacts your ability to buy and sell stocks at appropriate times, and be able to take advantage of it. And it is amazing, how Nancy Pelosi and her family, for like 40 years, has had impeccable timing when it comes to buying and selling individual stock. And I’m not saying that politicians shouldn’t be able to invest in stock markets. They certainly should.
Ilhan Omar faked being handcuffed too lmfaooo— Greg Price (@greg_price11) July 19, 2022
But they can buy index funds. I mean, most of the money that I have, is in S&P 500 index funds. I’m not buying and selling individual stocks. Although, I will apologize to Buck. Because some of the stock recommendations that I’ve given him of late, have not — they look good for a while. J
BUCK: Right, man. Can’t really afford the vacations the same way, but I can always crash in the Clay Travis beach house, that’s the good news.
CLAY: Buck, I would like to apologize to Carrie, they were — they were planning a big honeymoon, and then I told him, hey, I have a couple of stocks that I’m buying on an individual level here. And now you’re going to be going to, you know, New York City over to New Jersey on the honeymoon, so that’s on me.
BUCK: Live and learn, folks.
CLAY: New York is nice in January. Let’s be honest.
Tucker Carlson mocks how AOC and Ilhan Omar were led away by police in imaginary handcuffs.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) July 20, 2022
BUCK: Gosh. So we have AOC with the fake arrest yesterday. And I would just note, that I don’t even think, it doesn’t matter even that it’s fake. Because the optics of it are supposed to be that she’s standing up to the man.
CLAY: And also, Buck, lots of people are only going to see five-second clips of that. Because she’s an Instagram influencer. Which, I’m happy to say, is starting to catch on a little bit. But people don’t want death, right? They’ll watch the five seconds. They’ll cut it off. Even before she does the fist power sign, and just clip it and say AOC got arrested for protesting. And you get five seconds. And you don’t even see that she wasn’t even handcuffed.
BUCK: It’s amazing how much of the Democrat policy, and just ideological core boils down to envy and your — your poor decisions aren’t the problem. It’s other people standing in the way of a government that will bring about utopia. That’s the problem. I mean, what does AOC stand for, that would actually improve the average American’s life in a clear way, that would not have a massive downside. Right?
This is what we saw, for example, with lockdowns. “We’re saving lives!” They actually didn’t save lives. They ruined lives. They just saw the latest analysis is that there’s an increase in 30 percent fatal drug overdoses in 2020 because of lockdowns. We all know it. So tens of thousands of people died for their idiocy. What is the idea that they would push forward if they could? The Green New Deal? How would that make anybody’s life better?
Remember, AOC’s office was the one who put forward the green new deal template. We talk about the Green New Deal. That was AOC, who put that forward. The Instagram influencer of Congress. And she did this, and then people said, we have to rebuild every structure in America, to make it green energy compliant? We have to eliminate cows and car farts? This is real. Car farts. Methane, is in the green new deal document.
And what we’ve seen is they keep pushing this stuff. The public realizes what it is. And they back off a little bit. But they think incrementally overtime, they can get there. Which is why PBS had a special a couple of days ago, about edible insects. The corporation of public broadcasting, everybody. Edible insects, get used to it, peasants. This is what the Green New Deal — Pelosi will be on a private jet, eating caviar, but maybe she will sprinkle some cricket dust on you, as you’re starving in the streets. That is the future they want for you. And it’s true, it’s real.
The climate loons really want you to eat bugs. It’s not a joke.
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) July 18, 2022
CLAY: I look at it. And that’s kind of the question that I think the answer to the question of, how do they divorce themselves from AOC is utter destruction at the polls. And I believe that 2022 is going to be big. But if Republicans do a good job of picking the right nominee, and we’re going to have a monster long discussion of who the not only any is going to be. Because I think a lot of people are going to run. It should be utter destruction in 2024. Ass kicking is clarifying.
BUCK: I hope so. I’m going to make a prediction right now. If I were advising AOC — which wouldn’t that be fascinating? If I were advising AOC, I would say maybe one more term in Congress, come out, get paid $15 million a year to have your own show at MSNBC. They would sign her up in prime time in a heartbeat. Their lineup right now is garbage. Get a 10 million-dollar book deal. Now you’re really wealthy. You have the whole media ecosystem building your brand, and then run for president. She’s going to do it, Clay. I’m telling you. Joe Biden is the president. What, we’re going to say, AOC is too dumb to be president? Look who is the president now.
CLAY: I would like to say you’re wrong. I would like to say there’s no way it would happen, but I do think that AOC would get exposed in a major way outside her social media influencer bubble. Because that’s assuming that she actually sits for any interviews. Joe Biden doesn’t do that now.
And to your point, Buck, I totally see all of that happening. I don’t even think she would be that good on television. Because I don’t think — I guess if everybody writes everything for her, and she just reads it off the teleprompter, which is basically the Instagram influencer model going to MSNBC, she just doesn’t have that many interesting ideas. And so I don’t know that she would be a very interesting person, if she had to actually — she’s interesting for a congressperson.
BUCK: Well, her followers think you’re Clay-splaining right now. And you’re a cis gender male alpha, yada, yada.
CLAY: She’s interesting for a congressperson. Is she actually interestingly for a person who has to compete for interest? I don’t know that she could do a fun show. I don’t know that she’s an engaging personality, outside — again, she’s competing against people who are really boring. And she’s way better looking than they are. And she’s way younger than they are. But when she actually competes against young and smart people. Is she actually very impressive? I have significant doubts about that, right?
BUCK: When she sends you to Gitmo, when she’s president, I’ll promise I’ll come to visit, Clay.
CLAY: I’ll give you an example, Buck. I was good-looking for being a sportswriter. I’m not a particularly good-looking man.
BUCK: Clay does not lack for confidence. One of the things I love about my partner.
CLAY: Oh, no. Good-looking for a sportswriter. Good-looking for a sportswriter is like a four on a scale of one to ten. These are not good-looking men, right? AOC owes a lot of her attention because of her profession. I don’t think if she moves outside of politics, I don’t think she would be very good. Like Rachel Maddow is very good at television, I think AOC might suck at it.
BUCK: We’ll see.
CLAY: We may well see. I’m scared your prognosis is correct.
BUCK: People will go back, “Buck can see the future.” I think it’s pretty clear
CLAY: I’m concerned that your prognosis is correct. I’m just hoping that she would actually suck at what you’re telling her she should do.
BUCK: I have an update for you on the whole AOC fake arrest story. I knewthere would be some laughable — because it was so stupid, the whole thing, right?
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Not only is she an imbecile, she’s a fraud folks. A fraud. But she could do an Instagram live right now. And there would be more people watching her, than that watch MSNBC. And they would all be saying, “Yeah! Yes, queen. You’re amazing. You’re genius.” And they’re all so dumb. And I feel badly for them. They should listen to this show. They would learn something.
CLAY: I rarely pay attention to AOC. But after that, “you’re my favorite big booty Latina video,” which was up last week. I went into the comments. And, Buck, the number of what appeared to be male Twitter accounts, just, is like they were desperately asking for her to date them. When you read these comments, it’s like, well, “If he had said that to me and you were my girlfriend, I would have punched him right in the face.” Got like 900 likes.
BUCK: If you are a beta male with Ukraine flags and the double masking selfies, and if your profile photo is you in an N95, and you announce your pronouns to everybody all the time, AOC is the dream woman. I mean, she is the absolute best you could ever imagine and hope for, if you happened to be one of those guys.
CLAY: It is funny. I just love reading their comments. Because, first of all, you’re not going to date the girl, that you’re making the comments about, in the social media accounts, all right? Unless you’re also famous and rich, she’s not going to be like, you know, “Matteas4646923 with the Ukraine flag and the triple mask profile pic, you’re the guy I’ve been dreaming of dating forever!”
It’s just next-level pathetic, the men who are, like, throwing themselves at AOC’s feet in the comments. I couldn’t help but enjoy it.
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