CLAY: We got Dr. Fauci out at Cafe Milano, Buck, not surprisingly, in Georgetown not wearing a mask.
BUCK: Very fancy Cafe Milano.
CLAY: And, if you look, they continue to move the goalposts here, on how things get back to normal. And this is Dr. Ashish Jha, they have now moved on to, wasn’t very long ago they said you get the vaccine, don’t have to wear masks, everything’s gonna get back to normal — these vaccines work perfectly. Now they’ve moved on to if you just get the booster everything will be fine. They keep moving the goalposts, and we keep having surging caseloads and hospitalizations. Let’s play here cut 13. All we need is the boosters and things will get back to normal.
DR. ASHISH JHA: I think it is gonna make an enormous difference. What the data is now really clear is that a third shot, a booster shot six months after your second shot of Moderna or Pfizer, dramatically reduces your risk of getting infected and spreading the virus. So, if all eligible Americans, if all adult Americans six months out got the booster, I think you would dramatically lower the numbers of infections and spread in our country.
BUCK: Here’s what should be said by every person who claims to be a journalist or a person who has a platform and can inform the public and claims at least that that is their reason for doing what they do. Every time we’re told you should get a booster shot, which we’re — remember, we’ve been saying I think since July, maybe August, on this show, they’re going to say boosters for everyone, and it’s going to go from suggested to highly suggested to mandatory in some places. It won’t be mandatory in Florida. It won’t be be mandatory. But in New York and in California they’re gonna make it — and even — you mentioned the NBA, Clay, right? You have to go through the unvaccinated protocols. You’re not banned, but unvaccinated protocols if you don’t get the booster, if you have J&J; isn’t that correct, right?
CLAY: That’s right. And also, by the way, in the NFL, Buck, they have done away with any distinction now between vaccinated and unvaccinated players because so many players are testing positive. For Thanksgiving week everybody has to wear masks and they’re testing everyone twice a day.
BUCK: So, here’s what should be asked every time, I mean, every time someone says to you or you hear someone and there’s a moment for a Q&A in an exchange, is this our last booster? I want that — that should be the question that is shouted from — and for some people I know you’re like, Buck, I’m not even getting the shot in the first place. I know, but now we see beyond any reasonable doubt that what we’ve been warning about as essentially covid forever, the processes we’ve been put through, the creation of QR codes, of vaccine passports and vaccine mandates and how this is for a virus that rapidly mutates, that has animal reservoirs that allow for it even if we eradicated from all humanity in America, it would still exist in other countries around the world and, even if you eliminate it from them, the virus has animal reservoirs. There was a story recently about how it’s really common in deer, for example, a lot of deer have covid so this means —
CLAY: Maybe we gotta vaccinate all the deer.
CLAY: — the booster?
CLAY: You got —
BUCK: Unless someone’s gonna tell me they’re gonna, like, lock me in my home, fire me from my job and, you know, you know export me to Gitmo, no, I’m not getting the booster.
CLAY: ‘Cause I think, to your point, there is a massive number of people that said, “Hey, I’ll do my part. I’ll go get the vaccine.” There is not gonna be that many people, I think, who are willing to go get this booster especially in their thirties, their forties, their fifties who are otherwise healthy.
BUCK: Think about this. And I said this all along. I’m somebody — I’ve gotten so many vaccinations ’cause of my time in the CIA, getting sent to Africa and the Middle East and south Asia and places where you’re getting vaccinations for things — and I always used to go into the medical office there and say do I really need this? They’re like, oh, yeah. It wasn’t — they’re like, you know, you don’t want to get whatever this is, you don’t want to get yellow fever or African sleeping sickness or, you know, any number of these different — river blindness, whatever, all these different diseases. I can’t even remember what they’re called. I wasn’t super opposed as a person from the beginning — first of all, people at risk should get it and me I didn’t really care all that much because I’m a pincushion for vaccinations. I hate the mandate.
BUCK: A lot of people, a lot of people who were saying, all right, fine. Fits going to stop the spread, if it’s going to make the elderly safer, if it means I can’t get it or give it, you know, I’m not worried about myself, but I’ll do it to be a good guy for everybody else which, by the way, was part of the push from the Fauciites, right.
CLAY: That was the push.
BUCK: It was right? This was about the commune, it’s not about you. Now we know they were wrong. You can get it and spread it, and it’s happening in large numbers now, by the way. The vaccine failed to stop that. The vaccines have failed in that regard.
CLAY: Which is, by the way, what everybody was getting banned for saying, saying it back in July.
BUCK: And now they’re just telling, oh, no just — just — just the shot. “Just two weeks” is now “just this booster.” And I think enough people are finally saying “no blanking way. I’m done. I’m not — I’m not gonna be protecting the community by getting the equivalent of a flu shot every six months for the rest of my life.”
CLAY: Forever.
BUCK: “I’m sorry. Not happening.”
CLAY: And I think that’s where we are. And I would just point out and I keep saying it on the show, we don’t call the flu shot a flu vaccine. We call it a flu shot because oftentimes you’re guessing as to whether or not you’re hitting the right strain. It has limited efficacy. And a huge percentage of people every year choose not to get the flu shot. And we have now created a covid shot that is effectively going to be a therapeutic in many ways like the flu shot, and there are a lot of people, Buck, who got this vaccine who listened to the government who believed it was going to end covid ’cause that’s what they told it was gonna do and now the data is quite clear, it’s not true.
BUCK: Can I just say there were a lot of people who thought they were really smart, really smart who are comparing this to the MMR vaccinations for your children. “Shut up. You have to get that for your kid. Shut up. It’s the same thing.” Those people, every single one of them who said it all over the country on media or maybe just, you know, some folks out there over lunch one day, whatever, they were all wrong. This is an MMR. This is not a similar circumstance, different risk parameters, different protection parameters, different number of shots you have to get —
CLAY: Way less efficacy.
BUCK: — not the same thing at all.
CLAY: No, it’s a hundred percent sure. And that’s why the idea of vaccine mandates for covid for kids strikes so many parents, like me and many of you listening right now, right in our heart because this cannot be allowed to happen.
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