BUCK: We’ve got a call from Greg in Monterey, California. We could take that one. He wants to talk about the Jack Ryan series on Amazon Prime, and I’m definitely about to upset some people. Greg, thanks for calling in.
CALLER: Hey. Hey, guys, I wanted to just compliment you guys. You guys are really… We all loved Rushbo, but you guys just have carved out a whole feel of your own, and it’s just fantastic. So, that’s one thing I wanted to let you know. But, yeah, I had heard you talk about different Netflix/Amazon Prime series, and maybe I missed it, but have you talked about Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan? Because you are Jack Ryan, Buck.
BUCK: I mean, the guy does have great hair, he rows crew, and he was an analyst for the CIA, so there are some similarities. And, Greg, I appreciate you pointing them out. The Jack Ryan series, I just thought was… I saw the first season, and I was like, “This is just kind of ridiculous.” I wish it was that cool, that you go from writing the reports at Langley to all of a sudden you’re like interrogating a terrorist and you got the MP5 and you’re laying down the hate against the enemy and the whole thing.
And then the second season I got, like, two episodes in, and I — and this is my problem. People ask me, like, “What CIA shows do you like?” I’ve become that guy who I’m like, “They’re too unrealistic. I can’t do it. I look at…” He’s got, like, classified documents out on the table in his hotel and he’s got some hot lady who’s like coming up to hang out with him. I’m like…”
CLAY: Who plays Jack Ryan in this show?
BUCK: John Krasinski, who, I will say, is very good, and he’s phenomenal in 13 Hours, which is a movie that does touch on this stuff, this same genre, and I do like a lot. I thought 13 hours was great. So, despite what people say, I don’t hate everything about movies. But, Greg, I gotta say, I liked The Terminal List more than I liked the Jack Ryan series.
CALLER: That’s because you’ve got your background. But season 1 was much better. Season 2 was a complete falloff. They turned him into Rambo instead of having that —
BUCK: I watched all of season 1 of the Jack Ryan. Thank you for calling in, Greg. I appreciate it.
CLAY: I like John Krasinski. The Office is maybe the funniest show that’s ever been made. It gets better and better. It ages like fine wine. It’s up there with Seinfeld, in my opinion.
BUCK: Oh, yeah. I think the only reason for a while I was even subscribing to Netflix was because it had The Office and then when it lost it, I guess it went to Paramount+ or one of those other things —
CLAY: I think that’s right. It’s back in the Comcast family. But A Quiet Place one and A Quiet Place two which Krasinski wrote and directed are both really well done as well.
BUCK: The two actors who have made… What are our contemporaries.
CLAY: Yeah, basically.
BUCK: And the two actors who have made, I think, the sort of coolest transformation in their careers are the two actors that I was just effectively referencing there, Chris Pratt from another show which I love, Parks and Rec when he went and he transformed himself into basically like a Navy SEAL badass guy actor, obviously.
John Krasinski, when he decided that he was gonna be in 13 Hours, you know, he put on 15 or 20 pounds of muscle, grew a beard and, all of a sudden, you know, was ready to throw down for America. So those guys did a great job. That’s when… I’m in the gym and I’m like, “I can’t do any more deadlifts,” I’m like, “Look at John Krasinski and Chris Pratt.”
CLAY: But I bet those guys, to be fair, also went strong HDH. There’s no way those guys got as ripped as they did all natural.
BUCK: We have some fitness experts out there in this audience, which I know we do, we just haven’t had them call in in a while, I am amazed… The more I learn about this and the closer I am to it, the amount of additional testosterone beyond… It’s not for hypogonadism which is when you actually have a testosterone deficiency or have your own show as a guy on CNN, but that’s the way they can diagnose these things.
But the amount of HGH and testosterone that people just are — that guys are — consuming now in order to get a certain look and have a certain strength profile is pretty shocking, the more I find out about this from people who know. And even… I’ve learned these things now, like, ’cause on TikTok they’re always talking about it and on Instagram, these different steroids. A lot of people take steroids, which I have found out is… I mean, anybody who’s… I mean, if you look at, say, Jeff Bezos of Amazon —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: — that’s not just from… I don’t know what he’s doing, but it’s not just from eating lots of chicken breast and a few extra pull-ups. I’m just saying. I don’t know what he’s doing.
BUCK: Oh, totally. Decided to go with more chicken breasts and brown rice.
CLAY: That’s what they always say. That’s what they always say, right, like you’re like, Jeff Bezos, you’re 55, you’ve never been in good shape your whole life, and suddenly your body fat percentage is three? Like, at 55? The math doesn’t add up, and they’re always like, “Well, you know, I just started living healthier.” Yeah, and injecting yourself with a lot of HGH.
BUCK: Yeah, just started doing that CrossFit, you know, those kettlebell swings all of a sudden really kicked in, added 20 pounds of muscle.
CLAY: I’ve done all that stuff, all right? I’m not in awful physical condition, but I’ve weighed pretty much the same thing, and I am not ripped.
BUCK: I’m sure we have some bodybuilder competitors and stuff listening right now. Do you have any thoughts for Clay and I on our thesis here that a lot of these actors you see are taking stuff, you know? A lot of them are taking things. A lot of them —
CLAY: There’s no way. Like, did you watch Brad Pitt in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? He’s got that scene where he’s on top of the roof and he’s like — like, takes his shirt off? He’s almost 60, Brad Pitt, like 55 or whatever the heck he is, and he looks like he’s 24. There’s no way that’s real.
BUCK: Yeah. So, anyway. Maybe that’s the case or maybe Clay and I just need to get our asses up earlier and do more deadlifts and eat more chicken breast. Yeah. We’ll see. Fauci is still running around saying nonsense, and he’s not done with you, folks. We’ve told you this before. We’ve got a really great moment in Fauciism that we will share with all of you. Then we got Dr. Marty Makary. We’re gonna ask him about what the heck is going on with all this stuff. There’s also the possible declaration of monkeypox as a new pandemic. Have they come up with a new name? They were saying they didn’t like monkeypox but I haven’t heard the new name.
CLAY: Yeah, it was considered racially offensive, right, that they were calling it monkeypox? Everyone who is getting monkeypox — and I say everyone, meaning like 98.something-percent is gay dudes, and that’s now homophobic to even mention, right? Like, you can’t mention who’s actually getting the virus.
BUCK: We can ask Dr. Makary about this ’cause, you know, he’s an MD. He’ll tell us some stuff.
CLAY: We got a bunch of super-ripped people who want to weigh in about how super ripped they are.
BUCK: (laughing)
CLAY: Scott in Raleigh. How are you so ripped?
CALLER: Hi. Am I on?
BUCK: Yeah, you’re on, buddy — a 31-year-old FBI veteran, got ripped at 55. What’s up?
CALLER: Okay. So essentially you have to have, you know, pretty decent muscle, be an average guy, right? This is what I did. This is what works for me. I limited my calories to about a hundred calories per meal every two and a half to three hours, with most of that calories being protein.
CLAY: So how many calories a day were you eating?
CALLER: I don’t know. I’m not a fitness expert. I’m telling you what works for me.
BUCK: A hundred calories a meal? Isn’t that like a nibble of a fish stick?
CALLER: Hold on guys. Hold on. So then in the evenings I would do a lean and green meal, which would be about nine to 12 ounces of lean protein with greens, right? I’d not use salt, limited the salt intake, and I did the lean-and-green meal.
CLAY: So you think…? This is good advice. But you think Jeff Bezos got super ripped in his fifties after never being ripped before and you think he’s all natural?
CALLER: I doubt he’s all natural. I know that I am.
CLAY: You’re all natural. So, what does all natural for you mean? Like, what’s your height and weight?
CALLER: I am five seven, 160. When I started — and I knew I was gonna start this so I kind of, you know, ate whatever I wanted to put on a few extra pounds from like 180 to 185, right? And I’m very calculated and I made sure that I timed my meals.
CLAY: What percentage of body fat are you? What percentage body fat are you?
CALLER: I have no idea. I’m not a fitness expert, I — (crosstalk)
BUCK: Thank you, Scott, for calling in.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: I appreciate Scott’s ideas. Flavia is a CrossFit gym owner. She’s 50, and she could definitely beat us in push-up contests. Flavia, what’s going on?
CALLER: I’m completely confident of that. (chuckles)
BUCK: Damn.
CALLER: I’m kidding, boys. Nice to talk to you, first of all.
BUCK: Thank you.
CALLER: Love your show. No, CrossFit is awesome. I’m a nutrition coach, and there’s lots of ways to get fit. But I think that I’m having your nutrition dialed in and doing something constantly varied, like CrossFit is excellent. I’ve been doing it for nine years. I am 50 years old, and my body fat is 14%, which is athletic for a female, and —
BUCK: Flavia, I gotta ask you a question. I may have the fitness expertise of Homer Simpson, but Kipping pull-ups? Come on. Come on. Ridiculous.
CALLER: No, they’re awesome.
BUCK: (laughing) Of course she’s gonna say that.
CALLER: First off, just before Kipping, just before Kipping, you gotta have the muscles to be able to do strict pull-ups. Otherwise you’re gonna hurt yourself. So, don’t go out there and try ’em without supervision, first off.
CLAY: Flavia, do you think that Jeff Bezos is all real? Do you think he’s all natural?
CALLER: You know, like, I have no idea what they do. But I know that it is possible for people in their later years to be super fit and look super fit ’cause I am one of them. My husband is one of them. We do that primarily through diet. Diet is the first thing that you should look at when you’re trying to be fit, and you don’t have to be crazy. You can start adapting a healthy diet one little step at a time, and it turns into something really good if you’re consistent with it.
BUCK: Flavia, thank you. We gotta go to a break. I just gotta say, Clay, I think a lot of people out there could use a boost, could use a little help. I see Jeff Bezos. I think people are taking stuff that helps them a little bit.
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