Remember when Trump was president? The country was booming with the stock market at all-time highs.
But Democrats kept saying, “Oh, it’s nothing he’s doing. It’s not a reflection of the president.” Well, in the audio clip above, you can hear Clay and Buck break down what Jamie Dimon — a guy who knows a thing or two about the market — has to say about the Biden economy’s failures.
When is a recession not a recession? Well, when a Democrat is in office and is facing a complete ass-kicking in midterm elections just weeks away.
We’re going to be in a global and U.S. recession under Biden, which is reason enough to vote out every Democrat on the ballot next month.
The Kansas senator weighs in on all the hot topics after the first whirlwind week…
Imagine gambling at a craps table and the president walks up to you.
The leader of Colombia showed the world how not to deal with Donald Trump.
Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Hundreds of AI Clay flute memes are out there now. Check out some here.