CLAY: We are joined now by the first guest of the day, Jedediah Bila. She is the… I guess you get to describe yourself. Is this a self-applied nickname here “Conservative Mama Bear”? Host of Jedediah Bila Live, everywhere you can go to get your podcasts. Can you name yourself a mama bear? Like, could I name myself a papa bear if I wanted to?
BILA: Oh, I’m a mama bear. First of all, I have to say that’s great music. I love a show that has me dancing before I give commentary. So thanks for that.
CLAY: Yes.
BILA: Yeah, I’m definitely a mama bear, with some of the stories out now. I think Buck and I were texting earlier this week and I was like, “My mama bear claws, they’re out.” So 100% I think we can name ourselves that. No question.
BUCK: Jedediah, speaking of those stories, I do think that even in an era where we’re used to seeing a lot of just what feels to be indefensible stuff going on from the progressive activist wing of the Democrat Party, the drag show for kids phenomenon that now I believe the Libs of TikTok account — which also shares all over Facebook and other places — has been temporarily suspended merely for showing how many different drag shows for kids were advertising in recent days all over the country.
BILA: Yeah.
BUCK: What is going on here? By the way, we don’t… There’s a clear delineation, a clear separation. If adults want to go to a drag show, that’s fine. We’re talking about 5-year-olds. The same way that it’s not okay for 5-year-olds to go to a burlesque show, it would seem pretty straightforward that it’s not okay for them to go to a drag show.
BILA: Yeah, that’s exactly right. So, there’s something deeply, deeply sick that’s going on. The show you’re talking about, of course, was out of Dallas, Texas, that Drag Your Kids to Pride event, and I’ve gotten since talking about that on my show since, you know, just seeing that unfold on social media, I’ve gotten several emails from people that are showing me screenshots of events like this happening in schools where drag queens come to the schools and help you put your makeup on.
Take the drag component out. These are not appropriate events for children. If you look at some of the signs that were displayed, even if parents were well-intentioned in going there, which I truly cannot wrap my head around — but even if you were — you walk in, you see the signs, you see provocative dancing. You pick up your child and you leave. You don’t take your kids to the local cigar bar. You don’t say, “Hey, 5 year old, you want to come hang out at happy hour?
“We can pop some shots!” This is not normal behavior. The hyper-sexualization of children and exposing children to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to and making them feel like they should be comfortable in those spaces where they should not be comfortable — because those are spaces for adults — that is deeply, deeply sick. So there’s something going on that’s very wrong with parenting in general that needs to be addressed.
Now, if you pulled the drag component back into it though for these events for kids. This woke culture, they don’t just need you to accept what’s going on. They need you to endorse it so heavily that they need kids to endorse it. They these kids in those rooms, kids in school, kids in these places to say, “Oh, you know what? This seems cool. I want to do some drag!” One of the drag queens that was interviewed by Taylor — Taylor was on the ground over there — admitted to it, said, “Oh, yes, I hope this will enable kids to do more drag, more people want to dress up. This will be their way to build confidence.”
So I think this whole moment, you know, my issue again, I’m like you. I’m like you are an adult. You want to go to a drag show. You want to do that on your Saturday night? We live in a free society. Go do what you want to do. But why the need to bring children into this? And in every aspect of life, you see that folks on the left, they’re coming after kids. I don’t care if it’s a vaccine mandate. I don’t care if that’s all of this woke stuff goin’ on. I don’t care if it’s indoctrination in school. I don’t care what it is.
It’s hitting on all fronts, and I don’t know what we’re going to do as parents, as grandparents, as aunts and uncles, because how do you shield your kids? You just want your kids to have a normal upbringing, to be a normal kid. Those kids in that room were not comfortable. Your kids don’t want to go to a drag show. They want to play outside. They want to play with their friends. You cannot tell me that those kids in that room weren’t looking around saying, “What am I doing here?” and that question needs to go to their parents.
CLAY: Jedediah, you moved — I think I’m correct — because you have a young child from New York to down to Florida. I know Dave Rubin, Karol Markowicz, people we’ve had on this show — they’re friends in the program — have made similar moves from other places. We were talking earlier in the show that just on Monday, 2- to 4-year-olds are finally not going to have to be wearing masks in New York City any more. That’s now been over two years that that was required.
BILA: Oh, yeah. I mean, well, first, let me say there’s a huge difference down here in Florida. That was one of my motivating forces. I truly had two motivating forces. One was, “I need to get my kid out of this city. I want a free-thinking, free child that doesn’t have to wear a mask everywhere, that doesn’t have to get a vaccine to walk into a public space in a city.” It was outrageous what was going on, and I don’t like the indoctrination that’s going on in New York City and Los Angeles and places like that, where if you disagree, you’re relegated into a corner of the room and made to feel like there’s something wrong with you or you’re a second class citizen.
I was not having that for my child. Let me tell everybody, Florida is very different. My kid has not had a mask on a face, nor have I, by the way. We’ve been in a bunch of places. He’s gone to play centers. He’s interacted with other children. He has had a normal experience for the first time in his life since fleeing New York City and coming. And it’s not just Florida, you know, there’s other other places around the country you can go to. But I’m in Florida right now — and let’s not celebrate New York.
Everyone’s like, “Oh, New York lifting the mask!” I’m not going to celebrate them. How long did these kids suffer under what I can only call child abuse? We’re now supposed to pat Adams on the back and pat New York on the back for doing everyone a big favor by saying, “Oh, don’t worry, your 2-year-old won’t have to wear a mask soon enough.” What did my 2-year-old suffer as a result of all those policies? No, I didn’t mass my children, but some people didn’t have a choice. They had to put their kids into day care centers.
They had to put their kids into places where those masks were required. It’s an absolute disgrace, and those leaders need to be held accountable now and far beyond, because some of these consequences on children — you know, I work with children for years — whether they’re behavioral, whether they’re medical, whatever it may be, they are going to unfold as a result of these policies. The third question involved whether this is over. It’s not over.
So I guarantee you they’re trying to figure out what they can do to induce fear into society, to make people distrust each other, to make people feel like government is their ally and their means to get out of the mess, to make people feel like they’re dependent and reliant instead of self-sufficient and able and healthy. I guarantee you that is on the map. I don’t know how it’s going to manifest, but I guarantee you it’s coming. And people need to be aware of this time because many of us, myself included, bought into that fear the first time around. Well, I can tell you (chuckles), a lion has been born in me and many others, and we’re going to be the first ones on the line of defense to rally against that this time.
BUCK: Jedediah Bila Live, everybody. If you want to listen to the podcast, go check it out wherever you get your podcasts. Recommend you do. Our friend Jedediah Bila, great to have you.
BILA: Thank you, guys. It’s a pleasure, as always. You’re doing a great job.
CLAY: Great example, by the way, of the moms out there that are going to decide a lot in 2022 and 2024. All of you need to get active the best way that you can. Talk to your girlfriends and other moms out there.
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