BUCK: On Fox a second ago, it was “Biden to advise booster shots for the vaccinated.” Notice how two weeks ago it was for the immunocompromised. Now it’s for everybody. Everyone has to get booster shots, which is so strange ’cause — I don’t know — I’ve never gotten a booster shot for a whole lot of other things that I thought I was vaccinated against, Clay. Some of them, and maybe every 10 years.
CLAY: You certainly don’t need ’em within the same year you got the vaccine.
BUCK: You don’t need ’em every six months. This feels a little weird, doesn’t it? I think some of us — including here on this show — have been warning you that this was coming. As I’ve said it means there’s no such thing as “fully vaccinated” anymore. That does not exist. There’s only vaccinated for now.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And we’re not the only ones who are up on this and who’ve seen this coming and been right. We are hoping that Joe Rogan, who I think defies neat political categorization, a guy who sort of thinks for himself, has an enormously influential podcast. He sees that Fauci-ism is absurd, dumb, and wrong. Here’s what he had to say on his show about it.
ROGAN: There’s also a problem with people like him where they say things, they say these statements.
MAN: Yeah.
ROGAN: These statements that you’re — you’re led to believe that they have an understanding of the situation, like, and they clear can tell you where it’s going and what’s possible and — and what — where we’re at with the virus. But then it turns out they’re a hundred percent wrong.
But then they come up with a new statement and you’re supposed to believe that. Remember like in the beginning he was saying that masks are ineffective. He was saying there’s no asymptomatic transmission of the virus. There’s all these different statements. They were saying that… It’s just, when they don’t know, they never say, “We don’t know.”
MAN: No.
ROGAN: They don’t say, “This is very confusing and we’re trying to figure it out as we go along.”
BUCK: That’s the foundational fallacy of Fauci-ism. That’s it, Clay, that they don’t admit at any stage that do you know. In fact, at every stage even after being wrong, they — Fauci and all the rest of them — insist they do know this time.
CLAY: And here’s what I will say. This is one reason, Buck, that we’re so thankful we have the opportunity to talk to our audience every single day like we are, because what we are telling you is ultimately what ends up being said sometimes months later. Look, we are going to have to get for the covid vaccine… We don’t know how long into the future is, but I just want you to sit there and just in your own mind think about this.
Look, we’re not anti-vax on this show. But what is happening with the covid — and I’m putting “vaccine” in quotation marks — is unlike any vaccination that has ever existed as adults or even as kids that you can remember in any of your lives. We’re not talking about a booster shot, Buck, a decade from now. We’re not talking about five years from now. We’re talking about eight months after your last shot, you have to go back in because they are acknowledging that the efficacy of these vaccines is fading quickly.
We had a big discussion about this with Alex Berenson. We’re gonna try to get him on Friday again to give us the latest update. They are terrified that the vaccines are failing and there’s gonna be ultimately, if the vaccines keep failing, only one way we get done with covid. The same thing the Great Barrington people told us (chuckling) almost two years ago now, 18 months ago, you have to get natural immunity. The virus is gonna virus. It ain’t going away.
BUCK: Right. The vaccine’s failing. They’re gonna jump on that and say, “Oh, but that’s not it. The vaccines work so well!” Fading is really what’s going on here, right? So it’s not that they fail right away.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: We know that they work very well for three months, four months, five months, maybe six months.
CLAY: It might depend on your health on your age, how long they last.
BUCK: That’s right. That’s right. But let’s remember, that’s not what we were told.
CLAY: No! Fauci told us the opposite.
BUCK: That’s not the promise that was made, and in fact at every stage of this a continuing issue has been that they insist that this time (impression) “the data, the science” has evolved to a place where they’re certain now they have it right, and this was all the way through to this last spring when the promise that was made was, “Get the shot; you’re done.”
CLAY: Never have to wear a mask again!
BUCK: Remember all the CNN anchors running around, tweeting out photos, “I got my shot! I got my freedom!”
BUCK: People were crying who had a chance of dying from covid. Because they were 30 and had no comorbidities, their chances were minute to begin with but they’re saying, “Oh, my life is all back!” But see, here’s why I’m so concerned, Clay, because now what you see is they’ve already managed to get the architecture of vaccine mandates in place for this rounds in some places.
What’s going to happen is that they’re gonna push at a federal level. As the vaccines do fade, they’re gonna say, “Sorry. All hands on deck here. We’re gonna have to make even more people get it.” So even if you live in Texas, you live in Florida you live in states where the governors are trying to protect you, the push-pull will be that the Democrat Biden administration — and of course the media, who are reckless morons on this issue.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: How many people do you think who are calling Alex Berenson a vicious idiot —
CLAY: Killer.
BUCK: — who was killing people in June when he talked about the Israeli data about vaccines fading? How many people do you think are gonna reach out to him and say — or even just publicly say — “Wow. I was wrong?” None at all. To borrow from the great Rush, it’s “the Drive-By Media” in effect here. That’s what they’re gonna do. They’re gonna move on to the next battle, forget they were wrong about the last one on covid, and pretend like we can’t see what’s really going on.
CLAY: And now they’re going to say, “Oh, by the way, the vaccines fade so quickly that eight months after your most recent vaccine, you have to go get a new one.” And what, are we gonna get booster shots on the vaccine every year for the rest of our lives?
BUCK: At some point we’re also gonna have to face the reality that there are people for whom Australia and New Zealand… I say “some.” There are millions of them. They are here in America, perhaps tens of millions of them who see Australia and New Zealand doing things that… They’re not just utter madness because it’s not a worthwhile tradeoff of liberty versus security or safety from the virus. It doesn’t even help!
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: The things that they’re doing don’t even make sense, right? This is the mask-up-between-bites philosophy, and there are people here who see that and say, “Well, that’s the next step obviously.” They’re not terrified by the dystopian, Clay. They want to mimic Australia and New Zealand.
CLAY: Yeah, and the problem with Australia and New Zealand, aside from the insane liberty violations and freedom issues and the fact that they’re not actually saving very many people is, Buck, Covid Zero is predicated on the idea that Covid Zero can ever exist. The vaccine is not some panacea that’s now going to save everyone and return things to normalcy. The virus is never leaving, and so you either got a sack up and —
CLAY: — realize that the rest of the world…
BUCK: That’s a microaggression.
CLAY: Yeah. Yeah. (laughs) You gotta realize that you can’t stay curled up in a fetal position and be saved by this vaccine. You are going to have to live your life with a certain level of risk, and I hate to kill everybody’s buzz right now, those of you out there drinking. I hate to kill your buzz. But we’re all gonna die, and there’s no way to stop it from happening, and some people are gonna continue to die from covid for the rest of our lives.
BUCK: I just feel like there’s a lot of alpha male mansplaining about mask ‘splaining going on in here today, Clay.
CLAY: (laughing) Maybe I need to share my pronouns when we come back.
BUCK: I’m just throwing that out there.
CLAY: I’ll share my pronouns when we come back.
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