BUCK: So, I’m just saying, that’s one thing. We got this covid study from Johns Hopkins University, Clay, that I did want to get to ’cause I think it’s important — lockdown study specifically. We’re gonna be talking to our friend Ned Ryun, who is the founder of American Majority, about the fight over masks in Loudoun schools, ’cause guess what happened?
The governor of Virginia has come in and said, “You guys can’t do this mask mandate in schools. You can mask your kid if you want, but you can’t make kids do it.” The Loudoun County school district has decided, “Yeah, but, like, we’re more powerful than the governor. We’re just gonna do it anyway!” That’s not how this is supposed to work, folks. So we’re gonna discuss this with Ned.
But, you know, the study, Clay, said that lockdowns — this is out of Johns Hopkins University, numerous statisticians, data analysts looking at all of the numbers. Just looking. This is just the numbers that are out there on deaths, on duration of lockdown, where it occurred per capita, everything. And this what they found in the study out of Johns Hopkins.
It reduced mortality — the lockdowns, folks, the actually like shelter-in-place, stay home, shut down your businesses, they think it reduced mortality during the lockdown 0.2%. They found that shelter-in-place orders — sorry, that’s the extension of the lockdown, the most extreme lockdowns — reduced covid mortality about 2.9%. They also in the study said this quote, which I think says it all, Clay, “Lockdowns should be rejected out of hand,” as in this was disastrous and wrong and should never be repeated.
CLAY: Prediction: Within a year you will hear almost no one saying that kids should have ever been masked. It will be like defund the police. You know how right now people say, “Oh, I never said defund the police,” and you have to go back now and grab their clips and say, “You legitimately said, ‘Defund the police.’ You said it — and when I say ‘defund the police, I mean defund the police.’ That’s what you said.”
A lot of people are gonna say, “Well, I never really thought masks on kids made any sense, but what else were you gonna do?” Within five to 10 years, Buck, everything that we did to respond to covid, everyone is going to pretend that they were saying what you and I have been saying for the last two years, just like you cannot find anyone in the entire the United States now who says, “You know what?
They said that our kids couldn’t be in school. They said that our kids had to wear masks. They told us that we had to get the vaccine, or we were gonna lose our job. They told us that the vaccine would stop the spread of the virus and would prevent it from continuing to go around the world. They told us all that. They told us six feet of separation made sense. Buck, in your home city of New York, they drew circles in parks and told people to sit there!
They’ve made children go outside and eat while masking between bites, sitting on little stools in cold-weather climates. This has all been madness. And all I would say to everybody out there is: Remember who was telling you all this when it wasn’t acceptable to say it. Hold the politicians who argued otherwise accountable.
BUCK: Just because… I think, you know, we’ll use this historical analogy ’cause we’re more able to talk about it. You think about in the Soviet system. People that were going along with what I refer to as the apparatus, and I think it’s very accurate for what you’re seeing from the Democrat media and the Democrat Party in this country now. People who went along with it, they didn’t think they were the bad people.
They always were able to convince themselves while they were benefiting from it and while their team was in charge that this was the best we had, that this was necessary; there were external enemies. You can rationalize anything for your own benefit whether it’s just emotional-psychological or also financial and when it comes to power.
And there’s gonna be, Clay, a major reckoning for a lot of people who went along with Fauciism. It’s gonna take them awhile, but they’re gonna have turn around and realize that people’s livelihoods were taken from them, their businesses were destroyed; there were over 100,000 drug overdoses, an all-time high. They have delayed — in a way that will permanently, permanently affect children and disproportionately minority children in this country — their learning, their progress.
You can’t ever strike a child in your employ. Can you make a child sit outside in 30-degree weather with a mask on because you feel like it? Does that strike anybody as reasonable? That is child abuse, and Fauci sat silently by or encouraged this the entire time. I think a lot of people are gonna have some real reckoning, some real soul-searching to do over this. It’s gonna take them a while.
CLAY: No doubt. How about taping masks on kids’ faces? That’s child abuse.
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