BUCK: Kari Lake is running for Arizona governor, and she had a little exchange with CNN yesterday that (chuckling) I wanted to share with you and here it is.
BUCK: Wow. Daaamn! Laying it down there. As long as it airs on CNN+, workers’ comp, workers’ comp. Too bad. No more CNN+. It didn’t last very long. Oh, CNN+, we barely knew ye, and here we are now. So, yeah, that’s one way to handle the media. I’m just gonna say, look, CNN and these other lib outlets, they only want to talk to Republicans really to attack them — unless it comes to an issue like the gun control bill that just passed with some Republicans support, and then they will praise Republicans for about a day and then start trashing them again. But for some Republicans, apparently that’s enough. I gotta say, I do not believe that the Supreme Court decision is going to have a major impact on the midterm elections. I do think the gun control thing from those Republican senators was not helpful.
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