
Karol Markowicz Agrees with C&B: Make Them Say They Were Wrong

CLAY: It’s important to recognize that the covid story is still not going away, and we’ll see whether or not the rollback — and, Buck, I was gonna mention in New York City, you guys now have done away, today, with a covid vaccine passport as well as the indoor mask mandate for schoolchildren, right? So, that is at least done away for now. It could still come back, but that is at least a sign of somewhat normalcy returning in America’s biggest city, right? Does it feel different at all to you? I know it’s soon, only been a day, but can you tell the difference?

BUCK: I think that essentially you’re seeing people… It’s also warm here. It’s in the seventies today.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: So, that’s a big change, ’cause it’s one thing to wear a mask outside when it’s 30 degrees or something. Some people don’t mind.

CLAY: Sometimes it’s not even that bad when you’re cold, right?

BUCK: That’s what people say, one of those gators or one of those things you pull up around your head. Anyway, yeah, there is a sense that most people now are calming down quite a bit about this, and you’re gonna be able to go into restaurants. They’re not gonna ask you for vaccine passports anymore. I haven’t had that experience, and I’ll let you, know what it is like, ’cause we were just in Houston.

We were just in Texas where you walked in. The only thing it requires day-to-day is if you’re taking an Uber in Houston, the driver’s are masked and technically you’re supposed to be masked too. Same thing with Lyft. These unfortunately left-wing, you know, tech ride share platforms are still insane when it comes to covid, don’t pay attention to the science, don’t pay attention to the data.

But I get to this point now where I want to tell everybody to go check out the Karol Markowicz post in the New York Post, her piece in the New York Post where she says, we need to demand apologies. This is not enough. This is not okay to just say, “All right. We’ll finally stop being so crazy and tyrannical about all this,” because it’s impossible. I would love the opportunity to debate any of the people who have been going on TV for two years saying, “Mask up! Vaccines will stop the spread! Social distance!” all this stuff. And of course we’ve made a joke of it, but it is remarkable how quickly Fauci has disappeared.

CLAY: Totally disappeared.

BUCK: No lessons learned to share with us, huh, Fauch? No more lectures about (impression), “Taking the virus seriously. It’s too soon. We don’t want to go too fast.” You sit around, you wonder, at what point do people transition from relief that their captors no longer torment them to rage at the fact that the Democrat captors here did this to us in the first place for so long, and I’m furious about it. I walk around New York. I’m not… I don’t feel this sense of, “Oh, it’s great. We’re normal now!” I’m filled with rage at having to get… I mean, Clay, they made me get a shot so I could just live normal life here in New York.

CLAY: So you could to go to your brother’s wedding

BUCK: So I could go to my brother’s wedding! And people are saying, “Oh, but do you really have to?” Yeah, they were going to bar people from the door unless you had a vaccine passport. They say, “Oh, well, you should have gotten a fake one.” People tell me that. It’s a felony! You think they’re gonna make an example of somebody faster than they will me if they figure out that I’m a vocal anti-mandate person who has a fake on them? So of course I didn’t want to do that. They made me get a shot, Clay, that did nothing that I didn’t need, and they think that they’re gonna tell me to do shots again in the future. That’s why I am cracking knuckles here, folks. I’m ready for the next round. I am not done with these loons.

CLAY: It’s why there needs to be a reckoning and why we are going to continue to argue throughout the course of this year that you can’t let your captors suddenly give you freedom and forget about the time they kept you in captivity. There needs to be a reckoning. There need to be consequences, and I gotta give credit to Florida’s Surgeon General — who, by the way, is doing an incredible job — his name is Joseph Ladapo.

He is a Harvard med school graduate. He is the Florida Surgeon General, and Florida today became the first state to recommend against the covid-19 vaccine for healthy children. Now, Buck, I’ve talked about it on this show. I’m not getting the covid vaccine for — and “vaccine” is in quotation marks, by the way, every time I use it. The covid shot, I should say, for my kids. There’s probably a good chance they’ve had it.

They never showed any symptoms of any sort of substantial degree, but both my wife and I have had it. I’ve had it twice, we know of. We know now that the 5- to 11-year-olds who got the covid shot got limited protection at best. It didn’t make it any more likely that you weren’t gonna get covid. The rates of covid seriousness for young kids remains virtually zero. This is a big deal, I think, that Florida has become the first state to say, “Hey, we’re recommending that your kids don’t need to get the covid shot.”

Because California at least, as are there other states, maybe, Buck? I can’t remember, but I know California has said, “This fall we’re going to mandate that your kids have the covid shot in order to attend school here,” and this is gonna turn into another battleground because Florida’s right based on the data. There’s no way that your kid should be forced to get the covid shot. But this is going the next step and saying, “Hey, actually, the science and the data don’t support your kid getting the covid shot at all.”

BUCK: And yet, are they ever going to say, “Sorry, Florida, for politicizing all this all along. You were right, Florida! Opening schools was the right move. Letting people go to school without masks if they chose to do so was the right move.” No one… Somehow, Clay, this is a remarkable situation we’re seeing in America today.

There were so many people who were so provably, demonstrably, and catastrophically wrong on a whole range of fronts. No one apologizes ever. No one ever comes forward, it seems, and says, “I’m sorry that I acted in such an emotionally charged, politicized, tribal fashion. No one says that. How is that possible? How is it that Rochelle Walensky, the best that she can do it… Here we go.

CLAY: Yeah, we need to play this.

BUCK: She says (impression), “Yeah, there was, like, maybe a little too much optimism about vaccines.”

CLAY: Lots of people said that, Buck! When she said, “Nobody said it was waning,” we had Alex Berenson on and we had a lot of other doctors who said this is a concern early on. Twitter banned ’em. Lots of people said, “This data is very short-lived, it isn’t likely to stand up. Look at what’s going on in Israel. Look at what’s going on in England.” There was only about six weeks or two months where people really thought, “Oh, this thing is gonna work at a high level.”

BUCK: Can we also just note that that’s the CDC director saying, actually saying out loud — and I have to see where she was saying this thing. But she’s saying out loud in front of people the vaccines wear off, and didn’t really work against the new variant.

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: That is what she is saying, everybody. This is the CDC director admitting that what we have been telling you here for seven months, something like that now. Look, you go July, August, September, October, November, December, Jan… Yeah, about seven months or so. She’s finally saying it! It she apologizing? Is she saying, “Wow, I’m embarrassed to be the head of this massive cluster of an organization known as the CDC”?

We fired people from their jobs. We had the president of the United States referring to the unvaccinated like a barbarian horde that was burning down our society and that that was madness and that we were wrong and we’re idiots? None of that has been said, Clay, not even a little bit of an apology, not at all.


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