Karol Markowicz Brings Us Details on the Plot to Kill Brett Kavanaugh

BUCK: We have a big, breaking news story from last night about a threat to the life of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. A man armed with a pistol told police outside of Kavanaugh’s home that he intended that justice harm. This comes from our friend Karol Markowicz:

BUCK: Karol Markowicz is a New York Post columnist, and she joins us now. Karol, thanks for being here.

MARKOWICZ: Hi, Clay and Buck, how are you?

BUCK: We’re good. Karol, Clay saw this on your feed first. So we’re giving you credit for getting the breaking news out here. What can you tell us in terms of additional details? One question that comes to mind for me is: So this guy just walked up to police outside of Kavanaugh’s home. Are there still active protests going on outside the justice’s home? What’s going on?

MARKOWICZ: There are protests, I don’t know how regular they are. But there’s been reporting about protests over the last week. They are still absolutely going on at their homes. I don’t know what he said to police. I just know that he did admit that he was there to kill the justice. So I think we’re going to have more information in the next hour or so, including his name and the rest of it. But it’s a really troubling story, mostly because who amongst us is surprised?

When this broke, all we can say is, “Thank God nothing happened and that the justice is safe and his family is safe.” But absolutely nobody, nobody is saying, “Oh, how could this be?” Well, it could be because there’s been this exceptional increase in these protests at the homes of these justices and the rhetoric from the liberal media and from the Democrats has been so ratcheted up that we can absolutely expect that somebody will attempt something like this. And that is really the worst part about all this, is the lack of surprise.

CLAY: Karol, it’s an awful act, but in the twisted logic of this guy, his thought process it’s clearly because of the leaked opinion, “If I were to kill Brett Kavanaugh then Roe v. Wade would remain the law of the land.” Buck and I started off talking about this to begin the show. Doesn’t, to you, this continue to put an impetus on the Supreme Court to get this opinion out there?


CLAY: And also, maybe for John Roberts to join on 6-3 so it’s not an opinion that is based on the life of any one of the justices that is in the majority?

MARKOWICZ: Well, that would be, of course, preferable. But it is scary to watch them all under threat as this opinion is sort of held in the balance. I think that would be the right move for them to move ahead with it and to let Americans kind of adjust to that, however it happens. And this being suspended in this situation is really on pace for everybody. These pro-life centers keep getting attacked all over the country, which is also not a giant story.

I think we’ve gotten to where, “I can commit violence because I don’t like somebody’s words,” is so standard that I fear for all of these justices. And I want to see how big this story stays. Because if it were a liberal justice who somebody was caught outside their home, with a weapon, saying they wanted to harm them, I think it would be a major, major story. And I’m not so sure we’re going to see the same kind of coverage of Justice Kavanaugh being threatened as we would if it were one of the liberal justices.

BUCK: We’re speaking to Karol Markowicz, New York Post, she’s a columnist there. I want to remind everybody of this flashback to just last month. Jen Psaki was still the White House Press Secretary. On this issue of protesting outside of Supreme Court justices homes for which there’s a very clear federal statute that says, “You cannot do this,” this is how the person speaking on behalf of the Biden regime spoke on this issue.

BUCK: A little bit of creative writing there from Jen Psaki.

MARKOWICZ: Yeah. (laughs)

BUCK: There’s not a federal statute that says you can’t protest there. I don’t agree with protesting outside of school board members but it’s not a matter of federal law.

MARKOWICZ: That’s absolutely right. The thing is that these protests, you can have them limited to place of work. And that’s really important, especially for public figures. I think we need to have a separation of home and work for these people. If we don’t, I really do think these kinds of threats are going to continue. We also had Senator Chuck Schumer standing on the steps of the Supreme Court about a month ago and calling out Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name and saying there’s going to be a price to pay. I mean, who is responsible for these words? Who is responsible for the rhetoric being what it is in our country and some crazy person taking up this mantel and going to Brett Kavanaugh’s house? I think the responsibility lies with these irresponsible people who have said irresponsible things.

CLAY: Karol, tomorrow is the January 6 hearing.


CLAY: To me, to your point on how much attention this is going to get, June 8 is a form of insurrection, right?


CLAY: If you really want to use the insurrection term broadly, what this individual was attempting to do is overthrow a Supreme Court decision by murdering one of the justices, thereby keeping the law from becoming reality.


CLAY: This is a radical proposition that, I’m with you, I think it’s an unbelievable story that needs to get a lot of attention. I don’t remember the last time that we had this kind of an assassination attempt. And I think it is fair to call it an assassination attempt, based on the reporting that is out there right now. And the fact that it’s happening the day before the January 6 hearings to me is an eerie storyline given how much Democrats have focused on January 6. I’m curious why we haven’t seen Biden, why we haven’t seen Garland, why we haven’t seen Schumer or anyone on the Democrat side condemning this attempted murder.

MARKOWICZ: To take it even further, I want to see the media. I want to see the media condemning this. I want them to do what they would have done for Ruth Ginsburg or for any other liberal justice whose opinion was hanging in the balance with a decision. So, I think I want to hear from all of them. I’m not sure we will. I think we’ve gotten to a point where they think that “preserving democracy” means silencing any voices that disagree with them. Your point about insurrection is absolutely correct because this is the way insurrections happen. This is actually how insurrections happen: Armed people commit violence in the name of overthrowing their government, and this is absolutely an act of insurrection.

BUCK: Speaking to Karol Markowicz of the New York Post. Karol, before we let you go, the video of the Drag your kids to pride show” —


BUCK: — earlier this week has gotten a lot of people just, I mean I think it was just shocking.


BUCK: You can’t not — you’re a parent, Clay is a parent. I know you guys can’t look at this and not go oh, my God, why would anyone bring their child to this. Governor DeSantis is talking about taking action.


BUCK: Texas is considering taking action. When it comes to children, remember, this is not adults, this is about kids. What do you think, is there something about where there’s actual action from the right?

MARKOWICZ: I hope so. I just think it’s crazy how the left has decided that this is the hill that they’re going to die on. I don’t understand it. I don’t understand why kids need to be at a drag show where the dancers are dancing suggestively, where they’re sticking money into their waistbands. I think parents and everybody would understand what a problem this was if it were women dancing. But for some reason, because they’re in drag, it’s seen as some sort of clown show, and it’s not. It’s very, very much not. I thought those videos were really gross.

I was very surprised that any parent would think that was okay. There was a sign that says, “It’s not going to lick itself” was particularly disgusting to me. I’ve written before, I love drag shows. When I was a teenager or in my 20s in New York City, I would go to drag shows. I had a good time. But this is not for 6-year-olds. Some things are just not for kids. We agree that strip clubs are not for kids, Vegas is not for kids, drag shows are not for kids. And the fact that the left won’t agree to that is baffling to me.

CLAY: Karol, that’s the argument I made. Every now and then, a dad, typically a dad would get arrested because he goes to a strip club, and he leaves the kid in the strip club parking lot.


CLAY: Bad as that behavior is, that dad is still saying, “Hey, I can’t take my kid into the strip club; that would be inappropriate.”

MARKOWICZ: (laughing) Right.

CLAY: Yeah, we’ve got 5- and 6-year-olds putting dollar bills into G strings on the drag performance. I’ve been to these before. They’re entertaining when you’re an adult, but they’re not for kids.

MARKOWICZ: That’s absolutely right. That’s the bright line that most Americans see. I don’t understand why the left doesn’t see it. It’s like, “Do what you want. Leave my kid out of it. Leave all kids out of it.” It’s wild to me that the left decided this is going to be their cause.

BUCK: I think what we see, Karol, is they’re actually coming for your kids, so to speak, with a lot of this psychological indoctrination stuff.

MARKOWICZ: Absolutely.

BUCK: It’s in the schools. It’s in the culture. It’s Disney. It’s all over the place. Karol Markowicz, check out her latest at the New York Post.

MARKOWICZ: Thanks, guys.

BUCK: Thanks, Karol.

MARKOWICZ: Thank you.


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