
L.A. Unmasked: Newsom, Celebs Enjoy NFC Championship Game

CLAY: Buck, I am so fired up about this. I watched the NFC and the AFC Championship Games, as I know probably 50 million of you did as well. This will be the second and the third biggest television audience for anything in all of the country and NFC Championship game was between the San Francisco 49ers and the L.A. Rams. By the way, congratulations Cincinnati Bengals and the Rams for advancing to the Super Bowl, which will be played in a couple of weeks.

I’ll be in L.A., by the way, all next week, which should be its own interesting story. But who knows where I’ll be allowed to go and what I’ll be allowed to do since I’m unvaccinated. But there were tons of celebrities inside of SoFi Stadium in L.A. And we’ve got a big audience of people right now listening in L.A. And many of those people listening in L.A. and all over the state of California have probably — because it’s a little after 9 a.m. on the West Coast — recently dropped their children off at school, put ’em on the bus.

And those kids are being required all over the state of California to wear masks both indoors and outdoors at school. They go outside for recess right now, Buck; they have to have masks on. That’s the rule according to dictator governor Gavin Newsom. Well, guess who, Buck, was in a-high-end suite at SoFi Stadium posing for pictures, not a mask to be seen? None other than California governor Gavin Newsom.

In at least one of those pictures, he’s posing alongside former L.A. Lakers star Magic Johnson who, by the way, has HIV and you would think would be one of those individuals who would potentially be susceptible to covid more so than your average person, given his health-related condition. Gavin Newsom is right now forcing all of our California listeners with kids in school that their kids have to have masks on, and he’s not willing to wear a mask while he goes to a football game.

SoFi Stadium — surrounded by over 70,000 people — in California, not wearing it. By the way, they flashed during the game tons of Hollywood celebrities, the people who have been wagging their finger at you about how you have to respect covid; they weren’t wearing their masks, either. Next week in L.A. is going to be the Super Bowl, and I believe it is going to be the Super Bowl of all hypocrisies, Buck, because there are gonna be parties galore and all of the famous people who’ve been telling you that you have to wear a mask, you have to respect the virus, guess what? They’re not gonna be wearing masks for any of these events because they are fraudulent, hypocritical liars.

BUCK: So now we have a place where the left is talking about more openly — the Democrats, the apparatus, is talking more openly — about offramps for masking kids in school. Even the New York Times wrote about this recently, and I want to be very clear about this because what Clay has established here for the… I don’t know, Clay, is this the hundredth time we’ve been on the show talking about either some big politician or celebrity with some form of covid hypocrisy?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: We know that the lockdowners are just awash in constant covid hypocrisy, and it’s “rules for thee, not for me.” It’s, “Oh, Gavin Newsom signs a mask mandate,” as we all recall, “for the whole state,” and then goes within, I think, 24 hours to the actual fanciest restaurant in many people’s minds in America for an indoor dining experience galore, just going all out.

Now we’re seeing that this is the full-scale propaganda effect after almost two years where it doesn’t even matter to them anymore. It’s just good people/bad people. Now as a leftist, right, they would say, “I say it doesn’t matter what the science is telling us right now. It’s what I’m supposed to say in this moment in time so that I can be part of the good team, the good people, the smart people.”

This is gonna be all over the place the Super Bowl. You know this, right? There are gonna be photos, and they always do this thing, “I just took the mask off for the photos.” Bullcrap, liars — and first of all, the virus doesn’t say, “Oh, oh, cool. The mask is only down for the photos. We don’t spread when the mask is down for photos,” and, as we know, masks don’t do anything meaningful anyway.

Can I just add to that before I get fact checked? The most recent article I saw in the New York Times — I think it was the editorial section, to be fair — was they think masks, cloth masks maybe reduce about 10% of aerosols. Oh, wow. We’ve gone from “wear a mask and you’re safe” to “maybe a 10% reduction.” But here’s, Clay, what I want to say about this, ’cause as you said, N95s in schools for children, they’re talking about off ramps.

We can’t let them have the off ramp they want because what the apparatus wants, what the Democrat Party wants is, “Oh, we were always based in science, and now we’re willing to give children — at some indeterminate point in the future — the ability to breathe normally back.” We have to crush their stupid lies. We have to actually now make them face up to what they’ve done to the hypocrisy but also to the anti-science lunacy, and they have to pay. They have to pay in the midterms, but they have to pay in public as well with the humiliation of their arguments being dissected for the stupid garbage that they actually are.

CLAY: Yeah, and I’m glad you’re bringing that up because there are going to be a lot of people who say, “Well, they’re finally going to end up where they should have been for much of the past two years,” and that’s because the political pressure is out there. This is why I’ve been saying, Buck. I fully expect, come May or June… I fully expect for Joe Biden — maybe he’ll save it for July 4th like he tried to do this past year — to come out and say, “We’re ending all covid regulations because we’ve beaten covid thanks to all of our leadership and thanks to all the people out there who listened!

“We have finally managed to make covid something that we’re all able to live with and we have to return to normalcy.” That’s the pivot. He’s going to have to make at some point in the summer. He’s gonna try to declare victory against covid, and that’s going to be what he tries to ride into the midterm as, “I’m Joe Biden. I conquered covid. I told you that I was going to do it,” and we can’t allow that to happen because there have to be consequences, Buck, for bad public policy decisions.

Otherwise, what’s the point of public policy at all? If you say defund the police and the murder rate skyrockets all over the country and we have a 20-year high in police murders, and then you quietly increase funding for police and try to argue that you’ve solved the issue, no. You can’t create the failure, you can’t create the disastrous situation, and then take credit when you step back from the edge of the abyss and claim that you solved this issue.

BUCK: Isn’t it also fascinating to see how open they are about they will have discussions now in certain circles in the left, New York Times, CNN…? You know, Dr. Wen can go on CNN or Dr. Osterholm can go on CNN. There are people who are allowed to say things that you and I and this audience — let’s be honest — they’ve known the whole time, too. We’ve known has been true. But they cannot allow for their hands to be off the levers of power because they recognize the moment that they’re no longer in this position to enforce the pseudo-consensus of, “The science is settled…” Remember you don’t hear that so much anymore, Clay, do you, right? Remember when the science was settled all the time?

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: Because Fauci himself has had to evolve on the settled science about every two months for the last 18 months. About every two to three months there’s some major, “It turns out there’s new data and I am science, and I change with the…” We’ve seen all this happening. At a certain point, people realize this is just crazy now. I mean, this has become… They hate the term “mass formation psychosis,” so I like to use it, of course, right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: When it agitates… This is Sun Tzu: “If it agitates your enemy, keep doing it.” They always say that’s not a real thing. No, it is a real thing because at this point how else can you explain — and I see this in New York, Clay, and I’m sure it’s happening in L.A., too, with Gavin Newsom — adults unmasked walking hand in hand with children. In some cases, children are old enough to be vaxxed but in some cases not. But with children who were masked up. How can anyone explain that as something other than this is now a fashion for liberals. It’s fashionable to mask up your kid and not yourself, ’cause you want to breathe normally.

CLAY: Yes. And what’s interesting about this, Buck — as you well know — is you couldn’t say where the virus came from. It had to be zoonotic. Couldn’t argue that it had come out of a lab even though the data now reflects that it’s most likely to have come out of a lab. Couldn’t say masks didn’t work. Couldn’t say the virus didn’t keep you from getting and spreading covid. By the way, our left-wing loon to the north, Justin Trudeau, also now has covid in the middle of this trucker rally and fight and battle for freedom, which we’re gonna give a lot of attention to during the course of this show.

All of these things that were settled science, Dr. Fauci, “Mr. I am the science.” I mean, think about it. We aren’t still allowed to even interview Senator Rand Paul, who is a doctor, and have him analyze the current covid situation because it challenges conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom has been wrong about virtually everything since covid started.

Maybe what we needed is more challenging of conventional wisdom, more analysis of actual data, and less experts trying to tell us exactly what to do before they flip the advice that they gave us completely on its head — and then, Buck, try and claim that they’ve never actually changed anything. That’s the wild thing. They’ve moved the goalpost and try to tell you that nothing has happened, nothing has changed.


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