Leaked Video: Agents Confront Biden’s CBP Chief
1 Feb 2022
BUCK: I want to talk about the border for a couple minutes here because on the one hand you got the Biden regime with all these mandates around masking and vaccines and all this stuff, and you better abide by it or else. I think they charged somebody with a felony for showing up, right, at the Buffalo game?
CLAY: Double felonies. The only people getting charged with felonies in all of New York!. A husband and a wife, I believe, went to the Bills-Patriots game with a fake vax card, and they charged them in New York with double felonies.
BUCK: So the law is the law, according to libs, until the law is not the law when it comes to our southern border. This was fascinating. This was just leaked audio from on Friday, and I wanted to get to it yesterday, but Clay and I, we’ve always got about six hours of show and only three hours of time to talk to you. So this was from Friday, and it’s an exchange with the Border Patrol — CPB agents — and CPB chief (Customs and Border Patrol Chief) Raul Ortiz in Laredo, Texas.
Obviously got a lot of people coming through that sector of the border illegally. Now, the audio is not great. But we wanted you to hear it and I’ll explain a little more. So if you have a little trouble with the cell phone, it’s leaked audio. This is not official statement. This is what was discussed at the CPB meeting. Play it.
NEW: Tense exchange between @CBP agents & @USBPChief today in Laredo—Chief Ortiz says they signed up for this job. Agent says, “For evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing… Good men are doing nothing. You’re allowing illegal aliens to be dropped off in communities…” pic.twitter.com/hITyachCIH
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) January 29, 2022
BUCK: So, Clay, just for everyone listening, here essentially, the chief — the brass, in a sense here — is saying, “No, we’re doing our jobs, guys,” and the rank and file are saying, “For evil to triumph, good men do nothing. We’re doing nothing. We’re not able to do our job. This Biden regime is unserious about the border. Fentanyl deaths are at an all-time high in this country. We’re overstretched. We’re unsupported.” This is a joke. This is the rank and file of Border Patrol. I can tell you, Clay, have been spoken to them many times, been down to the border many times, and the policy directly from D.C. is they’re not letting them do their job.
CLAY: Well, yes, imagine how frustrating whatever you do — and I don’t think you go into Border Patrol, Buck, by accident, right? You go in because you think that’s a job that’s worthy of doing. It’s not like… I always say there’s a difference between a job and a career. It seems to me that many people in Border Patrol are making a conscious choice to pursue that as a career as opposed to something that you just end up doing.
We’ve all had in our lives jobs that you do in the short term to be able to pay your bills, and then careers, things that you pursue hopefully over a longer term. And I tend to think of Border Patrol as something that is closer to a career than a job. And if you are not allowed to do what you are trained to do, then the frustration level there must be off the charts, particularly, Buck — and I don’t think you can underrate this — because the Biden administration threw these guys under the bus over the horseback riding and the idea that they were whipping people who were trying to illegally enter this country.
The Biden administration completely ran with a media-focused lie. Remember they disallowed that particular segment of the border to even use horses. That was their response. They may have given them horses back now. But if you remember, if you recall that story, it was a hundred percent a lie — and when your boss doesn’t have your back, you are done in many ways with being a full-blown supporter of that person.
BUCK: And what you’ve seen, Clay, with the way Biden administration has approached the border is they pretend that their hands are tied after they’ve tied their own hands. They set the policy from the top to make sure that there’s going to be as much illegal immigration into the country as possible that is then allowed to stay, mind you. They don’t do interior enforcement. Interior enforcement, they declared a 90-day…
Biden comes in office and says there will be no expulsions from the country for 90 days. Why would you do that? I mean, in what world is that rule-of-law based? And I just think everyone needs to remember, you know, mask your kid up, mask up when you go into a restaurant. Get the shot or else you’re barred, you’re arrested, you’re fined, whatever it may be. The law is the law for the libs when they’re in power.
But then when the law doesn’t actually go along with what they want, when it does… By the way, I would argue that all those things are also should be fought in court and some of them are unconstitutional and everything else. But just put aside. They have the power to enforce that right now. But courts have gone against them on the border issue, and the reality of the numbers…
Border Patrol is upset, Clay, ’cause they just had the worst year ever of illegal crossings last year — the worst year ever. So of course they’re angry. And now what happens? The Biden regime comes out and says, “You know what? We will do” and a judge as effectively ordered them to do “remain in Mexico.” There were almost 180,000 illegal crossings in December at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Does anyone want to take a guess — I know I can’t hear all across the country — how many people were put in the Remain in Mexico program that they have to, under court order — the Biden regime has to — reinstitute? Three hundred, Clay. They’re slow rolling the whole thing. They’re pretending to comply with the law while abetting lawlessness at every level.
CLAY: Well, and again, this is what we refer to as the Bidas touch. Everything that Joe Biden touches turns to crap. The one thing that he could have done that would have worked is just continue the Donald Trump policies, and he’s tried to argue that he’s doing that by the media covering that and how much attention did the fact that only 300 people have been impacted by the Remain in Mexico policy. They got credit on some level for adjusting it, but the truth of the matter is there’s no substance there, and I don’t think it surprises anyone in the grand scheme of things that that’s where we’ve ended up.
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