
Clay and Buck

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Leftist Activists Hunt Kyrsten Sinema for Sport

5 Oct 2021

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BUCK: We’ve got Kyrsten Sinema, the senator who was followed into a bathroom over the weekend by an amnesty activist, right? You always know what someone thinks about immigration, just so you know, in the press based on the words they use. The second you hear “undocumented,” then you’ve got somebody who’s essentially in favor of de facto open borders, certainly of amnesty.

Anyone who uses “undocumented,” people who use the term “activist” with reverence — oh, well, that person’s an activist — that’s always a big tell. That’s a big sign. But here we have Kyrsten Sinema, who the left has decided is in the way of their more grandiose socialist agenda, although she’s a person of the left she’s clearly Democrat. This is not like she’s a stealth conservative at all, which is so interesting, all of it. She was followed by an illegal alien who confronted her on a commercial flight.

ILLEGAL ALIEN: (garbled) I just want to know if, um, you’re gonna commit to passing a reconsuliation (sic) that provides a pathway to citizenship for for me and my friends. We have been waiting for this for too long. I just need need to know if you can commit to passing a budget reconsuliation that would include immigration and citizenship for people to be protected like me and many others. I don’t want to disturb you, but at the same time, I just want to see if you — I can get a commitment from you, Senator. This is my life and the lives of millions in (sic) the line, and I just want to hear from you.

SINEMA: (silence)

ILLEGAL ALIEN: All right, Senator. You don’t want to respond.

BUCK: Okay. It’s not in her power to give them what they’re asking for even if she agreed, it wouldn’t make a difference, Clay. But it’s really… It seems like this is about the theatricality and people on the left. This is like a form… It’s the same way that the left loves to protest. They love to get out and protest, they’ll bring their kids on who are 5 to the anti-gun violence rally as if their 5-year-old knows what the NRA is. The left likes to do this. They also… I think they get some joy out of harassing people based on their politics. I really do.

CLAY: I think we have to fundamentally repudiate this idea. Regardless of what your politics are — and this was what I was saying yesterday about Biden failing — the idea that you go up to a stranger with a camera in your hand, your phone, state your opinion and hold it right in their face for them, expecting them to respond? Buck, go back in time. Do you remember the television show Hard Copy?

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: Back in the day? Do you remember the way that so many people out there in America had a great deal of disdain and disgust when they saw it? For instance, a house just burns down and some journalist would run right up in the face all of person who just had something horrible happen to them with a camera and try to record them, right?

It felt like that invaded the personal space. Now we’ve created a society where everybody is basically a hard copy reporter running right up on everybody in the face and confronting them. We gotta reject and repudiate this. The exact opposite of what, by the way, congressman Maxine Waters said, which has emboldened and encouraged this kind of behavior.

Because where it leads, Buck, is ultimately — I really believe this — to some form of violence, particularly when you’re talking about women being confronted. I just don’t like this idea of walking up in the bathroom on a woman. If I think about it from my mom, my wife, if I had a daughter’s perspective, I don’t like the idea of invading anyone’s personal space.

But I think when we’re doing it to female politicians, it strikes me even more aggressively and uncomfortable ’cause what we’re gonna have, Buck, is men eventually getting in the personal space of women and confronting them in a physically violent-type situation where it makes people uncomfortable.

BUCK: It’s meant to be. Remember this: It’s meant to be intimidating.

CLAY: Yes. I know.

BUCK: There’s no part of them on the left when they do these things… This is not new. This is pretty standard. They like to do this. Whether it’s chasing little terrified Jeff Flake in the elevator during the Kavanaugh debacle with the left, where they were trying to clearly destroy a manifestly innocent man by lying because it was so important to them to protect abortion — that’s what Kavanaugh, the whole thing was really about — or they do this to members of the Trump administration where they chase them, they yell at them. There’s no repudiation of this.

CLAY: It should be.

BUCK: When people on the right do annoying things, I say, “I don’t like that,” right? I think there was one time… I even forget what the issue was. There where a group of people who were conservative did the whole we’re blocking a bridge and creating a traffic snarl thing. This was a few years ago. It’s here in New York. I don’t even remember what it was about.

I’m like, “Don’t do that. I hate that.” There were people trying to get to their jobs, people were trying to get to work. It is wildly inappropriate; it’s illegal, and it’s wrong. I’m sorry you don’t like the tax bill or you don’t like the health care policy or whatever. But blocking traffic is not something that people in a society that believes in order and the rule of law do. The left, they embrace this stuff. The point is, they don’t see a problem. That’s why Biden did his whole, “I don’t like it but it happens.”

CLAY: Part of the process.

BUCK: Right. He’s supposed to be the fake moderate that sits in front of all this stuff.

CLAY: You know when they would hate it, Buck? If it were a conservative doing it to a liberal politician.

BUCK: Can you imagine? Imagine if a bunch of conservative, MAGA hat wearers chased AOC onto an airplane and were demanding —

CLAY: Into the bathroom.

BUCK: Was it women that chased her into the women’s —

CLAY: Yeah, but even still could still be wearing MAGA hats, they would lose their minds.

BUCK: They would absolutely lose their minds. They’d say… Remember Clay, the left will say anything. “Speech is violence! Silence is violence!” and then when they do actual violence they’ll say, “Oh, that wasn’t violence. We were just speaking our minds.” They’re crazy.

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