Leftist Comedian Russell Brand Mocks CNN’s Stelter

BUCK: Is Brian Stelter gonna stay as a TV host over at CNN? I mean, I don’t really care, but it is kind of funny to think about, and it is amusing to watch CNN in this state of disarray because Jeff Zucker ran that place with an iron fist. He’s gone. What will happen now? We have all these petty careerists over there who realize if they’re not at CNN… I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really cares. Here is Russell Brand, British comedian — a man of the left, by the way, but is pretty funny. He is amazing in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I will say.

CLAY: Such a good movie.

BUCK: Great movie. But here he is doing his impersonation of Brian Stelter. This actually went viral, Mr. Russell Brand:

BUCK: Yes. Yeah, yeah. The clip goes on longer where he has Stelter basically saying, “Let’s just invade somewhere,” which is basically… (laughing)

CLAY: Well, this is what ultimately, I think, is underlying-root issue with Joe Rogan and CNN, right? The Brian Stelters of the world who have actually no fans, right? Like, Buck, I mean, just think about this. If Brian Stelter showed up to speak, how many people are really excited to go see Brian Stelter speak? This is a guy who has a television show on CNN, who has a major media outlet behind him. Would anybody stand in line to go watch Brian Stelter speak?

I don’t think so, and they know that the same thing isn’t true if Joe Rogan shows up. The audience is gonna be massive, and they’re angry and they don’t have it. They’re like, “Oh, this audience is willing to consume Rogan,” or you and me for that matter and they’re like, “Oh, they tell lies! They’re not being honest.” No, no. The reason why audiences respond to people in an internet age more than anything else, I really believe, is authenticity.

You may agree or disagree with me and you on a day-to-day basis, but the audience knows that we’re saying what we really think and they know that a lot of people — I think Stelter’s one of them — are basically puppets on a string at the behest of Jeff Zucker. He would pull the string, and they would dance in whatever direction he wanted them to dance.

BUCK: It’s also worth noting, for those of you are wondering why — ’cause, you know, we focus on as much as we can here the issues, what matters, informing, entertaining, and we don’t make this stuff personal. But there is a whole contingent of the Democrat media apparatus; all they do is try to get people like Clay and me and others like us in trouble.

Their whole existence, whether it’s Media Matters or CNN media reporters, they’re not reporters. All they do is try to trash people who are right of center. That’s their whole existence, and it’s gross. It’s pathetic, and I think that this is something that the world of so-called journalism needs to reckon with. If your job is to show up every day and try to get other journalists fired, you’re not a journalist. You are an oppo-researcher propagandist for the left. That’s all, and that’s what they have at CNN. There are people that’s their only job.


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