
Clay and Buck

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Leftists Claim “Woke” and “Let’s Go, Brandon” Are Slurs

8 Nov 2021

CLAY: As Joe Biden’s overall approval ratings continue to tank at levels not seen — between he and Kamala Harris — in many of our lives, 38% approval, according to the USA Today’s most recent poll alongside of Suffolk University, Kamala Harris, 28% approval rating, which is lower than I’ve ever seen for a president or vice president ever in the history of polling in the modern era in my life.

And that is spreading everywhere. In particular, “Let’s Go, Brandon” continues to grow and spread everywhere. And this happened at a Wichita, Kansas, hockey match, hockey arena and hockey game with minor league hockey people involved during Sunday evening’s ECHL game between the Kansas City Mavericks and the Wichita Thunder there was somebody upset that a woman had a “Let’s Go, Brandon” sweatshirt on.

And they forced her to leave the arena, but as she was leaving the arena, the entire crowd in the arena, Buck, began to chant “Let’s Go, Brandon.” And this is part of a larger part and parcel of what is going on, which the left is trying to make whatever language is used to denigrate them into slurs. “Let’s Go, Brandon” has been argued to be a slur. The word “woke”? Did you see this recently, Buck, over the weekend?

BUCK: Oh, yes.

CLAY: The word “woke” was called a racial slur as well. If you’re losing the battle for the hearts and minds of America, what do you do if you’re the Democratic Party? Argue that any of the apparatus used to win that battle, humor or otherwise, that they are racist and not able to be used as a part of the discussion. This is not a surprising move, but it is in fact the move that is being undertaken.

BUCK: Clay, look, are they trying to get rid of “Let’s Go, Brandon” now in places, right? They’re actually moving to this point where they’re acting like that, which is specifically designed to be the thing you can say without offending anyone’s sensibilities. That is representative of an overall feeling. It’s obviously another way… If I say, you know, “What in the gosh darn it,” I’m not saying the other thing, so I should have —

CLAY: You’re choosing to clean your language up.

BUCK: That’s right. So can’t have this situation where, “Oh, you can’t say that either,” because it’s like the other thing, right? If I sit there and talk about how, “Well, that’s a big pile of malarkey,” I’m not saying the other thing that I’m not allowed to say with the FCC. But, Clay, that’s all we’ve been talking about, which is that we cannot sustain a situation where mockery of Biden really catches auto because he’s an absurdity.

This guy should not be the president. You know, they can say whatever they want about Trump — and they did and then some. They lied about him, said all these horrible the things about the president. This is a guy who was a political phenomenon, right? This is a guy who would do two hours off the cuff in a stadium with 60,000 people or however many people were there and arranged around him and was electrifying and created essentially a one-man political movement. And they acted like, “Oh, it’s crazy Donald Trump! He’s a reality TV star and playboy,” and all these things.

CLAY: The 25th Amendment.

BUCK: And Joe Biden is a loser. And they made this guy president. And we’re all supposed to sit here — and he’s too old for the job. He’s not up for it. We all see it, and they don’t want us to make any jokes about it because once people start to switch their mentality to, “I don’t care that he’s the president. This guy never should have been in the role. The Democrats were reckless in putting him forward,” then the whole thing starts to fall apart.

CLAY: You know, it’s such an interesting point because in the past when people have gotten their ass kicked in midterms after being elected president, there was the possibility, Buck… Let’s use Bill Clinton as an example. When Bill Clinton got destroyed in 1994, what did he do? He brought in Dick Morris. He got into a lot of things, Bill Clinton. But he brought in Dick Morris and he tried to triangulate the nation so that he was basically governing from the dead center middle.

It was really hard to give the Republicans a lot of space politically to move. The difference between, let’s say, a Bill Clinton or even a Barack Obama and Joe Biden is, those guys were trying to get reelected. Buck, if you really set back and thought what the two years after next year’s midterm might look like? If Joe Biden is not going to be able to run for reelection — and I just find it improbable that the Democrats are gonna for a drag him across the finish line at 82 years old again.

I don’t even think he’ll run. Once the Democrats get put on the shellacking like they are in 2022, when they get crushed by the Republicans, we’re gonna effectively have two years where Joe Biden is the president of the United States and has zero actual power, and he doesn’t have any ability to even try and adjust his governing style because he’s not gonna be running for president again.

I don’t know that there’s a precedent in most of our lives for a situation like that, and so I don’t even know how it’s all gonna play out except that it’s going to be an incredible mess. And our adversaries — China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, whoever you want to point to — are going to be able to take unprecedented advantage of Joe Biden.

As week as he is right now, he’s far stronger as he’s going to be for the rest of his term. He’s going to get progressively weaker, and that’s not even considering his ability when it comes to what appears to be a clear declining in cognitive function that’s only going to get accelerated and worse over the next few years as well.

BUCK: Instead of the Democrats deciding that may be moderation would be a better approach, I think we’ve also seen that the progressive mentality is on to push as far as you can as quickly as you can before people even realize what it is that you’re doing and then deal with the mess you’ve made later on and gaslight people and act like these aren’t the result of decisions that you’ve made, which I think is indicative of what Biden’s been doing all along, right?

They make it harder for oil and gas producers and say, “Oh, we don’t know why gas prices are so high!” They undermine law enforcement as a political party, Democrats have. We all know with defund the police and all that madness. “Oh, I don’t know why crime is so high in major cities,” and this has continued to be a problem.

They never actually learn the lesson, because ultimately, it’s about them being in control. And Joe Biden? You’re right. He’s only gonna be in a weaker political position going forward once they’ve even gotten, I think, the build back agenda done where people see what ends up happening with inflation.

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