
Loudoun County Students Walk Out Over Bathroom Sex Assault

CLAY: Now, we told you we were gonna update you on the situation in Virginia, in particular at Loudoun County where we have had a boy, 15-year-old boy found guilty of forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio in an attack that inspired one of the quote domestic terrorist related incidents in Loudoun County.

The father of the girl who we now know according to a judge’s determination was sexually assaulted and was not being investigated in an aggressive way went in front of the school board and became angry as you can well imagine over the lack of detail and investigation that was taking place in that incident. By the way, the same boy who evidently had an infatuation with wearing skirts and would then therefore go into girls’ bathrooms also accused of another sexual assault at another school but again the details here, according to the judge, he has been found guilty of forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio.

This is obviously a big topic as it ties directly in to the current governor’s election in Virginia between Terry McAuliffe and Glenn Youngkin with Glenn Youngkin now in basically a statistical tie. Emerson has it tied 49-49 the most recent poll. One that came out today from USA Today in Suffolk had McAuliffe up 46 to 45. We had Dub in studio look up the over-unders on what the odds markets are saying overseas. Right now Terry McAuliffe around a one and a half percentage point favorite, according to the oddsmakers. That’s too close to call. And it’s down from a 10-point margin in the state of Virginia.

Well, we just had, as we were live on the air, a walkout among students in Loudoun County calling for more safety, more security in their school district. And, Buck, this is shining a massive light on what well may be the determination factor one week from today in the Virginia election. This is monstrously important nationwide.

BUCK: Just days away from finding out whether there is an election that is seen by many as a repudiation not only of the Democrat agenda when it comes to schools. And this is true not just in Virginia. It’s true in places where Democrats have control of the school system all across the country. It’s true the entire Department of Education bureaucracy which is, you know, more left wing than the Department of You know, environmental protection or, you know, you name it. The education, DOE, is gonna be full of left-wing ideologues. Obviously at the state and local level in the public school apparatus which I think is a good term for it, you have a lot of people who are very ideological and left wing. The teachers unions are, let’s remember, the single greatest source of mobilization and funding for a lot of Democrat politicians all across the country.

So the teachers unions and the control they have over the school system is sacrosanct to Democrats. They will defend it at all costs. Which is why even Fauci, St. Fauci had to bend the knee to them when it came to the opening of schools last fall and of course then this fall as well with the various mask policies. So there are all these different implications that are coming together in this one race in Virginia.

And it is fascinating, Clay, that we are sitting here talking to people all across the country about a school walkout based on students wanting to raise awareness about safety concerns after two sexual assaults in their school that clearly the school board and, you know, superintendent or whatever the school authorities may be in Loudoun County didn’t want to raise this to the public consciousness, didn’t want the public to know.

Can you imagine if this was a different set of facts? Could you imagine for a second if this was a hate crime that for whatever reason the school board decided, oh, this crime against a, you know, minority student where there were, you know, white nationalist students, let’s say, who attacked a minority student, but we didn’t want that to cloud our agenda for the broader teaching overhaul we’re doing or whatever; so we downplayed or pretended to not even know about it.

It would be the lead story on CNN day in and day out. It would be the thing that’s on the front page of the New York Times. They’re not even covering the Loudoun County walkout because it directs attention back not only to this Virginia race the Democrats are hoping they’re gonna be able to squeak out for McAuliffe but also it brings attention to all these major issues around parental involvement in the education of students. And I just spoke to a friend last night, she said she’s homeschooling for the first time this year. People are taking action on this. Parents are taking action, and that terrifies Democrats.

CLAY: There’s no doubt. And also this goes directly to something that has been raised as an issue before, which is if you allow kids in school to identify their gender by choice then you are potentially setting up dangerous situations like the one that just happened in Loudoun County where a biological boy who wore skirts and identified as a girl went into, according to the facts of this case, the bathroom in Loudoun County and forcibly committed sodomy and fellatio on a girl.

Now, that can happen, sexual assaults unfortunately can happen all sorts of different places. But where there are no cameras and where there are likely to be no witnesses in a bathroom seems to be a place where you would want the most protection possible for teenage girls in particular as it pertains to what teenage boys might try and do to them.

And this kid did this allegedly not only this case because we now know, again, that he has been found guilty in a juvenile court of forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio, this 15-year-old, but also that it allegedly has occurred elsewhere. And again the juvenile court judge Pam Maria Brooks agreed with the charges, the boy will be sentenced in some way on November 15th. He is not being named because he is a minor. But he’s also been charged with sexually assaulting another girl at a different school in the same Virginia school district in October, and Loudoun County Schools chose to pretend that this did not happen, allowing at least one girl and maybe two girls to be the victims of sexual assault, certainly the second one because they didn’t take the first one seriously enough.

BUCK: And let’s set the scene for a moment here and credit and a hat tip to The Daily Caller to Luke Rosiak who really broke this story at the national level and got a lot of attention for it and it’s why, you know, we initially were talking about it here on this show because the story about what happened in Loudoun County broke.

But, Clay, you had the father of the sexually assaulted teen girl show up at a school board meeting where one of the agenda items was to deal with the bathroom policy, or rather to implement a transgender friendly bathroom policy. So can you imagine for a moment who the optics are here if they’re trying to — the school board and the bureaucrats sitting on the school, you know, the stupidity or whatever it may be — it’s different in different localities in Loudoun, and Virginia, and they’re saying, “Well, we really want to have this policy.”

And then you have a parent who says, “My daughter was raped in the bathroom by a transgender student,” and that was dealt with as it should have been and talked about as it should have been at that meeting, I think people would have felt very differently about the policy and there might have been also a chain reaction and this with Democrats because they’re trying to indoctrinate kids and do all this social policy in the schools across the country.

So this was a very damaging incident for the narrative which goes back I might add all the way to the Obama administration. That was when you first started to hear about the need to have a transgender-friendly bathroom policy. And if memory serves, I believe it was North Carolina, but it might have been South Carolina where the Obama administration said — I mean, Obama put out a thread, essentially, you do what we want on trans bathroom policy or we’ll cut off federal education funds to your state which, I mean, I’m not — I don’t think that’s even — would have been constitutional, but that was what — that was how seriously the Obama administration was trying to ram through that policy.

So this goes back for years. And all along, to your point, Clay, about this is where there’s no cameras there’s, you know, fewer witnesses, you know, bathrooms ray place we all understand there’s stuff going on there and there’s privacy and there’s a need for that. And so there’s a greater risk that can come up in circumstances where you have women who have biological males in that close proximity.

We were always told that that was a bigoted, wrong thing, you cannot say that. Well, apparently it does happen. And all the people that said it was bigoted to even raise this as a concern now have to deal with the reality that there are differences in the safety of young, teenaged girls with biological males who may be quite troubled, as we have seen here, biological males who may be a risk, may be a threat to them being in that proximity. That’s a problem.

CLAY: Not only that, imagine how angry as a parent you would be if your daughter was sexually assaulted in a bathroom at that school and the school board and the school district did such a poor job of protecting her that you felt compelled as her father to show up at a public school board meeting and have to tell your story. Because everybody there is going to then know who the girl is, right? They know the parents are public. Everybody in the school is going to know everything about that.

They did such an awful job of protecting their students — just think about this, now — that you had a parent that had to go voice this story publicly at a school board meeting in order to get justice for his daughter. It is an outrage that that was ever necessary.

BUCK: There’s an additional level of awfulness too. What you said is absolutely correct. There’s also the school itself where the assault occurred sent out a statement, a letter, essentially, to the community saying that there has been a real problem here. This father who came in to complain at the school was threatening and so we had to call the police. They didn’t put out a letter, going enough, on a sexual assault that they knew had occurred on school grounds.

So the dad who comes in to complain about assault, the bureaucrat Democrat administrators, they’re worried about that, but they’re not telling for safety purposes the school community that we just had a sexual assault on school grounds, we take it very seriously, the police have been note. Oh, no, no, very different approach to that.

CLAY: And not only, building on this even worse, not only did the dad feel compelled to have to speak at a public school board meeting to get attention to this alleged sexual assault, he also was then labeled a domestic terrorist and used as evidence of why the FBI and the Department of Justice needed to be investigating speakers at local school boards because they were a threat to the community.

This is one of the largest strings of failure that I can remember in recent memory with American public education. This man is a hero for standing up for his teenaged daughter, and he was not only arrested at the meeting, he was labeled a domestic terrorist, and they tried to use him as evidence of why the FBI needed to be involved in local school board hearings and the Department of Justice put out a notice to allow further investigation to take place. It’s an outrage.

BUCK: A little bit more up for you on the situation in Virginia here and McAuliffe and his camp getting really nervous about whether Youngkin can pull out what seemed like at first an improbable victory here, but it’s gonna be close, folks. If you’re listening here and you’re in Virginia, by the way, please, please show up and vote, vote the right way.


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