
Democrat Media Resurrects Russia and Insurrection

BUCK: I have two stories — and I keep going to Clay saying, “I’m not sure which one of these is just more mind-blowing.” But it goes to the overall thesis here that I raised earlier with you, that there’s something truly wrong. I mean there’s a mental instability, an emotional hole at the center of the Democratic Party today. There’s a problem. They’re disconnected from reality. And that’s why they have to continue to feed the base, the CNN watcher, the New York Times reader absolutely crazy stuff, I mean, stuff that at this point, to put it out there, it’s hard to believe.

Let me start with this one. We have both an insurrection article and — kicking it like it’s 2016, 2017 all over again — a Russia collusion piece from today. Let me start with the Russia collusion piece. There is a claim in The Guardian, which is a left-wing newspaper in the U.K., that Putin did in fact have kompromat, which is the Russian intel term for compromising information, blackmail material on Trump, specifically in Moscow, specifically perhaps the — I don’t even know what to call it, but the allegation of stuff happening in Moscow that was in the initial dossier. And that Putin backed him to win an election because he was, quote, “mentally unstable and would create social turmoil in the U.S.”

The Guardian is really the most respected left-wing paper in the U.K. I think you could say that. And they’re going right back to the Russia collusion well with “leaked Kremlin documents.” I just want to ask them, do they not know — I thought we all been told that Russia is full of lies and disinformation — disinformatzia, as they call it — how could we not take this seriously after all the special counsel — these people are nuts, Clay. That’s my thesis; these people are actually out of their mind.

CLAY: Yeah, it doesn’t matter at this point, does it? I mean, we know it’s a falsehood, and the fact that they can’t let go of that falsehood — here is what I always say, like, try to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. Anybody who has ever been involved in digital media, the amount of money that was spent by Russia on Facebook, for instance, is such a tiny pinprick.

Just kind of behind the scenes, we will advertise OutKick products on Facebook. And we talk about the return that we get, right? So for any advertiser out there, you want to spend money and then make more money if you can than you are spending. That’s the entire purpose of advertising in general is to be able to see a return on your investment which, by the way, our advertisers here do. And you should be advertising on this show as well ’cause it’s a great return to investment.

BUCK: It is.

CLAY: Facebook, we would buy ads on Outkick and try to get what we call the ROA, right? Like if we spent a dollar we want to see a return of $2 or $3 based on what we’re spending. You have to spend massive amounts of money to see a tangible return on Facebook. The money that was being spent by Russia was such a tiny pinprick of overall election spending that I looked at this data from the first point, and I was like, idea that this is going to somehow swing an election was such an insane lie that it made no sense for anyone who has ever spent money on the internet at all because it’s the equivalent of saying basically like, hey, this small hotel that’s advertising in Vermont is somehow gonna beat Marriott. Like the election is so massive and the money is so massive.

BUCK: That’s one of the threads of the Russia collusion —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — fantasy they’re talking about. This is the act — probably the one that’s the most discredited of all —

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: — which some people refer — I don’t know if I could say — I don’t know if I could refer to the tape wish this is the dossier where they discussed kompromat, meaning

CLAY: A golden element —

BUCK: Yes, there was a bodily function, a shower, you know, we’re on radio is I don’t know how to say these things. Point being they’re going right back to this. And you’re asking why it matters. I mean, Clay, it matters because Democrats still believe this crap, even after the special counsel —

CLAY: That is crazy. That is crazy that you could still believe it.

BUCK: They still believe it and Trump is very possibly going to run for president again and so what I’m here to tell everybody is that the lunatic libs who are running around decrying disinformation and saying it’s Jim Crow 2.0 to say that you only gotta vote for 20 days and not, you know, 25 before an election, those same libs are gonna start talking about the Russia collusion nonsense again.

And I’m not even done with their craziness for today because they’re — I got another one —

CLAY: There can’t be more than that.

BUCK: I got another one. CNN reporting on Washington Post stories — and if you ask me, Buck, why are you spending time on this? Because about 30 to 40% of the country, unfortunately, is going to believe this crap. So it’s important that somehow we can all go and have truth and sanity as the mission statement instead of “anything to stop orange man bad.” “Top Generals Fear Trump Would Attempt a Coup.” This up on CNN right now. A coup after the election, according to new book, and General Milley, he of critical race theory is essential to military readiness. General Milley was supposedly saying, “according to two Washington Post reporters, including a Pulitzer Prize winner,” as if that’s supposed to mean something. The New York Times, you know, got a Pulitzer Prize for the Russian collusion reporting.

CLAY: They also got a Pulitzer Prize for the 1619 Project.

BUCK: This is kind of like Arafat getting a peace prize. Standpoint people realize this stuff is absurd. Anyway, they’re not going to blanking succeed, Milley apparently said, and there was an entire effort among — he was a chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the authors claim that they had — they were worried that Trump was going to straight up order a real insurrection — to your point Milley said that this is a Reichstag moment, according to the book, The Gospel of the Fuhrer.

You know, Milley is one of these crazy, Democrat, lib types who happens to be in the military and is really a politician; so that’s not a surprise, but if he even said that, the gospel of the furor, to refer — you’re the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that’s who you’re gonna talk about a sitting U.S. president? I mean, I really think that libs are suffering from a mass mental illness.

CLAY: I always like to do this, and I bet you play this game too. Milley leaked that story. Right? You can always tell, I think, who is the leaker of a story by who benefits the most from the story being out. So Milley gets to pop his chest out and say, “I was gonna stopped for democracy, I was gonna stand up for Donald Trump.” And there’s no suggestion at all that I’ve seen, and you know it would have been reported everywhere, if Trump had talked about calling out the military to stop Joe Biden’s inauguration or refuse to leave the White House or whatever it had been.

That story, even if it weren’t true would have been everywhere because it’s so incredibly negative to Trump that, to me, when I dissect this story that you’re sharing right now, it makes me think General Milley is talking to these Washington Post reporters to try to make himself look like a star.

BUCK: It’s unreal that this is the kind of still that we’re still talking about. But there’s also a need in the Democrat mind right now to have these stories of existential threat from Trump, even though he’s not in office anymore.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: This is leading on CNN.

CLAY: They need him.

BUCK: They need him.

CLAY: They need him day care like CNN if you look at the ratings they’ve lost 75% of their audience without trump. They are desperate to have Donald Trump in office. I mean, it’s killed think their business that he’s not there. And they need him to run again in 2024. That’s what has to happen, Buck, or they are afraid that their business will suffer to such an extent there is no other villain that they can find. They are addicted to Donald Trump and every negative story they can find out about him.

BUCK: All of us who work in political commentary and stuff, I gotta tell you, man, those were the glory days. When you would wake up in the morning and say what’s even gonna happen today, Clay? Did you see that Trump tweeted? And bam! The media would freak out, there’d be all kinds of stuff, they’d yell about fascism, and it would just be like let’s roll up the sleeves and make libs cry. It’s good times.

CLAY: I was, Buck, up so early doing my morning sports talk radio show, and Trump would be like the only other person that was up that early. So I’d scroll through my Twitter feed, it’d be like me talking about what happened the night before and Trump taking shots. It was pretty amazing.


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