CLAY: We are big fans of Mollie Hemingway, who is super talented.
BUCK: Yep.
CLAY: And I understand, giving a shout-out… I’m not sure what her mom’s name is. Ms. Hemingway would be a potential guess, maybe toss it out there, is a regular listener. She should be very proud of her daughter. But I heard —
BUCK: She’s editor and chief of The Federalist, just so you know.
CLAY: Yes. Oh, yes. Sorry. Also a fantastic author, written several books. Rigged is the most recent. She wrote a phenomenal book, Buck, on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation also…
BUCK: Justice on Trial. I read it. It is great. Highly recommend it.
CLAY: So good. But she’s going after Biden, which we did earlier in this show too. Biden’s speaking on Thursday. On Monday, he basically called Trump supporters Nazis. On Thursday he’s gonna talk about how much we need to come together and how great the country should be and kumbaya and all that. And Mollie Hemingway pointed out on Fox News yesterday, what Biden said with the semifascism comments is actually worse than anything Trump ever said. Listen.
BUCK: This is a president who ran on the explicit promise of “uniting country” and “healing our divisions.”
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: That was just bad faith.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: That was never the plan from Joe Biden, and it’s not even just rhetorical. I think you were hard pressed to find a time when a president was more heinously divisive, destructive, and wrong than exactly one year ago when Joe Biden was giving speeches about how anybody who opposed… Remember, they tried a federal, top-down vaccine mandate for all businesses with, what, a hundred employees or more?
CLAY: Eighty-four million people, I think, were included in that mandate.
BUCK: They tried the “get the shot or else” according to D.C. mandate, and he said if you didn’t do that, you were reckless, you were a bad person, you were a risk to other people’s lives.
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: You were putting lives at risk of your neighbors, of your friends, registered Democrat voters, all of that. Joe Biden has never apologized. He has never come out… I mean, how can anyone feel good about this Biden regime, when they haven’t even been willing to come forward and say, “What we said about the vaccine stopping the spread and how effective it was was wrong, and we are deeply sorry”? They haven’t even…
If we had a pretty strong economy, Clay, and we had a border that was kind of standard for a Democrat president — neither which is true right now — on covid alone, I think reasonable Americans should vote against the Democrat Party. Joe Rogan just said it. I know he was kind of laughing when he said it, but it’s true. Vote down ticket Republican just to repudiate the authoritarian madness of Fauciism and the Democrat covid lockdowns.
CLAY: Yeah. I think you said it well, and remember they tried to brand Trump supporters “ultra-MAGA,” and people were like, “That’s awesome! I’m ultra-MAGA.” They did all this Photoshopping and workshopping and analysis on branding. And then they actually tried to accuse Republicans of something they were proud to have as an accusatory thing that attached to them, and so now he comes out with semifascist.
And this, to me, deserves way more attention because on Monday you effectively call everybody Nazis. And then on Thursday he’s gonna say, “Oh, threats to our democracy, we’ve gotta come together, kumbaya.” What is in charge of the Joe Biden rhetoric? I’ll just toss this out there, Buck. I think every time Joe Biden opens his mouth, Republicans win. When’s the last time that Biden came out and spoke and he finished, and you thought, “Man, he really made a cogent, coherent case for his political principles; I think he took away some support from Republicans”? I can’t remember the last… Every time he speaks, Buck, I think he does himself a disservice. Probably not a coincidence that his approval ratings went up when he went on vacation for two months.
BUCK: Yeah. I also think that the constant presence of the dark aviators that he wears, I really believe that… You know, the media’s, “Oh, he’s so cool! He’s the aviator president. They’re trying to go along with this thing.” It’s really so people don’t see how old he is and how vacant his eyes appear much of the time. I really think it’s like… It’s also one of the reasons I think they love to have him masked up, including outside. I mean, just recently he was with Joe Biden. And there are photos outside wearing masks. They just had covid! They just had it!
CLAY: And they had four shots.
BUCK: That fifth shot; so really it was reckless on their part.
CLAY: Do you remember when they did that, like, 20-second video where there were multiple jump cuts and Biden’s eyes looked totally crazy? Like if you just… Don’t even pay attention to what he was saying, his eyes look crazy? They started putting him in glasses sometimes even for speaking because I think people… I’m not a doctor, right? Make that clear. But he looked like he was on something, the way his eyes were bugged out.
BUCK: No, but just… It sounds like you agreed with me that the aviators is meant to hide the eyes.
CLAY: I think it’s designed to hide the eyes and everything.
BUCK: Yeah. Absolutely. And I also think at some level the mask thing, obviously there’s a political signaling for mask wearers as well at this point, but I think it’s because you look at this guy, you look him up there, and you go… I mean, to each his own about the aesthetics of this. Obviously, he’s done a ton of work, right? They’re desperately trying to make him seem visually less old than he is. And I don’t mean this as a as aesthetic thing like, “Oh it’s just…” He’s too old for this job, folks.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: He was too old the last time around, and I say all this, Clay: I still believe they’re gonna run him again. I still think it’s gonna be Joe Biden again. I really do. I think he runs for a second term and he steps down in the second term.
CLAY: You’re afraid he’s gonna win.
BUCK: What?
CLAY: You’re afraid he’s gonna win again.
BUCK: Well, I should clarify. That is their plan. I mean I keep telling everybody this memories are short. If the starts to… Our economy is so resilient and amazing that even Democrats have a hard time ruining it. Look, it took them 30 years to ruin California, basically. We were talking about this yesterday. In four years there’s only so much damage. They’re doing a lot. There’s only so much damage they can do, though, that at what blame on the president as I before or blame on the debt over decades or whatever.
CLAY: I think we’re kind of in the Mariana Trench, right? That’s the deepest part of the ocean, if I’m correct there.
BUCK: I believe so, yeah.
CLAY: I think that’s right. I think your point on Biden hitting rock bottom, he was in the Mariana Trench, he was as far as down as he could be. I’m curious if this is… In stocks they talk about “the dead cat bounce.” Unfortunately, maybe it’s a perfect analogy within the cat conversation.
BUCK: Clay, cat owners can’t use this!
CLAY: Everybody out there knows the phrase “dead can’t bounce” is the cat’s dead but it hits the ground; it bounces back up a little bit. I’m curious if we’re getting the Biden dead cat bounce right now. A lot of times you see it, and I just wonder. Gas prices, I think, have helped. What else is moving…? I think partly if Biden hadn’t talked basically for two months, he hasn’t done an interview in over 200 days. I don’t think he’s gonna be helped by this address on Thursday ’cause I think it’s gonna make him look feeble and out of touch and every time he speaks, there’s at least 30 seconds of a clip where you think, “This dude’s brain is not all there.”
BUCK: I also think — and this is something I’ll continue to hammer between now and the election, Clay, Democrats are gonna go on offense. They’re gonna act… They’re the kids that didn’t do their homework that got all the questions wrong on the exam and now want to stand in front of the classroom and telling everybody about how they’re the valedictorian. They just don’t care. They’re gonna go on offense.
They’re gonna talk about the MAGA fascists and they’ll talk about the War on Women and Dobbs and all this stuff. Republicans need to say, “Oh, yeah?” and get after it, need to make the case on those key kitchen table issues but also on a whole range of social issues out there. I mean, the kids, the school situation, the transgender ideology. But it’s time to get after it. We’ll talk more about this, obviously. We got six weeks, basically, until the election. So here we are.
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