
Moms Revolt! Democrat Woke Agenda Goes Up in Smoke

CLAY: This is a fabulous Wednesday morning across the country. Yes, that is DJ Khaled bringing us back with All I Do Is Win. If you haven’t heard that song before, that is what the Republicans did all over the country. The woke agenda is in tatters. Minneapolis votes down by a monster margin defund the police. Glenn Youngkin absolutely dominates 10 months a year after Virginia was not a competitive state in 2020. We have an absolute beat down delivered by Glenn Youngkin to Terry McAuliffe. Right now, in New Jersey — which Joe Biden won by 16 points in 2020. Right now, in New Jersey, there is a race that is too close to call it is going to come down to a few thousand votes one way or the other.

The Democrats are in shock. They are curled up in the fetal position. Joe Biden might still be sleeping after returning from Glasgow. He does not have a single public event on his schedule today. Buck, yesterday evening I spoke at the Moms for Liberty event. I was giving them updates on the Virginia race, and we talked about it on this show going back to August. I said the mom revolution was real, and, if you go look at the exit polling, moms swung by around 15 points.

Women, mothers took over and said “no more” to the Democrat woke agenda. It was a stellar night. And, by the way, one more shot at the woke agenda. How about the Atlanta Braves? The Major League Baseball All-Star Game pulled out of Atlanta. They won the World Series last night and Rob Manfred, the feckless loser pathetic commissioner, had to present the trophy to the Atlanta Braves for winning the World Series in a year when he wouldn’t allow them to host the All-Star Game. Buck, the woke agenda is gone up in flames, and it was glorious to see.

BUCK: Turns out that Virginia moms don’t like it when they’re being told their kids belong to slovenly bureaucrats of the education apparatus and not their actual families and that anybody’s got a problem with that might get a visit from Merrick Garland’s goons. Turns out that’s not a winning strategy for Democrats in the state of Virginia. Also, want to give a big congrats to the new lieutenant governor in the state of Virginia, Winsome Sears.

She got a photo, Clay, going around where she’s standing there and she’s holding an AR. She’s a former Marine and she’s got an amazing story. Her parents came here from Jamaica. She’s the first African-American/black American female to hold statewide office, first African-American female to hold statewide office in Virginia. And it’s incredible. The enthusiasm behind that win is enormous.

Youngkin, this guy was… I talked to people in Virginia early on about this. This guy was supposed to lose handily to Terry McAuliffe. But, again, the education issue, Democrats were wrong-footed on this. They don’t understand how things have changed now that parents are more engaged and now that they’ve been exposed to so much teaching. Remember, it’s not just the Zoom lesson.

It’s often two parents at home for months and months with Zoom lessons. So the Democrat pitch here was, “The old school educators know what’s best. Education bureaucrats are holding hostage your kids. Shut up! There is no CRT. But if you think there’s CRT and it’s bad, you’re a racist.” I hope the Democrats try to run that as their playbook in every race, in every electoral contest going into these midterms, because they got shellacked over this, absolutely crushed and annihilated. I will say we also called it here.

CLAY: We did, and we should point out in addition to running the governor’s race in Virginia and winning the lieutenant governor’s race in Virginia, the Republicans also won the attorney general’s race and looks good about taking back over the legislature as well as there are still I believe several pending races to be determined there. But already for the first time since 2009, Republicans have not just won a statewide office, they swept all three statewide elections.

And they did it, by the way, despite the fact — as you point out — that the Democrats, it appears, are gonna double down on their “everything is racist” theory. They did it with a black female lieutenant governor and a Hispanic attorney general in addition to Glenn Youngkin. Look, we don’t vote on people based on what they look like, but I think it does demonstrate to a large extent the amount of appeal that the Republican message has not only for white voters, but for black voters, for Hispanic voters, for Asian voters. For people who believe in individual excellence and the American dream, you have to support Republican Party.

BUCK: There were in Virginia specifically, and obviously there also a new mayor in New York City. That’s gonna be less consequential. He is a Democrat but it’s something that’s worth noting. We’ll talk about, I think, where that’s gonna go for America’s biggest city because, again, Clay, on the woke agenda, he’s not a defund the police guy. He realizes that is a suicide pact for any major city.

CLAY: And a pro-business guy, Buck, he said one of the first things he’s gonna do as mayor is get on a plane, go down to Florida, and convinced people who’ve abandoned the city to come back. He understands what the impact is of business.

BUCK: Yes, he can be much better than de Blasio with very little effort, which will have a real impact, I think, and people will see: When you do one thing, you get one set of results; when you take a different approach — when you decide that social justice should not be the sole guiding star, if you will, for everything you’re doing in a policy world — then things get much better in the cit.

But the education issue was central. You had a lot of moms in Virginia, a lot of moms — by the way, dads too, parents, right, concerned parents. I think that’s a the best way to describe it — or, if you’re a Democrat, “terrorists and insurrectionists.” So they should stick with that I hope they keep calling taxpayers who have stable families that are showing up that want the best for their children insurrectionists and domestic terrorists and Merrick Garland sends them some more scary notes.

Because the Democrat Party will head toward annihilation if it does that. That was a big part of this last night, but it’s also a reminder: With someone like Glenn Youngkin, if you just go out and you speak to the people you want to have voting for you — you find out what their actual concerns are and then you come up with reasonable ways to address them — you can actually make a lot of gains.

You won’t convince the double-masked, Fauciite, Biden-loving woke brigade, right? But you don’t have to. We don’t need them, right? We need the kind of folks that came out last night in Virginia, who clearly either switched or didn’t come out in 2020. Remember, the election was a year ago, right. It’s not like we waited two years for this result. That’s what we need.

CLAY: And it was also nationwide. We talked about Minneapolis. Even in New York City, as you mentioned, Eric Adams is much better de Blasio even though that’s for the Democrats. Buck, I don’t know how much attention this is gonna get, but in Seattle — which is not exactly known as a bastion of Republicanism — a law-and-order candidate, Ann Davison, beat the Democrat to become the next Seattle city attorney.

According to this story, she is the first Republican elected in Seattle since 1989. The summer of love that they were trying to have in Seattle, CHAZ and all that madness, this was something that was happening all over the country in terms of its overall impact and the way that people responded. She got 59% of the vote and 41% for the challenger. So this is a big move in the city of Seattle pointing to the defeat of the woke agenda from coast to coast.

BUCK: You know, Irving Kristol said, “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality,” right? This is… What you’re seeing in major cities is that people are actually not being mugged by reality. They’re being mugged, and it’s very tough to support, “End mass incarceration! Defund the police! Social justice!” lunacy when your store windows are being smashed and your grandparents are being attacked and having things stolen from them on the way home, or your store is being ransacked by people stealing from you.

The left was able to get away with a narrative that pushed for this for a while, and people have seen enough is enough. They have tasted the consequences, if you will, of the kind of virtue signaling social justice obsession that the left has and they realize it’s bad. This doesn’t actually work in practice. We have to go through these cycles, it seems. Undermining your police force. Deciding that we’re gonna teach divisive, really, Marxism in schools.

There’s no good places that this takes you, and I think there was another thing on the education point, Clay, with Youngkin. There was a smearing condescending even from Terry McAuliffe himself on this. And remember that line when he said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach.” All of a sudden, the parents were like, “Actually it’s our tax dollars,” because liberals have convinced themselves… (coughs)

Sorry. A little hoarse today. Liberals have convinced themselves… I was so excited last night, shouting as the returns came in. They’ve convinced themselves that we don’t want — meaning conservatives, conservative parents — kids learning algebra. This is how condescending and sneering they are. That’s not what anyone’s showing up at these school board meetings angry about.

They’re angry about actual pornography making its way into the curricula. They’re angry about Ibram X. Kendi racial Marxism being taught to people, about white fragility being forced into the minds of 9-year-olds. That’s why they’re anger, and they won’t even deal with that reality. Clay, they can’t decide if it’s not something that’s happening, or it is happening and you’re racist if you don’t like it, and that’s just too much.

CLAY: They’re captured by the woke cult. They aren’t able to stand up to the people that have taken over their party and this came through. You know, Jemele Hill, who used to be at ESPN and said that Trump was a white supremacist. That’s the only key she has. She keeps hitting the white supremacy key, and she claimed that the reason why the Republicans won in Virginia was ’cause of white supremacy.

And then an awesome meme showing the current governor of Virginia dressed up in blackface next to the elected lieutenant governor holding an AR and said, “Oh, you know what? Maybe your racial dynamics are a little bit out of whack here,” and I think… I’m fascinated to see what the Manchins of the world, the moderates of the Democratic Party, do.

They should be massively emboldened by this. I’m curious what the impact is going to be going forward of this walloping, of this ass kicking. I gotta give credit to people in Virginia. We said, Buck, “Don’t let it be close enough where Terry McAuliffe can employ his attorneys, where the Democrats can go searching for every ballot.”

The analogy I made was, “Don’t let the officials determine this election,” and in Virginia, people showed up, they voted, and they won so convincingly that Terry McAuliffe had to concede — something, by the way, that the patron saint of the left, Stacey Abrams, still has not managed to do in the state of Georgia after the 2018 election.

BUCK: We have a lot more to talk about here. There’s obviously a very close race between Murphy and Ciattarelli. I think I’m saying it right. It’s not an easy one.

CLAY: I was gonna ask you how to pronounce that.

BUCK: I’m pretty good with the Italian names unusually ’cause I’m a New Yorker, ’cause also you get the Americanized Italian names. Then it gets all difficult. There’s a really close race in New Jersey still to be determined where we’re gonna be joined by Senator Marco Rubio later this hour. We’ve had a lot of talk about Florida recently. We’ve had Governor Ron DeSantis on.

You know, the Florida freedom miracle continues to be a shining light for this country. So Clay and I have a stacked show for you, but if you’re in Virginia or you just want to share some thoughts on this race last night — if you’re feeling good, you’re doing a little bit of a victory dance — you can call in. 800-282-2882. A good day for America. Bad day for Democrats. Good day for America. Those often go side by side.


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