
Clay and Buck

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Nationwide, Parents Are Angry at the Left’s Agenda

21 Apr 2022

BUCK: Here is Jen Psaki when she’s — and I want you to listen closely. We want to play this whole sound bite for you. Listen closely to the White House press secretary, who just a couple days ago was literally sobbing — I’m not exaggerating, sobbing in an interview — about how mean the Parental Rights in Education Bill is. They say they don’t want to teach your kids this stuff.

Listen to what the White House press secretary claims.

PSAKI: The law is not about teaching sex education. It’s about teaching about gender identity, so what do you do if a kid in one of these elementary schools says, “What about Sally? Sally has two moms” or “I’m not sure if I’m a girl or a boy”? I mean, these are kids who are experiencing these moments in their lives! I also think that these are not… There is not a big record of there being either sex education or extensive gender identity education in these schools, and this is creating a problem — or a political cudgel — about an issue that I don’t think exists.

CLAY: Well, first of all, she just said that the issue exists.

BUCK: Mmm-hmm.

CLAY: Okay? So, you can’t say what do you say to a boy or girl who asks whether they are a boy or girl? I have an answer for you. As someone who has had three kids through kindergarten and currently has a first grader, you tell them, “Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas. Go to the bathroom of your gender. You are one or the other!” (laughing) This is not a complicated question.

Anybody who has ever had a 5-year-old has had to say, “Hey, boys go to the boys bathroom, girls go to the girls bathroom. We don’t need to confuse the gender of a freaking kindergartener,” okay? So, the fact that she says this isn’t an issue, like within 30 seconds of saying, “What do you say when this occurred?” the answer is:

You are not in the businesses of telling someone that they are a different gender than what their file purports to show when they are kindergarteners, first graders, second graders, and third graders. And the idea, Buck… I would be furious if my first grader came home and said, “Hey, today at school one of the teachers said that because I had a pink shirt on today that I must be a girl and they sent me to the girls’ bathroom.”

I mean, that is crazy talk. We know what boys and girls are! There was a great meme of Amy Coney Barrett. You know, when we just had the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings, she couldn’t answer what a woman was, and there was that… Remember Amy Coney Barrett memorably had like a note card in front of her and there was a meme where it just says, “Boys have penises; girls have vaginas.” I don’t understand how this has become confusing or complicated for the Democrat Party.

BUCK: That’s one of more memorable statements of fact from Kindergarten Cop, for those who don’t remember it.

CLAY: Yes. Evidently, it’s a hateful film now historically.

BUCK: “It’s not a tumor.” We all remember Kindergarten Cop. And I do want to tie this in, though, Clay to why the Libs of TikTok hit piece also happened now, because you go to Jen Psaki — and that’s exactly the right analysis of this. Jen Psaki says this isn’t a problem after saying it is a problem, because they can’t get the story straight.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: You saw this with CRT. You see this with the left a lot. You saw it with inflation. But in the CRTs are closer more analogous situation, say, “That’s not CRT. No one’s teaching CRT in school. Oh, you can’t know what CRT is unless you have a PhD,” to, “Damn it, they’re not letting us teach CRT anymore,” right?

CLAY: Yeah. (laughing)

BUCK: They go through these processes of trying to hide what’s happening and lie and many of you direct. Exact the same thing here. Why does this tie into Libs of TikTok? So everyone understands, Libs of TikTok ends up being on Tucker Carlson’s show and ends up being on Facebook and other platforms, too. So it really was just a feeder for them.

But it was showing people, teachers who were saying how important it is to them to teach 5-year-olds crazy stuff. So Jen Psaki’s life is complicated to lie to you, the concerned parents of America, about what your kids are being taught, because she’s out there saying, “This is just about like what if somebody has gay parents?”

No, that’s actually not what this is about. It’s about teachers who want to have Pronoun-Choice Day and tell a little boy who’s 5 who says, “I feel like a girl today,” “Oh, let’s chase this down and not tell your parents and maybe in a few years we’ll even have a transition for you.” That’s what this is actually about.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And that’s why they were trying to shut down Libs of TikTok because some libs were saying it out loud.

CLAY: No. There’s no doubt. And this is when you know that you are over the target, when you start taking flack. What’s happening to me — and we talked about this earlier in the week, Buck — I really feel like the Democrats — I saw somewhere between this — are trying to tank. I said, “What could they possibly be thinking on all of this?”

And someone sent me an email, and I thought it was an interesting email regarding the masking and decisions that are being made. And they said, “The only thing I can think, Clay,” ’cause I agree with you and Buck, this was the email was saying, “Hey, it seems like they’re intentionally picking the worst argument of every single issue,” right?

If you had to sum up the Biden White House, Buck, you and I even if we were being hired to try to spin for them, there’s almost nothing he could Schwinn in their favor, and the argument was, “I feel like,” and this is his argument but I’m curious whether it might actually be true, “they are trying to set up to be able to have all mail-in ballots again in November by saying covid still hasn’t gone away, and that is their safety net.”

That’s the only thing — and I’m sitting here trying to think, why would they be arguments in favor of the DOJ even appealing this mask situation? That’s the only thing I could think, Buck, because otherwise, everything they’re doing, the Bidas Touch is destroying everything that he touches.

BUCK: I gotta say I hope — I really hope — that every Democrat running for office in Michigan, Wisconsin —

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: — Arizona, Nevada, Georgia. I hope that they really dig in. I hope they really get as deep as they can on the issue of, “It is a core foundational right in society to have publicly funded bureaucrats telling your 5-year-old that it’s time for gender transition talk!” I want them all to run on this. Their party believes it.

They should have to defend it. I want them to explain why the White House is putting out, “We need preadolescents to be having gender-transition surgery as well as hormones and that that is standard of care — and if you don’t believe that you’re a bigot.” Let’s have them run on this. Go for it, guys. Go for it.

CLAY: Amen. It’s child abuse! It is without a shadow of a doubt in both of our opinions — and almost the vast majority of the American public as well. It’s child abuse to be trying to change someone’s gender when they are under 18 years old. It’s shameful. Indefensible.

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