CLAY: This clip that has gone viral of a father discussing the way that his kids are being taught in schools, and whether or not it is appropriate to teach people that they are a victim based on the color of their skin, which is one of the tenets of critical race theory. So this is from North Carolina. This is a dad named Brian Echevarria. If I messed up his last name, I apologize. Listen to this as he discusses parents taking back control over what their kids are being taught.
BUCK: First of all, it’s fantastic. This guy is… It’s good that he’s going viral. He should go viral for this, and speaking so many truths in this. But, Clay, that point also about you only ever have left-wing pundits — bureaucrats in the teaching system, teachers union officials, and pundits on MSNBC — talking about CRT or they say, “It’s not CRT.” They play all these games. “We’re just teaching honest history,” whatever. Where are the parents coming out that would say, “Why are you stopping teaching this great programming?”
You never see that. The same way you never see Democrats leaving Florida ’cause it’s so dangerous here without the covid restrictions you have in New York, you never see parents coming forward to say that they want CRT, because this really is a tool of indoctrination that the bureaucracy and the left uses. Parents want their kids learning. You never hear about this.
CLAY: It’s ingraining the idea of perpetual victimization, and it takes away the agency of the individual child to be able to be successful because you are telling them that their success is impossible, which is the exact opposite of what we should be teaching kids of all different backgrounds in this country today. I believe that anybody — black, white, Asian, Hispanic — who commits themselves to learning and having an education in conjunction with having parents who are encouraging that is going to be wildly successful in America today.
And that’s why I always say, I wish we spent more time telling kids, “Hey, we can’t guarantee that you’re gonna grow up and be rich,” right? ‘Cause look, everybody can’t be rich. But we can guarantee is you can grow up and not be poor. And this is what I tell kids all the time and I’d encourage you to be telling your kids, boys and girls out there: “Look, graduate from high school, get married, and don’t have a kid until you are 25 or older.” Those are three things, Buck, that every single kid out there can accomplish.
Now, you want more. I hope my kids go to grad school. I hope that they achieve high levels of success. But start off with something that everybody can achieve, black, white, Asian Hispanic. Buck, if you do those three things — graduate high school, get married, and don’t have a kid until you are 25 years old — the poverty rate in this country for people who do those three things is zero. Doesn’t matter where you start. You can start off very poor, you do those three things for yourself regardless of where you’re from, regardless of what your parents did, you will not be poor in America. That’s something he can’t be can do.
But it’s much easier — and honestly let’s be clear about this. For the elite apparatus, it is much more politically effective often to just make it about envy, to make it about resentment, to make it about, “The system is holding people down,” and that’s what you see a lot of in this country. And it’s sad. It’s really a shame because they’re pushing people away from decisions they could make that would let them reach their full potential, all of us.
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