
NYT Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Is Real, 18 Months Later

BUCK: This one, I think, this is gonna be, Clay, where you’ll see, this will be talked about on the right, and the Democrat aligned corporate media is going to essentially report on this like it’s, you know, who won the prized goat at the state fair. Just reporting on it, “We’re gonna just pass this on, not a big deal, nothing to see here.”

Big in terms of length, long story, New York Times, “Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues. The Justice Department inquiry into the business dealings of the president’s son remained active with a grand jury seeking information about payments from around the world.”

Now, this is really interesting. “People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer, and others about Burisma… “remember that, everybody?

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: — “and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by the New York Times from a cache of files that appear to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in the Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.” Okay.

Now, here’s the thing, Clay. You know, I know, and everyone listening to this has known all along that the emails, Hunter Biden laptop was real but that the New York Times, the flagship lib paper, has now had to concede over a year, you know, going on a year and a half after this whole controversy came out right before an election — there’s so much.

There’s the let’s maybe actually talk about the corruption of the Biden-selling-influence situation, but then there’s also, how does the media ever regain credibility when they clearly, with the collusion, dare I say, of social media, suppressed this story, pretended that they were morons just so they could avoid telling the truth right before an election.

CLAY: There is so much here, Buck. To me everyone wants to talk about disinformation and misinformation. The biggest collusion that has ever occurred in the history of the American presidency in any of our lives, presidential elections, occurred in the fall of 2020.

Remember what happened when this story came out, Buck. The New York Post was locked, its account was locked by Twitter. Jen Psaki, who is now the press secretary, came out along with many other national security advisers to say that this could be Russian disinformation.

Also, you’ve got everyone not allowing that story to be shared. If I remember correctly, Kayleigh McEnany at the time the press secretary for Donald Trump, had her Twitter account locked for sharing this story. And now 18 months after the New York Post, which deserves immense credit for having the ability to get this done — now 18 months after that happened was suddenly, amazingly, all of these news outlets are now going to report what anyone with a functional brain who had been reading this would have known, based on the pictures, based on the details, based on the specificity of everything that was found in this laptop, it would have been impossible to fake.

And, remember, Maggie Haberman, who has been at the New York Times going after Donald Trump for a long time, tweeted this this morning, “a deep dive into the Hunter Biden investigation, including the emails released in late 2020, characterized as possible Russian disinformation by some, were authentic.

So, Buck, this swung the election, okay? There was a lot of talk about 2016 and everything that happened surrounding the Russian influence in that election. And when you actually break it down, it was very minimal, hardly any dollars spent on Facebook ads in the grand scheme of things. This decision by Big Tech not to cover the Hunter Biden story, not to cover Biden’s potential certainly, it seems, involvement in trying to make money in Ukraine and in China, to trade off of his influence.

Hunter Biden’s clearly — I mean, you want to talk about somebody who is a target for all sorts of intelligence related issues, this guy, based on everything that was inside of his laptop, was an unmitigated disaster for anyone that cares about intelligence-related issues.

Big Tech companies, the Facebooks, the Twitters, the Instagrams, the Snapchats of the world, they rigged the 2020 election, ensured that the vast majority of the American public didn’t know about any of the details included in this story; and as a result, when you look at how close even by the tally that is out there right now, 40,000 votes, Buck, 40,000 votes changed, Donald Trump is reelected in 2020. There is zero doubt in my mind that this is collusion by the Big Tech companies on the Hunter Biden story and that, by colluding, they changed the outcome of the 2020 election. They put their finger on the scale in a massive way in favor of Joe Biden, and they rigged the election for him based on the way they allowed stories to be covered and not covered.

BUCK: So there’s the putting their hand, which you’re describing, Clay, on the scale for Biden from Big Tech, which really likely delivered the election to him, when you look at what a narrow —

CLAY: — changed the outcome.

BUCK: They changed the outcome. And so you can say, oh, they’re private companies or whatever. Well, actually they — there’s a lot of regulation, and they work hand-in-glove with the Biden the White House now, and it’s not as simple as, “They’re just private companies. They can do whatever they want.” No other private company gets to just do whatever it wants.

And here’s the other part of it, though. There is actually some really shady stuff. You know, the way that that avoided the Hunter Biden selling influence from his essentially, you know, obviously from his father, the way that they avoided covering this in the media and all the CNN anchors, laptop — remember they were always saying “unverified, possible Russian disinformation.” They put people, including former very senior intelligence, folks, you know, used to run the — you know, the DNI or the CIA director — some of these people are morons, by the way. I can speak to that in some detail another day. They would say, “Oh, well, we’re not gonna deal with the allegations of corruption,” against the now president’s son, then Democrat candidate’s son. But here’s this from the New York Times piece ’cause, you know, eventually they gotta deal with it.

Also, by the way, Clay, the headline they’ve give up this, it’s like they’re trying to make it boring. That’s another note I just want to give you. “Hunter Biden Paid Tax Bill, but Broad Federal Investigation Continues.” It’s like, yeah, there’s this thing, they’re looking at Hunter Biden but, like, you know, we’ll tell you about it, but — here’s from the piece. “In some of the emails Mr. Biden displayed…” — Hunter Biden — “…a familiarity with FARA, the Foreign Agents Registration Act, and a desire to avoid triggering it. In one email in April of 2014, Mr. Biden outlined his vision for working with Burisma,” which is a Ukrainian natural gas company, by the way, for those keeping score.

“In the email Hunter Biden indicated that the forthcoming announcement of a trip to Ukraine by Vice President Biden who’s referred to in the email as ‘my guy’ should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking, but he will say and do is out of our control. ” Clay, this is influence peddling, full stop.

We’re here, man, I just happen to be the son of, you know, really important American political figure, but, you know, no big deal, corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company.

CLAY: China and Ukraine — remember, this is part of the story. And, by the way, can we just say, this is yellow light another thing that Donald Trump was a hundred percent right about. Remember the 60 Minutes interview I believe it was Leslie Visser, am I right about that?

BUCK: Lesley Stahl?

CLAY: Lesley Stahl. I think you’re right. Anyway, the old woman, one of them that’s on 60 Minutes sitting across from President Trump, and he was asking her on tape why they weren’t investigating the Hunter Biden laptop, and she was saying, well, it’s not true.

And this goes to our point, Buck, which is not only are there many liars involved in the Minneapolis, there’s also a lot of dumb people who were refusing to take risks. And so 18 months later, we want to talk about lies, you want to talk about disinformation, you want to talk about conspiracy theories, it’s amazing how so much of what you and I talk about, so much of what you and I tweet about months in advance of when it becomes accepted truth, what’s the line? The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about six months. Well, for the New York Times it took 18 months.

And I just want to read Jen Psaki’s tweet here again ’cause this is a massive story, all right? And I’m curious whether now that the New York Times is saying, oh, it’s real, whether now everybody else will chase it ’cause there’s a lot of media companies with egg on their face. And, by the way, credit to the New York Post for running this, getting it all right, and being willing to take the slings and arrows associated.

But Jen Psaki, who was constantly lecturing America about the need for everyone out there, the tech companies to share info with them and to make sure that they’re not sharing misinformation and disinformation, her tweet is still up, and she tweeted, “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”

The Russians had nothing to do with this. Hunter Biden was a drug addict who sold influence to China and to Ukraine and probably other countries as well based on his father. If you read those emails and if you study the story here, Biden is corrupt as a politician can be. The Biden family is everything that the mainstream media spend five or six years telling you that the Trump family was. They’re actually the ones selling influence. Imagine if one of the Trump sons had the laptop that Hunter Biden does. It’s a disgrace. Our media is a joke, and they failed the country, and Big Tech rigged the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.

BUCK: I think it’s important for everyone to recognize, Big Tech doesn’t apologize for this. Big Tech doesn’t say, “You know what? We shouldn’t have been shutting down Hunter Biden laptop story before. We shouldn’t have been shutting down honest discourse about vaccine mandates or mask policies or anything else. We don’t have the absolute truth at our disposal, and short of a violation of law, we shouldn’t be putting our hands on the scale.” But they’re psycholibs, and psycholibs need safe spaces and need to silence the other side ’cause they can’t, dare I say, Clay, they can’t handle the truth.

CLAY: Buck, they locked the New York Post Twitter account and refused to allow them to post. They locked the press secretary at the time Kayleigh McEnany’s tweet for sharing this story. They refused to allow this story to be shared. If we want to have congressional investigations occasion and there’s lots of talk about congressional investigations. We’re on the 964th different hearing, it feels like, associated with January 6th — when the Republicans win back the House and I hope the Senate, we need a massive investigation into the collusion that existed in Big Tech companies — Facebook, Twitter, and the like, Google — and how they all ended up not allowing a story like this to be shared. New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN.

I guarantee you there was cross-talk going on at the top of these organizations saying we aren’t going to allow this story to be shared. And that is collusion at its essence, and it rigged an election.


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