On the FBI’s Hunter Cover-Up, We’re in a Knife Fight with the Left
30 Aug 2022
BUCK: They are lying to you, and it’s the point. This is true of so many things, but the Democrats, the anti-Trump left, they constantly lie to you, and they don’t feel badly about it, they don’t care, even when you catch them because, as I said, the lying is the point. Let me give you an example of what I mean here. You may have seen — there’s some coverage of this New York Post on it, a few others.
A fellow I think Jeremy Bash who had been the chief of staff I believe at the Department of Defense under a Democrat and also chief of staff at the CIA — these are the roles that he has had in the past — he was just named by the White House in a statement to the president, to President Joe Biden’s intelligence advisory board.
Now, this is interesting to a lot of people because Jeremy Bash is one of the 50-or-so people who signed his name to “the Hunter Biden laptop is disinformation.”
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: “Trust us. We’re super smart intelligence professionals. We’re out there, we know all the super secrets, and you can trust us.” Nobody with an IQ above room temperature really thought Hunter Biden was an elaborate Russian scheme, but they were desperate. It was a super narrow election.
You have 40,000 votes spread over a few states going a different way, even with all the shenanigans, even with all the legal changes and legal questions, 40,000 votes go a different way, and you have a different president.
So, there was a desperation. My point in bringing up the Jeremiah Bash situation is that this is one of the great advantages, Clay, that the libs have. They take care of their knife fighters.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: The people that do their dirty work end up on the boards of companies, they get medals of freedom, they get book deals, they get hooked up. One thing the left does very well: The left, the Democrat Party, they are like the Mafiosi who do pay the family and, you know, you go to prison but you keep the omerta, they’re gonna take care of your family.
They’re gonna, you know, bring over, you know, food and, et cetera, et cetera. We’ve all seen Goodfellas. We know, right? They’ll take care of you when you’re in prison. On the right — this is one of our big failings — people that take a difficult stand, people that stand on principle or that get canceled because not of the thing they did so much as their previous work for the right, we say to them, “Yeah, you know, maybe they can start like — start a small business somewhere.”
“Good luck to you, buddy. Really appreciate all the work you did for the conservative cause. But see ya later. I don’t want to be associated with this person who’s been canceled. I don’t want to be associated with this person who the left has targeted and destroyed.”
And I just think on the Russia collusion issue what you have seen is that they were all elevated, they were — all those people. I mean, here is — just this one quickly, Clay. James Clapper, for example. This guy was obviously a source for a lot of the CNN stuff on Russia collusion, became a CNN contributor —
CLAY: Awfully interesting how that happened, huh?
BUCK: Interesting. Here he is saying and that I want to analyze you.
CLAPPER: To me, yes, you also have to make a worst-case assumption. Once these documents are out of government custody where the government is not protected, is not in a position to protect these documents, they are in areas that don’t meet storage requirements for the protection of highly sensitive classified information.
So, that is the worst-case assumption that you have to make. What is the potential damage that could be done to U.S. intelligence capabilities, that is, were sources, methods, tradecraft compromised? And that can get very personal in the case of human assets.
BUCK: Clay, if they were able to sneak in some spy to get into a locked part of Mar-a-Lago with surveillance cameras and Secret Service there, who is able to secretly go through thousands of pages of hard copy documents to find the 10 pages, the 25 pages, whatever it is, that are marked top secret, we’re screwed, man. I mean, it’s all over. But this is what they do. This is the fearmongering they engage in.
CLAY: Yeah. And the interesting thing about not only the guy that they’re protecting associated with putting his name on a lie, which was that this was Russian disinformation. And I gotta give credit to our buddy Senator Ron Johnson, who all of you should vote for in Wisconsin who is going to be in a real battle there.
Buck, he’s pointing out, what did Facebook actually get told by the FBI, right, associated with this Hunter Biden laptop? And associated with that, the FBI, who had this guy whose name I need to look up — maybe one of our staff can text him.
I don’t know we even need to mention his name — but there are reports that this guy who protected Hunter Biden inside of the FBI and was also in charge of election integrity at the FBI, doing videos, telling all the American people about how much they were protecting our elections, has been let go by the FBI, that he was walked out on Friday.
So, what is going on inside the FBI is something that needs to be investigated to an incredible degree at this point.
BUCK: And I think that when we talk about the way the FBI has interfered in elections in the past — there are so many — in the recent past —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: First of all, it seems to always be in a way that dramatically improves the prospects of Democrats, which makes sense. I mean, the same mentality, the same belief system that people have that would lead them to think that evil tyrant Fauci is some kind of a genius who’s saving us all despite all the evidence are the kind of people who think that the FBI stands above and apart from the actual executive branch chain of command and is the praetorian guard of our democracy, if you will.
And by that they mean making sure Democrats keep getting elected, let’s remember that when James Comey came out and spoke about the Hillary laptop classified information situation, Comey was breaking with chain of command. It wasn’t even just that he came out and said, nobody would make this — he’s not a federal prosecutor. He’s the FBI director.
He has no say in prosecutorial decision-making whatsoever. He can recommend something. But, I mean, he has no determining ability. He does not decide to prosecute or not prosecute. It should have been Loretta Lynch who was the one coming forward, if anyone. Loretta Lynch should have had to come forward as Obama’s the Department of Justice chief and say, yeah, we’re not bringing charges against Hillary.
But that would have looked really bad. Why would it have looked so bad? Not only because of the obvious politics, but because of the sit-down with Bill Clinton on the tarmac in private without the Secret Service there to obviously discuss how this was going to go down. So, Comey coming forward was throwing himself in front of that issue as well as the overall Hillary classified emails fiasco.
CLAY: Which, to your point, is why I’m still stunned that Merrick Garland is allowed to be in charge of this Donald Trump investigation in any way. Because the reason they didn’t have Attorney General Loretta Lynch make that announcement about Hillary was because of the — at a minimum, the appearance of impropriety.
Remember that conflict in the law is not just about impropriety; it’s about the appearance of impropriety. How is there not a clear appearance of impropriety when Merrick Garland is investigating his boss’s chief political rival? The idea that he is able to do this at all — Democrats at least acknowledged this when they got James Comey to step out in front of, to your point, the train and effectively say, this shouldn’t be a prosecutable offense.
It’s the Department of Justice that should have made that call but they didn’t because they thought it would have looked improper. How do they not have that same alarm bell going off right now with Merrick Garland investigating his boss’s chief political rival?
BUCK: If we’re going to have a special counsel statute, how can the special counsel statute not apply to what you just brought up and to the obvious federal criminal jeopardy that the president’s son is in? I mean, Clay, they brought forward — the Democrats fight so dirty, and I want — you know, this is gonna be a theme we talk about a lot —
CLAY: You’re hitting on what I think is one of the top stories. We’re probably the only people, just about, that you’re hearing say, wait a minute. Like, a lot of you probably are having alarm bells go off in your head. We talked about on this program, you can’t investigate your chief political rival. It is crazy that this would even be allowed in any respect, Democrat or Republican, by the way.
BUCK: Clay, they used a special — they got a special counsel on Russia collusion and the firing of James Comey. They used a special counsel for the leak of a CIA —
CLAY: Jim Jeffords gave ’em the special counsel, which is what got Trump so angry ’cause the attorney general said, I can’t conduct this — if I remember correctly, I think Jim Jeffords was like, I can’t conduct this investigation —
BUCK: It wasn’t Jim Jeffords. If you’re talking about the first AG from Ala —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — Trump’s first attorney general.
CLAY: Sessions.
BUCK: Sessions. Thank you.
CLAY: Sorry. My bad.
BUCK: I sat down for a long form interview with him. I had the phenomenon of sitting down with Sessions for the first time he’d given an interview in six months and then go sit down with Trump and all Trump was saying is my AG is terrible, and I was like, oh, gosh. I get it.
CLAY: Like Sessions recused himself from that investigation which necessitated an IG. But the fact that nobody’s even suggesting that, hardly, in anywhere in the media, it’s crazy that we got this going on.
BUCK: The Democrats do lawfare all the time. Democrats are the people that try to get their rival fired from the office for leaving five minutes early and saying that it’s time theft. Like, these people are petty and vicious. They got a special counsel on the Valerie Plame issue. They knew from the very beginning what happened there. And what happened was that somebody let it slip that they knew the identity of — it was Richard Armitage.
CLAY: Yep.
BUCK: They knew from the beginning and they kept going. Why did they keep that going? ‘Cause they used a special counsel as a weapon against their political opponents. We Republicans sit around and we go, “But what’s fair? I want to do what’s fair.”
And the libs sit around saying, “How can we, you know, politically knife our enemies in the dark of night without anybody knows what’s going on?” And we wonder how we have drooling idiot Biden running the country.
CLAY: On Thursday we’re getting lecture on the importance of democracy in a prime-time address from Joe Biden. Much it of will be focused on Donald Trump. But let me just ask you — everybody out there think about this. Name a bigger threat to democracy than the sitting Department of Justice investigating the chief political rival of the current president.
Like everybody wants to talk about January 6th. If you had to objectively look at the data and say, what’s worse? A bunch of people, almost all of whom are unarmed storming the Capitol to protest — a riot — or the president of the United States having his chief law enforcement officer raid the residence of his top political opponent?
If you talk about democracy and norms, we’ve had riots before. We’ve never in the history of this country had a sitting attorney general get a warrant to go to the private residence of the chief political rival of the current sitting president and investigate him.
You want to talk about norms in democracy, Democrats are the ones breaking them in unbelievable degree right now, and Biden’s gonna lecture us on Thursday about threats to our democracy.
CLAY: I want to mention a little bit more detail on the FBI situation. This was the Washington Times reporting. Their headline is: “Top Agent Exits FBI Amid Charges of Political Bias Undermining Hunter Biden Probe.” Again, this is the Washington Times that is reporting this.
And Senator Ron Johnson, who wants to have hearings into this, one of many reasons why if you’re listening to us in Wisconsin right now, you need to be out, make sure you vote here as we come up on two months until the midterms. Senator Johnson says, “I appreciate that this man is no longer with the FBI where it’s alleged, he engaged in partisan activities. Still, he and other FBI officials must be held accountable if they undermine my investigation into the Biden family’s foreign financial entanglements.”
Why it matters to such an extent who has control of the House and the Senate is because we need to know everything about these stories. We need to know who was briefing Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook to encourage him to believe Russian disinformation was coming that helped to curtail the sharing of the Hunter Biden laptop.
Because, Buck, the data all reflects that if the Hunter Biden laptop story in October of 2020 had been covered, disseminated, discussed as a normal story of that magnitude would, that Joe Biden would have lost the 2020 election. And we don’t need to get into all of the parameters that occurred to allow him to win.
But he would have lost, if that story had just been discussed. So, you want talk about our sacred democracy, what does it mean when the FBI is undermining legitimate reporting from the New York Post that could have changed the outcome of the election, many people would have not voted for Joe Biden who did based on that story.
This is a big story, it’s a monstrous story, and it should be investigated by the Senate and the House. And the only way it’s gonna happen is if we get a Republican House and Senate.
BUCK: I mean, the suppression of information before an election, if you’re going to talk about threats to democracy, that is a threat to accountability in governance.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: It is a direct assault, actually, on that. And when the methods of information dissemination are in on it, right? — this is the equivalent of all of a sudden, right before an election, if this were in earlier times, oh, all the printing presses have stopped.
Sorry. No news can come out right now, guys; so, you’re just gonna have to go with whatever you’re feeling right now. It’s totally wrong, it’s totally unethical, and not only do Democrats do this, they want to keep doing it.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: I mean, they want to maintain this stranglehold on information dissemination, the ability to — this is why the FBI saying they had some concerns about disinformation, the FBI should shut up before an election, not be going around meeting with social media companies about disinformation. That’s not their job.
CLAY: Amen. Amen! We need a massive investigation into this. I want Ron Johnson leading that charge. You need him in Wisconsin.
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