BUCK: I think that we should be past the notion of anybody — any individual, particularly if it’s a asymptomatic or very mild covid case, it being a story. But sure enough, Nancy Pelosi, headline today, tested positive for covid. I don’t… Maybe she let her guard down by not wearing a mask 24/7, maybe two masks, actually. Maybe she should have gotten the fifth shot already, Clay.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: I don’t know. I take the virus seriously. I can’t speak to people like Pelosi who thinks that only four shots is enough and only wear double masks when the cameras are around is somehow going to protect them. But just so you all know, she’s asymptomatic.
So no one thinks that this is gonna be a big deal for Nancy Pelosi, and unlike psychotic leftists — who when Clay and I get sick, tell us that they want bad things to happen to us — we wish good health to all of our fellow Americans and fellow human beings regardless of their politics.
We wish covid would go away entirely. I also wish Fauci would go away from public life. Step out of the limelight, don’t want to hear from him anymore but that’s not gonna happen anytime soon and I think he’s starting to feel the heat, Clay, because he’s getting more explicit about the politics of this. He’s being more…
It’s getting more clear that he really is a political weapon for the Democrat Party to get compliance from people but also to create this narrative of the Democrats did it right, ’cause they were the maskers and the lockdowners and not alone the whole time, obviously. Trump did it in the beginning.
But when we learned more and the data came in, they decided that the data was irrelevant and that we had to “take the virus seriously” by locking playgrounds and arresting paddle boarders on the ocean by themselves and all this stuff. And here is Fauci straight up saying he’s gonna blame Trump.
And yet he was coming out… Right after we came out and I said with Dr. Birx, “Let’s do the 15-, 30-day;” he would get up and say, you know, “Liberate Virginia, liberate Michigan,” which was just completely contrary and antithetical to what we were trying to do. But if we had really locked down, we probably wouldn’t have lost a lot of people early on.
BUCK: That’s a total lie, he’s an abject clown, and people who believe him deserve the misery and anxiety that they’re gonna live with the rest of their lives “because of the virus.”
CLAY: Well, what should happen in that interview is immediately follow up with, “‘If we had really locked down’? Okay, what do you mean? Do you want Shanghai-level lockdowns? Do you want people unable to leave their house for any reason, they can’t talk their dog, if they step outside, they get arrested?” When you say, “If we had really locked down,” he needs to be pressed on exactly what he means by that.
‘Cause I do think he would have, if he had been in charge, would have gone with a Chinese-level lockdown where no one is allowed to leave their home and basically everything stops. And, by the way, we’d still be doing those, I think, today just like China’s doing them because this thing was impossible to stop.
BUCK: Well, look at what the strategy was. The strategy of “15 days to slow the spread,” the strategy of 30 days, remember — with the extension, as Fauci just said — that was about hospital capacity. So they offered this up. Now, this is why Fauci can’t ever show up anywhere with somebody who knows anything who’s going to push him, because all the idiot lib journos go:
“Oh, Fauci! He looks like a grandpa, and he seems nice. So let’s listen to him, he wears a lab coat,” ’cause they’re morons. But it was “15 days to slow the spread” so that hospitals could get ready for then the end of the 15 days and now it’s basically the virus is gonna be pretty much ripping all over the place. And then they extended it. And then they extended it.
And then it was this quasi-mitigation lockdown status until the vaccines and the vaccines would end it. And then we got the vaccines, and that doesn’t end it, either. So they have been wrong all along at every stage of this, and their ideas, their strategy, Clay, doesn’t even make sense, which is why they had to keep changing it, doesn’t even make sense anymore.
But Fauci, notice — notice — the cheap shot at Trump. Okay. Why doesn’t Fauci get asked this question — and we said it many times — how is it that more people died of covid under Joe Biden with a vaccine program in place and actual distribution of 200 million-plus people getting the vaccine than Donald Trump with a more dangerous version of covid initially circulating and very little knowledge and no vaccine?
CLAY: There’s not an answer for that. And, by the way, I agree with you on every single person testing positive shouldn’t still be a story. It is worth mentioning, Nancy Pelosi kissed Joe Biden on the cheek yesterday. Did you see this? She was at the White House, and she kissed Joe Biden on the cheek. Now, Joe Biden is, I think, on like his 90th booster shot at this point like that German guy. That’s obviously hyperbole.
BUCK: Booster, Clay. You’re just not taking the virus seriously.
CLAY: Joe Biden’s been taking the booster shot every day for the last year. But it is worth mentioning that she kissed Joe Biden. And one maybe remarkable thing so far is everyone in the White House, but Joe Biden seems to have tested positive for covid postvaccination. So maybe Biden is going to end up testing positive before all is said and done.
BUCK: I think.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: To me when people do all these blue check libs who are terrified, by the way, of the Elon phenomenon now which is —
CLAY: Phenomenal. Yes.
BUCK: They’re actively in panic about it because they know that the good old days of crushing conservative thought and speech in the digital realm may be coming end. But I think if you’re do the tweet that they all do, Clay, when they get sick and they go, “Yes, I have bad cold symptoms, and I feel…
“I’m 35 years old, but I just want to say that if I hadn’t gotten the vaccine, this would be so much worse.” They should have to, like, genuflect, bow down and pray to their god, Fauci when they do that. Like, they should have to make actual penance for not taking the virus seriously enough because it really is a religious observance for them at this point.
CLAY: Well, and Ali talked about this, our producer, when she was talking to her New York City friends and she said, “Oh, one of my hosts got covid; he hasn’t gotten the shot.” They were like, “Oh, my God! He’s gonna be…” No. In 12 hours, I was perfectly fine with the second dose of covid. I had Alpha, had Omicron, feeling fine, and I’m sure Nancy Pelosi’s gonna be fine too. But it is worth mentioning that she kissed Joe Biden. So that might end up being an issue going forward unless Joe Biden’s bionic ability to avoid covid continues.
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