So, add another term to Orwellian “Newspeak.” It’s “the speed of science,” which is Pfizer’s excuse for the fact that their vaccines didn’t perform as promised.
Of course you promised all that and more. We have the receipts.
Remember, these people all claimed to own the science, as did Joe Biden, and they saw to it that people were fired for refusing to take the risk — and there was a risk. These companies just lied about it.
Alex Berenson, who joined us again yesterday, has been banned from Twitter, reinstated, and suspended again because he dared to state facts like these before they were politically fashionable to admit.
Every person who was fired for refusing these shots should be rehired and these Big Pharma companies should give back all the profits they made off these shots.
The C&B Podcast Network host is seriously considering running again in Michigan.
Barack Obama said in 2014 that if you commit crimes in America, you’ll be deported.…
Watch Clay and Buck analyze the end of Jim Acosta on CNN. He staked his…
The Kansas senator weighs in on all the hot topics after the first whirlwind week…
Imagine gambling at a craps table and the president walks up to you.
The leader of Colombia showed the world how not to deal with Donald Trump.