
Poll: Majority of Dems Won’t Fight U.S. Invasion

CLAY: Unbelievable poll numbers that came out from Quinnipiac dealing with how Americans would respond in the event that we were invaded as Ukraine has been invaded. I tweeted about this. I saw you tweet about it, too, Buck. But I bet a lot of our audience has not heard this. So what percentage…? Again, this is a Ukraine-like situation in the United States.

What percentage of Democrats would stay and fight versus percentage that would leave the country if we were invaded like Ukraine is being invaded? Just 40% of Democrats said they would stay and fight; 52% said they would leave the country. That compared with 68% of Republicans who said they would stay and fight, 25% who said they would leave the country. Independents, 57% said they would stay and fight; 36% said they would leave the country.

So the idea out there — and, by the way, for women, 40% of American women said they would stay and fight, 70% of men. So there is, not surprisingly, a male-versus-female difference in whether people would leave, as you are seeing in Ukraine, many women and children are leaving the country. So this is alarming in many ways, as you break down the overall data. But what’s even more alarming than this data, Buck, is age ranges.

The younger you are — 18 to 34-year-olds, which are typically the foundation of any military force. Only 45% of 18 to 34-year-olds would stay and fight versus 48% who said they would leave the country. Now, substantial majorities of 35 to 49-year-olds and of 50 to 64-year-olds said they would stay and fight. Even senior citizens were more likely to stay and fight than 18 to 34-year-olds.

This confirms, I think, what many of us would believe, which is the younger and more liberal you are, the less you’re willing to fight for America. But it’s still pretty staggering to see these numbers actually out in the public arena here. And again, remember, it’s if we’re invaded. This is not would you go overseas and fight. This is if someone came to our shores, the majority of Democrats would flee the country.

BUCK: Wait a minute, Clay. You’re talking about a majority of Democrat commies who double masked at home while watching MSNBC and CNN, and rage-tweeting about how racist the country is all the time?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: They wouldn’t stay and fight? They actually are cowards when pushed on the issue of whether they would defend their hometown, their homeland? Juxtapose it, because obviously there are… We have a lot of people who have fought in multiple wars, including those in their twenties and thirties right now. There are people out there who feel very differently. We meant to play this yesterday. This was 27-year-old mixed martial artist and UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell on how he feels. He was asked about Ukraine, and this answer went virile.

BUCK: Two levels here. We can get into the going to Ukraine or not issue, but just the sentiment of, “If the war came to America, I would dig my heels in to Arkansas soil and fight to the death for everything I love.” By the way, I have zero doubt that Bryce Mitchell would in fact do that, and we think that that’s the America that we all know of and share, but there is a real portion on the political left in this country who actually kind of hate America.

And it’s not the America they want it to be, and so if push came to shove, maybe some totalitarian dictatorship from abroad would be better on issues of the rights of minorities or the trans agenda, whatever. Anything would be better than the evil racist country this currently is, according to the left. That’s what they actually think.

CLAY: Yeah, and I think we need to be clear here too. By the way, incredible comments from Bryce Mitchell. The UFC… If you’re one of those people out there that is of the opinion that sport professional athletes have lost your trust over the way that they’ve responded to a variety of different political issues over the years, the UFC guys and girls are… It’s hard not to like ’em. It really is when you hear.

First of all, they’re putting everything on the line when they step into those octagons, right? But when you hear the way that they think, the raw individual power while combined with love of country from so many of them — they’re anti-cancel culture — I love everything about most of these guys and girls. I do think what is alarming is we’re aging out of people who are true patriots, right?

You can talk about Democrats versus Republicans. But I’m even more scared, ’cause it doesn’t surprise me that Democrats are basically total, complete wusses — and that’s not the word that I want to use. But when you have the majority of 18 to 34-year-olds in this country, Buck, that would not stay and fight if the country was invaded, typically the 18- to 34-year-old population…

And let’s be honest, the 18- to 34-year-old male population, ’cause I’ll give a pass here for women and children. Remember what they’re doing in Ukraine. I love the rule that they put in place in Ukraine: If you’re male between the ages of 18 and 60, you can’t leave that country. I love that. I’d want my wife and kids outta here. But the idea that 18- to 34-year-olds…?

The people who are the youngest, the healthiest, and the most capable of fighting in a war are willing to abandon the country more than senior citizens are, Buck? There are people over 65 who are far more likely to take up arms to defend the country than there are 18-year-olds? That’s everything that’s wrong with America today, and it’s scary for where we’re going in the years ahead.

BUCK: Yeah, there’s a bulge in the polling for the younger age-group that said they would leave the country. Clay, a majority, overall, of Democrats. A majority.

CLAY: Yes, 52%.

BUCK: For me that was the takeaway.

CLAY: But 18 to 34?

BUCK: Yeah, but that’s because that’s the greatest concentration of the furthest leftist ideology in the Democratic Party. But as they get older and they pay taxes, this is what always happens. I don’t think we’re aging out, necessarily, of patriotism. It’s young, naive people who have been brainwashed by the academy and Hollywood.

CLAY: So you’re more optimistic than me. My concern is these people are going to become awful human being leftists as they get older because of the way they’ve been indoctrinated.

BUCK: No, a lot of people will stay that way.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: But 18 to 34 versus 34 to 55, what’s really the difference, Clay, in this poll? Do we have the percentages?

CLAY: Yes, it’s wildly different.

BUCK: Tell me the difference.

CLAY: That’s what jumps out at me. Yes. The Democrat angle is crazy. Only 45% of 18 to 34s would stay and fight, 57% of those aged 35 to 49.

BUCK: That’s not much that much better.

CLAY: Well, 57% to 37% as opposed to 45% to 48%. It’s a 20-point margin to stay and fight over a negative three-point margin to stay and fight. Usually what I’m looking at is, 18-year-olds… Like, who gets in fistfights? Eighteen-year-olds, right? The younger you are, usually the more prone you are —

BUCK: Hot-headed you are, yeah.

CLAY: — especially if you’re male, to be willing to fight, right? So the fact that we’ve ended up there… Another one that jumps out is the 65 plus. We’ve got a lot of senior citizens who would be more likely to take up arms to defend America than 18-year-olds.

BUCK: Oh, seniors have seen more. They know more. They understand. Bernie Sanders is kind of the exception. You have fewer seniors in this country definitely — even talking just in the Democrat Party — who are absurd commies, basically.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Bernie Sanders is a caricature of absurdity in so many ways. But you have fewer people that have lived through life and actually experience things. There are 18-year-olds or 22-year-olds — look, you see them in college campuses now all the time, and it’s been going on for years this way — they think America is an evil, imperialist, colonialist, racist place, and that’s why they’re effectively being brainwashed into acting like little revolutionaries.

Who want to either control the system as it is now, to stamp out all dissent — you see this at the Big Tech and everywhere else — or create a cultural revolution of sort (something like what they had in China under Mao) to purge all “undesirable elements” from our culture because it’s imperialist and racist and sexist and transphobe you can and all this stuff.

CLAY: See, my concern is when I was 18, I was not around very many people who thought America was a bad place. Like, I think when I was 18, most people who were male would fight.

BUCK: The Democrat Party has moved left overall.

CLAY: Yeah. And that’s my concern that we’ve got now this generation that truly does believe that America is a voice for evil as opposed to greatness, and that’s scary because I wonder whether those people are gonna age out of it or not.


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