
Pour It On! Clay & Buck’s Podcast Closes in on NPR

BUCK: The website is ClayAndBuck.com for stories, transcripts, clips. All kinds of Clay and Buck stuff can be found right there, and also make sure you subscribe to the Clay and Buck podcast. The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, technically. But I hope we’re still at number four. I want to beat NPR.

I want to beat the New York Times. We’ve already been talking about how unpatriotic the New York Times is. Clay, what’s the update, by the way? I can tell whenever I look at Clay and he’s got the phone out. Did we lose ground? Have we lost a spot or two? Oh, no!

CLAY: Well, I think we haven’t been on. We’re down to number five in news right now.

BUCK: Okay. So, you get a little bit of a bump down. So, I hadn’t checked it all weekend. So, we’re hanging tough inside the Top Five in news, but we still… I texted you that we had almost caught NPR, and I had noticed one of the things that goes on is, is NPR’s show that we’re trying to catch, comes out early in the morning. So, we’re like the runner that is trying to catch…

They get a fast start, right? Because everybody is downloading their show early in the morning, and then our show podcast goes up, and we try to catch ’em all throughout the day. And I do think, at some point, when we pass them, it’s going to be like 8 or 9 o’clock at nine, right?

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: Because all of our crew then has the opportunity to download and get our show, which do not go up ’til whatever, 4 o’clock Eastern-ish when people can actually get it.

BUCK: When we do catch them, we’ll have, obviously, gratitude.

CLAY: A celebration.

BUCK: A celebration, yes. Gratitude. Yes, a celebration of gratitude to our 400-plus radio affiliates all across the country, because that is the massive audio army that we bring to this every single day.


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