CLAY: I wanted to make sure that I didn’t let Jen Psaki get away with one more lie. We caught her in the lie earlier in the show when she said that no one was “stranded in Afghanistan.” They’re supposed to be focused on telling the truth in the White House. Another lie from Jen Psaki, this time dragging her own daughter in kindergarten into the story. Let’s play cut 20.
PSAKI: It would be incredibly scary to me, as my daughter is preparing to go to kindergarten next week, if there were not masks in elementary school. And I know a lot of parents in Florida, Texas, and other states around the country are confronting that. And some kids are getting sick. Umm, we have talked a bit about, umm, steps we have taken to ensure that the superintendents in school districts and teachers are kept whole financially.
CLAY: There are and have never been any scientific studies to ever exist, Buck Sexton, that have said that kids in masks are safer! When you are in a position of prominence like this and you spread falsehoods and lies and fears, you deserve to be called out because every parent is terrified of something bad happening to their kid. When you unfairly and without basis exaggerate those fears from a public perspective, you are a tyrant.
I am fired up about the stupidity of this, Buck. Yesterday, I’d encourage people to go listen to our conversation with the New York Magazine article writer who was really good. We tweeted out the link there. These are just lies. There’s no scientific basis from the, quote, “party of science” that wants to listen to the, quote, “experts” to support masking children in school.
BUCK: Beyond that, the people who have been pushing for this all along, Clay, are generally very arrogant and they’re very smarmy about how certain they are that the science is settled on masks.
CLAY: Yes. They lecture you.
BUCK: There is no world in which they don’t feel like utter idiots if they ever admit that what they were… Think about this. It’s like they’ve been walking around for now a year and a half saying, “Ha-ha! You fools who think the earth is round, the earth is clearly flat, you morons.”
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: That’s what the maskers have been doing for a year.
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: They’re never going to turn around and say, “Wow, Clay, Buck, and all of your listeners and everybody that was willing to look at this objectively from the beginning and say things like, ‘Is it really plausible that Fauci went from “masks don’t do anything” to “masks are the most essential mitigation step possible” in 30 or 60 days without any rigorous study whatsoever using a control group of this, or was it just about the symbolism and the political messaging and the subjugation of people’s minds from the very beginning?'”
CLAY: Oh, yeah.
BUCK: — who thought they were just so much smarter than everybody else, “Wear a mask, it’s the right thing to do,” they’re pathetic, and they’re not nearly as smart as they thought they were. That’s the part of it that they’ll never concede on.
CLAY: It’s just so frustrating to me that Jen Psaki, who has access to every bit of information she could possibly want, would use her own daughter in kindergarten as evidence of what she’s fearful of if her daughter goes to school without masks being worn, as if those masks are protecting her. Because what she’s doing is calling out any parent that actually looks at the data and tries to say… Hey, I’m not even telling her her kid can’t wear a mask, Buck. All I’m saying is, every parent should have the right to make a choice.
BUCK: You remember the libs for a while under Trump would do this thing on Twitter where they would say, “Oh, my gosh. My 8-year-old just said that Trump’s destruction of the separation of powers would have the Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves and his collusion with Vladimir Putin.”
CLAY: Yes. Yes. (laughing) Yeah.
BUCK: I’m like, “I don’t think your 8-year-old, New York Times writer, actually said that.”
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: They love to use children at political props in that way, and they love to continue to put children forward here as the reason, the rationalization for their overreach and their tyranny. They don’t really care. If they cared about kids, Clay, they’d take a long, hard look at what it’s done to children across the country who were kept out of school for over easier based on junk science and bull crap.
CLAY: And those kids that were kept out of school for over a year were overwhelmingly the poorest, the least advantaged in the entire country, a/k/a the kids who could least afford to miss school and most needed it. Not just for the education, but for the free meals, for the support from teachers and the staff there that might recognize if they were being mistreated at home. It is the biggest failure of American public policy in most of our lives, what we’ve done to kids, in relationship to covid, and Jen Psaki should be ashamed of herself for many answers she gives every single day in the White House but in particular for that one yesterday.
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