
Resist! CDC Issues New Mask Guidelines

CLAY: There is now new guidance, reportedly, from the CDC. And that new guidance is going to be not surprising, I think, to regular listeners of this program because we have told you that it was coming. But I think it’s going to land in a very uncomfortable manner for many people who have been kind of casually paying attention to the CDC.

So report’s out there that the CDC is going to require — at least according to their guidelines — everyone in kindergarten to twelfth grade to wear a mask if they are unvaccinated inside all of school. And certainly, since all kids under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine, that would mean the youngest kids out there are the ones that are going to be bearing the brunt of this stupidity.

And just a couple of months after saying, “Hey, you don’t have to wear a mask if you get vaccinated, there are going to be new indoor mask requirements that are coming. And this is just the latest bait-and-switch from the CDC in a long line of the exact opposite directions that they have given. I don’t know how anyone has any faith at all in the CDC. We have a good montage here, I believe, of the esteemed Dr. Fauci managing to give every different angle of scientific advice. Remember, “always trust the science.”


FAUCI: People should not be walking around with masks. Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater. Wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better. Masks are protective. But it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. There are unintended consequences. People keep fiddling with the mask, and they keep touching their face.

So, even if you are vaccinated, you should wear a mask. If, in fact, you are vaccinated — fully vaccinated — you are protected and you do not need to wear a mask. Outdoors or indoors. When the children go out into the community, you want them to continue to wear masks.

You know, if you look at children outside particularly when they’re with the family walking down the street playing a game or what have you, they don’t have to wear a mask. The Academy of Pediatrics actually makes that recommendation that children should be wearing masks from two years old onward. It became clear that cloth coverings — that you didn’t have to buy in a store, that you could make yourself — were adequate.

CLAY: That is devastating, Buck.

BUCK: Belief in Fauci at this point is an intelligence test, and millions of people still fail it on a regular basis. This guy has somehow managed to be wrong and go back and forth and change his mind over and over again, and yet he never upsets the lockdowners! You know how we knew that in the media was anti-Trump because…? Well, a million reasons.

But a very clear one was that every article that they wrote that had to be retracted or people had to update it and change it, it was always negative against Trump. They never got it wrong by accident in the direction that was actually pro-Trump, right?

With Fauci, he’s never once upset the lockdowners. The mask maniacs, the people that believe you should triple mask and wear goggles when you go to the grocery store, they’ve never turned on Fauci because he is their great leader. He’s the Dear Leader, the lab coat tyrant extraordinaire. This guy is the absolute worst.

And the fact that they’re gonna mask up kids, this is child abuse. It’s stupid beyond words. And I’m sure you know what’s gonna happen now? Social media companies are gonna say, “You’re not allowed to say that masks don’t work for kids.” They’re gonna start doing that crap all over again.

CLAY: And this is why I have been saying, Buck, I think this CDC guideline is going to break a lot of people’s resolve. Because there are still people — you’re right — who are Fauci-ites. They listen to everything that he says. If you have a functional brain now, there’s no way, I believe, that you can listen to the CDC or recognize it as anything other than a complete collection of political nincompoops that are going to go whatever direction the wind blows.

They’re guided by polling. They’re guided by the White House. All of this is an embarrassment to anyone who holds up the scientific method or believes in rigorous analysis of scientific fact because, Buck, there is no evidence whatsoever…

I got three kids. There is zero evidence that wearing masks offers any protection to them or any additional protection to anyone in the classrooms based on all the data out there. It just doesn’t exist, and so all of this is cosmetic theater. And you heard us playing that clip of Fauci taking both sides of every issue.

And he would say, “Well, that’s because I adjust based on the scientific data changing,” but the data hasn’t changed as it pertains to kids and covid. Again, I keep focusing on this ’cause I think it’s significant. More kids are dying of the seasonal flu on average than have died with covid.

BUCK: Right. But this isn’t about the kids. This is about results.

CLAY: Right. We don’t yank them all around in terms of what’s gonna go on with the seasonal flu. And again, this goes to out there, which is this is going to be become endemic like flu and it’s never going to leave. So at some point, rational adults have to stand up, and they have to lead the anti-mask revolution ’cause I think it’s symbolic in particular can kids. I think parents have to say no.

BUCK: I think some parents will say no. I think others willful powerless in the face of a school district that is very blue, and they feel outvoted and overpowered by the Mask Maniac Mob that’s gonna keep pushing for this stuff. But to the point you made about the kid, this is not about protecting children from covid.

This is about protecting overanxious, Democrat union members (for the most part) from covid by having kids mask up in school so that the teachers don’t feel like they’re at some considerable risk. But of course, the teachers are vaccinated. So what are we really saying? It could have been that vaccines are as protective as they told us but they’re shifting the guidance.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: This is what they’re hoping people don’t figure out. They don’t want you to put this together. The CDC said this a few months ago because we have the data on vaccines. “Vaccines are so great, you’re 95% with the Pfizer, 92% or 94% or whatever with the Moderna.” They’re amazing, right, Clay?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Well, now they’re actually saying kids are a risk to adults in schools, millions and millions of children across America. Why is that? It has to be because the vaccines don’t work as well — as well. That doesn’t mean don’t work. “As well.” The same percentage that they initially thought. Which means once again, they were wrong about something but we’re not allowed to say that.

It’s, “Shut up!” By the way, double masking? I’m telling you, it’s gonna be single mask, and then they’re gonna start saying as we get into the winter season, the true believers — the ones who would be wearing the hair shirt in Medieval Times — are gonna be double masking their kids.

CLAY: And this goes to the difference between what you sold and what the reality is. And what the CDC sold us, Buck, as recently as a couple of months ago, was, “We’re gonna be able to effectively eradicate covid like we did the smallpox, like we did polio, measles, mumps.” That was the idea that they were selling. “If you take this vaccine, covid will disappear.”

And, by the way, this is still what they are selling. Let’s play this cut because my wife came to me, Buck, and (chuckles) she said, “I listen to CNN all day ’cause I was curious what they were saying, and Don Lemon talked about the fact that the unvaccinated shouldn’t be allowed in supermarkets, ball games, or to go to work.” That’s cut eight. Listen to this.

LEMON: I’m sure a lot of people are not gonna agree with this, but don’t get the vaccine? You can’t go to supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have the vaccine? Can’t go to work. You don’t have to vaccine? Can’t come here! No shirt. No shoes. No service. That’s where I think we should be right now. Because we continue to waste our breath on people who are just (pause) not going to change.

They’re, y’know, the circular logic. They keep going back and saying, “Well, it’s my freedom. It’s whatever. I’m free.” Well, your kid is not free to give other kids meningitis in schools. Gotta take a vaccine to do that. You have to take a vaccine in order to be employed. So what is the big deal? And all these people are saying, “I don’t want to put this stuff in my body”? (snickering) They’re out drinking on the weekend and putting other stuff in their bodies that’s way worse for them than a vaccine. So come on. Let’s be real.

BUCK: They never really wanted to allow individual freedom and choice in this process. That was just a political maneuver for a while. I mean, the lockdowners have always wanted to scratch that authoritarian itch and make everybody get a vaccine and don’t ask any questions, like, what about the most recent data? (chuckles)

Clay and I were sharing the anti-science insurrection data, if you will, the rebellion against science data that comes from — oh, I don’t know — peer-reviewed studies about things like natural immunity, new published scientific studies about natural immunity. You’re not allowed to do this because the moment you do, you find out at this point it’s as good. Based on the numbers, as good or better is what natural immunity is for the virus.

Vaccines seem to be declining pretty rapidly in how long the booster lasts. The Sinovac vaccine, which was the Chinese vaccine that’s been used a lot of places all over the world, was great for two months. By six months looks like it starts to really decline pretty precipitously.

Are we allowed to say, “Well, how about I wait ’til the first round of boosters? ’cause I’m immune from natural immunity?” No, you can’t. Don Lemon wants to bar you from public accommodations on your vaccine status. Forget about that whole “health privacy” thing that was all just a facade the Democrats put up to see what they could get away with.

CLAY: And we’re months ahead here’s what I would say of where the stories lines are. To me, when you actually look at the data, you recognize how woefully misinformed and unintelligent, many people — such as Don Lemon — are, in terms of the talking points that they are sharing. We talked about this yesterday. Israeli data showed that the Pfizer vaccine against the Delta variant is only 39% effective.

Well, we were told that the Pfizer vaccine was — I think as you said, Buck — 95% effective. Well, that’s a big difference. What has happened very rapidly is the covid vaccine has become akin to a flu shot. It offers protection, and I would still encourage people over the age of 65 to get it. But it’s not going to eradicate everything as it pertains to covid. And this idea like Australia has, Buck, of Covid Zero, where suddenly it’s just not gonna exist in Australia or New Zealand? Even places like that, this is gonna be impossible.


BYRON DONALDS: If Americans want to get vaccinated, if they want to be protected from covid-19 — whether the Delta variant or the new Lambda variant that’s coming through our southern border as we speak, if you want to get protected from that — go get the vaccine! I fully promote you doing that —

CHRIS CUOMO: But if you don’t get it then other people are vulnerable to you. Listen!

BYRON DONALDS: — but at the same time, if there are Americans who don’t want to get it, they shouldn’t be forced to do so.

CHRIS CUOMO: Nobody — But see that’s the thing. It is a false choice. This isn’t about you won’t force me.

BYRON DONALDS: It is not a false choice.

CHRIS CUOMO: It is! It is!

BYRON DONALDS: That’s actually the accurate choice, Chris. It is not false.

CHRIS CUOMO: It’s not an accurate choice! Nobody is forcing anybody. You’re trying to push it to where people have to be forced, and you’re seeing it as a position of strength and advantage.

BYRON DONALDS: Oh, no! You are the one pushing it not me. I’m not trying to push it.

CHRIS CUOMO: Look, there’s no question that you’re not pushing the vaccine. Everybody should know that about you, Byron Donalds. You are not telling people to get vaccinated. You are not pushing it. You are not saying it’s the right choice. You’re saying you’re not doing it —


CHRIS CUOMO: — and your family is not and leaving out of the equation, you can make other people sick as if that doesn’t matter. Okay?

BYRON DONALDS: Chris, did you not just hear my answer 30 seconds ago, where I said if you want to be protected from these variants and the original strain, please go get vaccinated?

CHRIS CUOMO: What about other people?

BYRON DONALDS: I promote you to do that. I just told you live on your own show if you want to get vaccinated, America, go do it. But if there are Americans like myself who choose not to, please do not berate me for doing that. That is a personal choice I have made.

BUCK: “Don’t make me make you get the vaccine,” is what Chris Cuomo is saying. Welcome back the Clay and Buck show. Clay, I thought that was remarkable because it’s actually much more honesty than Bro Cuomo — “Do you even lift, Bro?”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: — than Bro Cuomo meant to throw out there because he’s saying, “Oh, we don’t want to make you get the vaccine, but don’t you see you’re forcing us to make you get the vaccine.” They don’t see the problem here. (chuckling) They don’t seem to understand. I don’t, but do you have brothers?

Remember the worst thing that your brother your older brother could do to you is take you and hit you in the face with your own hand? When your brother’s older and stronger than you, “Stop hitting yourself!” Your brother says that to you. This is what the libs are doing now with the vaccine. Stop making us make you get vaccinated.

CLAY: I don’t have brothers, but I’ve got three boys. So trust me I’ve seen every fight that could possibly be occurring among kids and I’ve had to referee ’em for the past decade or more so I definitely know that feeling, and this leads to I think a question that many people have out there. If you’re just tuning in with us, the CDC reportedly is going to say that all kids K through 12 need to wear masks in school this fall.

And, by the way, sooner than the fall because my kids will be in school next week so they’re trying to get ahead of this. Many parts of the country kids start school sooner rather than later. And also remember all the big deal, “Oh, we’re gonna encourage people to get vaccinated. We’re gonna remove the mask requirement.” They’re also trying to bring back the mask requirement now, flip-flopping within a couple of months of ending the mask requirement.

So, I think a lot of people out there, Buck, are asking the question, “What do you do?” Because I think there are so many people that are insanely angry over the continued retrenchment of basic human freedoms related to covid for people who have zero risk, right? I mean, literally zero risk from covid, and yet we continue to dial back up the restrictions. And we said this was gonna happen. I think right now —

BUCK: We called it, man.

CLAY: Oh, we’ve said all of it.

BUCK: We’ve been banging the mask drum here about how they’re gonna bring this back for since we’ve started the show ’cause you could see it coming, Clay, but to answer your question we gotta get to either mask or masks — I guess mass mask — noncompliance.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: We need people to just say not gonna do it now. There are tactics here. We can borrow from the Alinskyite playbook for a moment here. You want to do things that get your point across but don’t get you in more trouble than it’s worth. So I agree with you, Clay. I know you’re saying to me that you think forcing people to ask you mask up now–

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Don’t get kicked off of a flight because of it.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Don’t do things that are gonna destroy your day.

CLAY: Yes. Correct.

BUCK: But making people make you do this instead bending the knee willingly, seems to be the only way. And anyone who says, “Oh, it’s the science”? No. This is a judgment made by bureaucrats and politicians. It’s not the science.


BUCK: What do we do about this is the question you keep raising. Clay, I think people need to start having their own little acts of private rebellion.

CLAY: Here’s what I’m doing. I’ll tell you guys what I’m doing. So I’ve flown each of the last two weeks. I’m flying again this weekend. When I am in an airport, I am pulling my mask so it’s not covering my face. I am walking through the terminal. I’ll get a bottle of water or whatever and sip from that occasionally. I’ll go to eat in a restaurant. I’ll grab a beer.

I am only going to pull my mask up if someone requests that I pull my mask up who is working at whatever facility that I am at where there is a mask requirement. Now, I’m not advocating that you throw a fit. Buck, you saw people get kicked off your flight before.

I don’t want you to hold up airplanes. I’m not advocating that at all. But what I am saying is, “If you are in a venue, there’s no harm in requiring someone to tell you to pull your mask up that is actually employed to do that,” because what I’ve seen is even employees are dead tired of this.

At least where I live in Nashville and also even in Los Angeles, there were a lot of people with their masks down who were, I think, exercising a form of civil disobedience. I even saw our buddy Dave Rubin put up picture. (chuckles) A guy was wearing a mask that said, “This mask doesn’t work” which I think is actually pretty funny on an airplane flight to call attention to the absurdity of these uniform mask rules.

BUCK: Can we just dig into that for one second too? Because in the last couple of weeks we’ve been told that incidental or fleeting, very brief contact is enough to spread the Delta variant. So you start to process this you start to think about this and you say, ‘So this virus can be so aerosolized so quickly now that even if you have a brief period of interaction with somebody — and not close and continuing contact — you could pick up this virus,” which means it’s in the air, you’re just breathing it.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: The cloth mask that you have is not some perfect filtration system. It doesn’t even makes sense what they’re suggesting. And then for the kids in schools, no one really thinks that can I see are gonna wear their mask perfectly all day long. They’re gonna be pulling them on, pulling them off. They’re gonna forget their mask. There’s gonna be little mask trash everywhere all over the school.

Kids are gonna be leaving their masks all over the place. If it worked, it would have worked. This is the part of it that people just don’t want to believe. If they were right, we would have seen it. We ran the experiment, just like in the Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918. There were pro-maskers and anti-maskers, and guess what?

All the masking up in all the places did absolutely nothing, and if you go back and read the historians of that era, now they won’t admit it, but if you read what they were writing years ago, “Yeah, masks didn’t stop Spanish flu at all. It didn’t make a difference.”

But we’re gonna keep clinging to this, literally clinging to it because of the symbolism, Clay. And it’s just a reminder for everybody, too, that there are always limits to what the government can do to protect you, and people need to accept that. There are no limits to how much the government can harass and annoy and inconvenience you.

CLAY: Also, if masks actually worked, we would be eliminating all efficacy because you can sit in an airport and have a beer in a crowded airport bar. You can sit without a mask in a crowded restaurant. On an airplane flight, you can take your mask off and eat and drink in the air on the airplane flight. It’s so ridiculous for anybody who has, as I keep saying, a functional brain. The exceptions to the mask rule prove how illegitimate the mask rule really is in terms of providing any level of protection at all.

BUCK: And just remember that also lockdowns, which is the term we use for these mitigations… There was never really a full-on lockdown. I mean even in the first two weeks, there were front line workers and people doing things and you know what ended up happening. In New York they actually did the study of it to show that it just spread indoors then.

People were still interacting with each other behind closed doors, they’re still going to see people. They’re still doing things. So we never did a true lockdown. Some other countries tried something. Australia’s tried something more similar to it. So all you get is a partial lockdown, which means at best you’re just dragging out the rate of transmission that you would naturally have in a population based upon their immunity levels.

And whether they’d had prior exposure to a virus similar enough to this that they’d have some protection. But you’ll notice there’s no effort to even analyze this data. Everyone just has that little lab coat tyrant Fauci up on his little pedestal and he’s saying (impression), “Yes, you gotta mask,” Clay, because, you know, the data…” This guy always talks about data. Does he ever actually have any data?

CLAY: The data isn’t supporting what he’s arguing. I mean, thank God for Rand Paul, and some people who are willing to actually contradict the ridiculous maxims that he is making. But, yes, the science is data! Look at it and make a rational decision. We still aren’t doing that after 18 months. It’s mind-blowing frustrating.


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