BUCK: Chris Rufo does phenomenal work. I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with him. I think he was on Laura’s show last night on Fox. By the way, I think I’ll be on Hannity’s show tonight on Fox and maybe on Jesse’s show tomorrow. So that’d be great. But, you know, that stuff changes depending on the news cycle. I’m not an econ guy so I might get bumped. That happens. Always appreciate being on either of those shows.
They’re great shows, huge ratings. Millions and millions of people watching Sean. Millions and millions of people watching Jesse. But I saw Chris last night. I think he was on Laura’s show. And Chris Rufo does great work. And you’ve gotta hear some of this. This is from his Twitter thread. Because this is yet another area… We’re really hyperfocused on the economy right now, as we should be, but there are other places where I think people have had enough of the lunatic Democrat Party. I think the commies have run rampant enough without the pushback that we can give with a unified voice of the American people at the polls in this upcoming midterm.
Here’s Rufo on this. This is stunning. I’m gonna read a little bit about this. As you know, there is gender identity indoctrination going on all over the country in the school system. Ron DeSantis in Florida is fighting against this. I’ve started to see some Glenn Youngkin stuff where he might be fighting against it. There are some people that are pushing back on the indoctrination. We should check on him. I haven’t heard from Youngkin in a while. We should get him back on the show, see what he’s up to in Virginia. But in Portland, as you can imagine, things have really gone over the edge when it comes to the brainwashing they’re doing of children there.
This is from Rufo’s thread.
Okay? You see this and you say, “How can they be teaching this to children and then turning around and telling us that they’re not doing gender identity and indoctrination training?” But they are doing it. They’re teaching little kids there are five genders in the Portland Public Schools. And the problem that you face with this, I would also note, is that even… I can tell you in New York City, which has super expensive private schools, they’re doing a lot of the same thing there.
In fact, a lot of the private education options are even more woke because, you see, they’re terrified. They feel all this guilt. “Oh, I’m wealthy enough that I can afford to send Little Susie or Little Timmy to this rich school, this ritzy place. So we have to allow for the woke gender identity training of our children.” That’s the idea. And the administrators, the people that are calling the shots at these places, at these private schools specifically, you expect… What do you think? The chancellor of schools or whatever the term is in Portland, Oregon, if that individual does not have, like, a blue Mohawk and face tattoos, I’ll be a little surprised.
I don’t know, but I’m just saying you’re expecting very left-wing, very left-wing school bureaucrats in the Democrat cities to be making those administrative decisions. But even in the private schools they’re doing this. And I note this, and I point this out because, see, all Rufo does is find the receipts. He finds the proof. He finds the reality of the teaching materials and assures it. And the left hates him for it because what they want is they want parents in America to be complacent over this. Because it’s a little bit shocking, right? It’s jarring.
It’s jarring when you hear from people or when you see that children — perhaps in your school district, certainly in your state — are being taught that there are five or 15 or it hurt genders, are being taught about white colonialism and white supremacy — you know, when they’re 6. I’m pretty sure that it’d be better, a better usage of time in the schools to have kids learning their ABCs, the basics of addition and subtraction, maybe sing some songs, work on some hand-eye coordination. I’m not an educator, but I think that stuff would be important.
I think that would be a good focus of time and energy. Instead, you have this radical left. It’s a fringe in terms of American society, but it’s not a fringe in education because they now control so much of education. They have seized the commanding heights of our educational institutions, whether it’s preschools or Ivy League universities. I mean, University of Pennsylvania just put up a man for the Woman of the Year award for the NCAA.
If you had said that 10 years ago, if you had made that joke, people would have said, “Come ooon. That’s too far.” Well, now we’re there. She — he — did not win, by the way. A she did actually get the nod for NCAA Woman of the Year. So at least they picked a woman. So that’s good news, because Lia Thomas is not a woman, and they can shout and scream and yell at us and call us bigots and do all the things that they’ve been doing. It will not
They can scream and be irrational and live in their delusions as much as they want. But they want to make your kids delusional. See, that’s where you have to understand that it’s not enough to just live universal with principles and truth. You gotta watch what they’re doing. They are coming after kids with this stuff, this indoctrination, all across the country. They are doing it — and when they get caught, you know what they say? “Oh, that’s not right. That’s not happening.” Yes, it is. Don’t believe them. They’re lying to you, and good work.
Again, hat tip to Chris Rufo.
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