CLAY: You just heard Chairman Xi saying that he would bash the heads bloody of anyone who would dare to stand up to China. By the way, bash their heads bloody on the Chinese wall, and this is a sign of the modern Cold War that we’re in and one that Rush addressed very succinctly and smartly as it pertains to the impact of communism around the world. Listen.
RUSH: All my life I have been asking myself why so many leftists are supportive of communism when everybody knows — I thought everybody knows communism kills, communism denies liberty and freedom, communism equals poverty, communism equals political prisons, communism builds walls that keep people in because everybody wants to leave.
And in that context I’ve always said, “How come so many of them, many in the media and most of them in the Democrat Party, how do they wax so eloquently of communism?” What was it about Gorbachev, Cuba, Che Guevara? My grandparents, when Nikita Khrushchev shows up at the U.N. and pounds his shoe and says, “We will bury you,” we will do whatever to your grandchildren, they had no choice but than to believe it.
They took the threat seriously.
So my political education, if you will, was focused on the evils of communism and the failures worldwide. And during this entire period, as I would grow older and become even more informed about it — more educated — I couldn’t escape seeing your average news anchor here or news reporter or New York Times writer there speak and write just fawningly of individual communists, leaders, practitioners, and countries.
BUCK: One of the worst parts of the history of mainstream journalism in America, Clay, as you know has to do with the long and storied history of outlets in the West being communist sympathizers, having people like most notably Walter Duranty of the New York Times, who denied the famine, the Holodomor, in the USSR, in Ukraine, particularly the Great Famine that was occurring there. “Yeah, it’s not a big deal, not a big problem. We got an important utopia to create in Soviet Union.”
You have journalists and the American… Look, the American left has a long-standing fondness for and even a history of direct support for. You can go back to read Whitaker Chambers’ Witness which is a book I would recommend if anyone reading has not, you go and read that. It’s about his transformation as an American who was supportive of and working for communists to somebody who became an anti-communist. But the left, Clay, they always have this long-standing fondness — and it persists to this day.
CLAY: Well, and I think there are a lot of people out there who don’t remember what it’s like to have a great enemy. Because think about it, Buck. If you have been born since 1985 or so, you have grown up in an America where there’s no real threat, where you don’t ever go to bed at night and think, “I wonder what might happen if we go to war with the Soviet Union.
And I feel like that has led to a willful blindness, as has arisen over China. People have not been willing, Buck, to recognize that right now we are in a battle for the future of the world because it felt like we won. China’s cultural ascendancy has been happening… The analogy I have been using, Buck, is they have been fomenting disunion in our country, punching us all in the back of the head while we argue with each other. At least with Russia we knew what was going on. Our media has been willfully blind to the rise of China and their attempt to take over the world.
Our good friend, Congressman Jim Jordan, covers it all talking with us.
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