Rush’s Timeless Wisdom: They’re Serious About Defunding the Police
23 Jun 2021
CLAY: Rush Limbaugh talked a lot about defunding the police. I think he would agree with much of what we have said. But let’s go ahead and let you hear from him about the absurdity of this decision.
RUSH: Folks, I gotta tell you, the level of incompetence at some of the formerly most trustworthy, reliable institutions is one of the greatest elements of this country’s. … You used to be able to count on things. There used to be institutions that were reliable, you trusted the people in them, you trusted when they came out and said something, especially if they were focused on public safety.
And now that trust, it just isn’t there. And the answer, the reason why is not that complicated. It is liberal political corruption of these institutions that has led to all this. Now you got people questioning what they hear about anything. Like for example, the left is serious about defunding police departments.
But yet there’s a poll out that shows most people don’t think that’s what they really mean. They do mean it! People don’t believe that the left is serious about defunding the cops. Well, they are terribly mistaken. The anti-police are not shy about it. Black Lives Matter says on its website it wants to defund the police to “invest in communities.”
They’re dead serious about defunding the police and replacing the police with themselves, social workers or what have you. We’ve talked about how many cities and towns are planning to send social workers to respond to nonviolent emergency calls instead of the cops. And I have told you, I have warned everybody that this is a way for the left to infiltrate normally conservative police departments with “progressives.”
Social workers, left-wing sandal wearing, Birkenstock-clad, longhaired, maggot-infested, no-underarm deodorant, little socialist day care workers running into your house pretending to be cops. I mean, who’s more progressive than social workers?
Never mind that it means social workers are gonna have to deal with drug addicts and the mentally ill — and, believe me, those kinds of people can become violent without warning at any time. This is gonna lead to the death of social workers. It’s gonna lead to massive lawsuits against cities and towns.
BUCK: I think the key here that Rush is getting at, Clay, is that we should take the left at their word and then understand that once enough people figure out what their real plan is, what the left’s actual plan is when it comes to police, then they start to play these games.
And we should make sure they understand that there’s dishonesty going on. Defund the police is a perfect example. They say they want to defund the police, it starts to happen, and then when the backlash — the counterrevolution, in a sense — gets underway, they start to say, “Well, we don’t really mean ‘defund police.'”
CLAY: We mean “reimagine” police.
BUCK: That’s right. They have these different terms that all of a sudden come out. And that’s just meant to deal with the news cycle and public’s attention and try to make it so it’s not as clear as it should be in the public’s mind, generally speaking. So that in places like Minneapolis, and Austin, and New York — and, you know, name a city; there are a lot of them out there — where there was at least a consideration of defunding if not an actual removal of dollars from the budget.
And we need to see right now… We need to make sure that everyone sees that this resulted in… You know, sometimes we talk about politics and, you know, Clay it’s the marginal tax rate or it’s foreign policy that doesn’t really affect anybody here, but we’d like there to be some agreement somewhere between third parties, whatever.
This matters to all of us, to everyone that your streets are safe, that law enforcement is supported, that people know that the police are essential to their safety. And, you know, especially state and local law enforcement. They come from the communities they serve.
They’re your neighbors. They want the streets. They want the neighborhoods to be as safe as anybody else. And it’s their job to do so. Undermining them — it’s what I always say about the BLM movement — just makes everything worse for everyone, actually.
CLAY: It creates more tension and more distrust on both sides, and the result of tension and distrust is more issues. Remember, if everyone in every viral police interaction video had immediately complied with the police, they don’t get escalated to the next level, and that’s what so fires me up.
If they would encourage compliance with police, then we would have less violence in the streets, period. But the idea that police are creating violence? What you’re seeing is they’re preventing it. Because, as they’re retiring, as they’re being defunded, as they are being disrespected, the crime rates are skyrocketing all over the country.
And even Joe Biden is acknowledging it now.
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