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Sen. Paul Calls on Stubborn Smurf Fauci to Resign

4 Nov 2021

PAUL: We’re not going to get anywhere close to trying to prevent another lab leak of this dangerous sort of experiment. You won’t admit that it’s dangerous. After that luck of judgment, I think it’s time that you resign.

FAUCI: It was said that I’m unwilling to take any responsibility for the current pandemic. I have no responsibility for the current pandemic.

BUCK: Welcome back to the Clay and Buck show. Things getting a little testy on Capitol Hill today — oh, yes — between Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and the little tyrant, totalitarian Smurf, Fauci, running around in his lab coat — well, actually these days just a suit — trying to ruin everyone and destroy the country. That’s not what he thinks he’s doing. That’s what I think he’s doing.

Rand Paul pointing out that Fauci somehow has no responsibility, not just from the gain-of-function Wuhan research funding perspective, but also more broadly, how is it that we’ve had the response to covid that we have had where you look at this: More people died in the last year than died under Donald Trump’s last year in office, right? So more people died under Biden with the vaccine than Trump without it.

CLAY: By the way, with no blame being put on Biden hardly at all by anyone in the media. Everyone said, “Donald Trump has blood on his hands! It’s disgraceful how he’s handled covid.” Now more people have died, as you point out, with a vaccine under Joe Biden with ample time to know what exactly is going on, and virtually no media member that I have ever heard of has said, “Joe Biden has blood on his hands. This is a disgrace.”

BUCK: They weaponize people’s emotions during the spread of a respiratory virus that is dangerous particularly to the elderly and those with serious medical conditions — outstanding medical conditions, they already are, preexisting condition ones — and they did this because they wanted to put somebody that never should have been within a hundred feet of the Oval Office.

I know he was vice president for eight years, but at least that was not the top job. He never should have been the president of the United States, but they weaponized fear. And then you look at, “Well, who is accountable for all this?” Somehow Fauci is the chief adviser — and I’m gonna say this right now. Trump should have fired him.

CLAY: Yeah.

We’re gonna have to talk about this, ’cause there were personnel decisions that even Trump — for anybody’s gonna write me an angry email, even Trump — says he made some horrible personnel decisions. Fauci should have been fie. So don’t give me this, “Oh, but Buck…”

What I would say is, Biden would have brought Fauci back, and they would have treated him like a conquering hero, right? As soon as Biden got back in his job, he would have found a way to bring back Dr. Fauci if Trump had fired him.

BUCK: Absolutely true. He would be here, but we might be in a slightly different place if we hadn’t had the continuation. Fauci’s been calling the shots, Clay, the entire time. We’ve never been able to try a different approach from public messaging because the public messaging for now, whatever it is, 20 months, has been through this evil Smurf who will not go away.

And you see this guy, somehow nothing’s ever his fault. It is always “the data,” and “I’m relying on the expertise and I’m an infectious disease expert.” this guy is a megalomaniac. He is bad news. We have seen this. You and I have both seen this from the very beginning, and one of the only people that holds him to account is Senator Rand Paul, who pushes on these issues.

Fauci clearly lied about the Wuhan funding. Fauci clearly should have known if he didn’t know about the eating puppy dogs’ faces with sand fleas experiment in Tunisia that was funded by the NIAID. And here we are about to go into the winter months, he’s got vaccine mandates in place. He never speaks out against any restriction as too much. Every restriction for this guy — every infringement on freedom — is good. It’s like another dollar in the bank account of totalitarianism.

CLAY: He’s never come out and said, “You know what? I think we went a little too hard here. I think we went a little too far.”

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