
Sen. Ron Johnson Tells Us Who He Thinks Rigged the 2020 Election

BUCK: As promised, with us right now, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Senator, good to have you back.

SEN. JOHNSON: Well, guys, hope you’re doing well.

BUCK: So, you may have seen, Senator, because it did get a fair bit of attention yesterday, Joe Biden currently has a 33% approval rating according to the latest Quinnipiac poll — and then on top of that he actually has a 26% approval rating among Hispanics, which got a lot of attention. We know that things are going badly for the Biden regime, but is it just gonna keep getting worse, or do you think…? Have they hit the basement? Are they finally down at the bottom?

SEN. JOHNSON: My question is, how can it be so high? You take a look at almost every policy — no, every policy — that he has enacted, whether it’s canceling the Keystone XL pipeline which is his shot across the bow announcing his war on fossil fuel, which drove up prices — and not only gasoline, but also energy which is component turnover product.

The open borders, which is gonna get a lot worse when they cancel Title 42. Out-of-control spending sparking 40-year high inflation. You see the producer price index over 11% now. The embarrassing and dangerous surrender in Afghanistan which tempted tyrants like Vladimir Putin. And not rushing the types of weaponry that Ukraine needs to defend itself and win the war, dragging its feet on that. How could anybody approve of this?

CLAY: Senator, appreciate you coming on the show with us. What do you think about — we started off the show, we’ve been talking about it a lot, the idea of Elon Musk buying Twitter and also simultaneously what seems to clearly be occurring, which is the forces that would not allow Twitter to be an open marketplace of ideas becoming arrayed against him? How do you see this playing out? What are your thoughts?

SEN. JOHNSON: Yeah, I was listening to your show earlier when that announcement came that the SEC and the Department of Justice were opening up investigations. “Brazen” isn’t the right word. I guess it’s sadly predictable that they would politicize this to such a great extent. But no. Let’s face it. Free speech is under assault, and it’s under assault by the corrupt and complicit media that put Joe Biden in office.

He campaigned from his basement! They suppressed, they censored Senator Grassley and my report on Hunter Biden, the laptop, Tony Bobulinski’s testimony. All that was censored. They changed history! They’re all up in arms about Trump collusion with Russia, that hoax, because the threat it might represent to be able to blackmail a United States president.

And here you had clear, convincing evidence of the vast web of financial entanglements of a future president they weren’t even concerned about. They’re not concerned about it now. They’re just doing a CYA exercise, a modified limited hangout, just providing enough truth.

So, you consider the impact, the interference that the media and certain elements of federal law enforcement, intelligence agencies how they interfered in that election, it’s… What Russia hoped to achieve pales in comparison to the interference that those corrupt individuals had on our election, and it changed history for the worse.

BUCK: Speaking to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Senator, the end of Title 42 authority from the CDC is gonna be upon us in just a matter of weeks here. There’s already reporting of over 100,000 would-be illegal migrates largely from in Central America and South America, who are making their way in caravans to the U.S.-Mexico border, probably gonna arrive right around the time that Title 24 goes away as a tool for border payroll to at least turn some people back to enter illegally.

What do you think the Biden administration plan is here? ‘Cause Clay and I keep pointing out in an election year, not that far away from the fall — and also this is likely to carry on through the summer and perhaps into the fall — seems like this is kind of disastrous. But what are we missing or what needs to happen?

SEN. JOHNSON: It’s the plan that every Democrat presidential candidate announced during the primary: Complete open borders! When you say you’re not gonna deport anybody, you’re gonna offer illegal immigrants free health care, you throw open the borders — and of course, Biden dismantled all the successful programs that had pretty well stopped the flow of unaccompanied children, families exploiting our asylum laws.

Stop building the wall. It has cost us more to not build it than to actually build it. These guys want open borders. I can’t explain it. I think I understand what they want to do, but it makes no sense. But now you end Title 42. Last year was it a million and a quarter people that got in, either encountered and then dispersed or got in as a known got-away.

Over a million people were turned away or sent back under Title 42. But there are tens of millions of people that want to come into this country, and when they realize that there’s no constraints now whatsoever — there’s no consequence, it’s a complete open border — you know, who knows what the flood’s gonna be coming up the next few months, the next few years under the Biden administration.

CLAY: You’re listening to Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, and I know a lot of you are listening to us in the state of Wisconsin, including Milwaukee, where we’re the most listened to show. You guys gotta get out and make sure you’re supporting Senator Ron Johnson in this election in November. I’m fully endorsing you, Senator.

But I just want everybody in Wisconsin, just based on the three answers that you’ve given us so far, to understand how important it is to have you there in the Senate as we roll into 2023. But I want to ask you this too. You’re talking about the border, Title 42. I’m sure it’s as fascinating to you as it is to us. They managed to open the border saying that covid is no longer an issue while simultaneously saying we need 15 more days of people wearing masks on airplanes and in airports and on trains. It is such a duplicitous lie. How infuriating is that to you to see the divergence of treatment based on the southern border and everybody on airplanes?

SEN. JOHNSON: It’s totally infuriating and completely frustrating. And, you know, about half of America is equally as infuriated and equally frustrated. But the other half is still listening to the mainstream media — the corrupt, complicit advocates for the Democrat Party, the far left — and that’s what we’re up against. So, just real quick RonJohnsonForSenate.com, that’s how you can help me financially because I don’t have an opponent right now the Democrat Party. What I have is the media completely opposed to me.

CLAY: Yeah.

SEN. JOHNSON: They want me out as well. So that’s what we’re all up against: A complicit media, a deep state, and — again — policies that are just disruptive for America, that are weakening us. We’ve gotta wake up. So that’s just about financial support — just getting out and talking to your friends, your family, neighbors, getting them out to the polls and voting in November.

CLAY: What are you are seeing, by the way, on the ground in Wisconsin? Are you feeling that…? I know it’s April and we’re still six or seven months away, but Wisconsin is such an important toss-up state, and your race is such an important part of that. What are you seeing and feeling on the ground there?

SEN. JOHNSON: On our side, I am seeing far greater concern than I experienced in 2010 during the Tea Party movement. I mean, people are coming up to me with tears in their eyes, tears streaming down their cheeks just saying, “We have to save this country.” So on our side, there is just deep, deep concern, and it’s legitimate concern.

The other side, they’re still being bamboozled. Wisconsin is a split state, and the opinion is hard on both sides. So, unfortunately, we are fighting over a very small slice of the electorate that is persuadable. So, we got get out there and we got to persuade them, and the best people to persuade other folks are people that know each other and so that’s why nobody can sit on the sidelines here.

You have to start engaging in a conversation with every friend, every family member, every neighbor and tell them what’s at stake. Freedom! Freedom is at stake. That’s what we’re fighting for. That’s what this is all about. I can’t think of anything more important. Let’s face it: Over a million Americans died defending our freedom. The least those of us who recognize what’s happening in this country can do is get out there and do everything we can to win in November.

BUCK: Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. Senator, great to have you. We’ll talk soon.

SEN. JOHNSON: Stay well.


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