CLAY: We just talked about California, Washington, and Oregon ending their covid vaccine mask mandates and everything that’s going on in New York and New York City, and this SNL skit that are now coming out where you have all of these educated, liberal New Yorkers sitting around having quiet conversations where they actually say, “Wait a minute. Did masking make any sense? Did the covid vaccine mandates make any sense?”
Even, “Heck, did the covid shots themselves make any sense?” You know the pivot has happened in a fast manner when skits like these are on Saturday Night Live of all places. Buck, you well remember, Saturday Night Live was making fun of Joe Rogan for being a “horse dewormer” like a month ago, six weeks ago. And they were making fun of everybody out there like you and me and most of our listeners who have been saying the data to masks didn’t make sense and Dr. Fauci was a liar and much of the covid vaccine data was also not adding up. Suddenly, “Oh, let’s play it for laughs!” Listen couple of these SNL skits.
BUCK: By, it’s actually not incredibly complicated. They were wrong.
CLAY: Yeah, in.
BUCK: And so now we’re gonna have this whole, “Oh, my gosh.” Yeah, ha-ha, guys! They were screaming! People were vicious morons about, “You better wear a mask if you’re gonna come into this grocery store! You better wear a mask if you’re coming in this elevator,” for nothing, for no reason! They were just harassing their fellow human beings because they can’t think for themselves, and the synapsis of their brains have rewired by the Fauciite messaging machinery.
And now we’re just gonna walk away from this. This is what SNL thinks. Oh, yeah, it’s all so funny. Ha-ha. They called people who did not mask up murderers! Governor — former governor — Cuomo said (impression), “You could give your grandmother covid! If you don’t wear a mask, she’ll get sick; she’ll die.” He actually said that stuff like you were a threat to public safety unless you masked up. And then of course he was seen all the time without a mask on.
CLAY: Well, and, Buck, to me what’s so interesting about this is, they’re playing it for laughs, but it is striking home for a lot of people like you and me, Buck, who would have been at a dinner party, by the way, and been, like, “Yeah,” and I have to watch so I don’t curse, “Masks are total BS,” right? So many people would say, “Thank you for saying that” because there was a huge fear because the stultifying atmosphere that the Dr. Fauciites and his cronies created.
You weren’t even allowed to have a conversation at a dinner party like that because you might be considered to be a part of wrongthink. That’s how much what was acceptable discourse was policed, that people legitimately felt that they couldn’t say, “Man, I don’t know if our kids need to be wearing masks at school.” And imagine, Buck… You lived through it. I would have pulled my hair out. I would have gone crazy if I had been in New York and California having to deal with this.
I’m sorry so thankful that my kids didn’t have to wear masks for the entire year ’cause I live in a sane state that actually followed the data and the science. But don’t mistake what happened here. They tried to bully you and me and every single one of us listening right now: Every mom, dad, every grandma and grandpa, every aunt and uncle, everybody out there, every teacher.
‘Cause a lot of teachers saw this data, too. If you dared to say that wearing masks in school didn’t make any sense, you were — as you said Buck — a murderer. You didn’t care about anybody’s health. How dare you! They told you that you were anti-science if you actually talked about the true data (chuckles), which is the essence of science.
BUCK: I remember there were some Blue Checks who got it going for a while because I thought we shouldn’t continue lockdowns that I was Thanos and wanted to eliminate all of humanity with the snap of my fingers and that was all ha-ha-ha. Okay, well, they’re all morons. I was right and they’re wrong. Where’s my apology? I just won.
I sit here and say, “We’re gonna have to track people down, gonna have hold them accountable, find some of what was said, find some of the clips and all the rest of it where the people that pushed for this because everyone now sees, as Omicron fades — exactly on schedule with the respiratory virus season, not because of vaccines, not because of social distancing, we didn’t flatten the curve, we didn’t lose hospital capacity and couldn’t treat anybody. It was all lies. SNL, though, making a big ha-ha out of it.
(playing a second clip of the skit)
BUCK: Look, it is kind of funny. I’m not trying to be a scold here. But it took them this long to try to figure out things that they’re making jokes about in this sketch?
CLAY: And, Buck, this is what comedians should do, right? And this is why I’ve been so disgusted that it’s fallen to people like you and me to be truth-tellers. Comedians should be pointing out uncomfortable truths in a comedic fashion because sometimes it’s more comfortable to do that than it is to sit and sort of run through the data on a daily basis like we’ve done, you and I, for years now. And suddenly everybody just is willing to recognize — and here’s what happened, Buck.
Here’s what it is. It’s not science. It’s political science. Joe Biden is getting destroyed, and Democrats are getting destroyed because enough people have finally joined Team Reality. And when you get to that 60 to 65% mark, which is where I think we are — and we’re rapidly every single day adding more and more people to Team Reality as it pertains to covid restrictions and masks being a joke. That’s why suddenly, where is Dr. Fauci?
Think about this, Buck. The dude you couldn’t escape him on the weekend television shows for two years, they relieve all of these different restrictions, and Fauci’s not out there talking about ’em at all. They have basically sidelined him because the American public, it took a long time, but they’re finally recognizing — and, Buck, I really believe this is gonna turn into like Vietnam. There’s not gonna hardly be a single person out there before long in the next year, couple years ahead that is ever willing to say they supported any of these restrictions at all. You and I were one billion percent right on this.
BUCK: And we’re not gonna forget it. We’re not gonna let them get away with it, folks. We’re gonna keep reminding the apparatus of how they failed us, how they were wrong, how they were authoritarians.
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